ESPN Mosley: Romo: Be patient with me


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AMERICAS_FAN;2480845 said:
If we didn't know this was a quote from Romo and the word "I" was replaced with "he" and we were all asked who we thought made the quote, then the unanimous answer would have been "Wade Phillips".

In other words, it would help Tony Romo to grt rid of the cupcake-speak, regardless of how he feels, or how things really are; and that's because "perception" rules in today's sports and the current perception is that this team, and Romo specifically, cannot win in December or the playoofs.

Regardless if that is true or false, the perception is that it is true, and real leaders understand that and know how to manipulate perception in their favor. I'm not sure Romo did that by addressing it as he did; he would have been better off to swiftly dismiss it alltogether by saying something like "all that matters is THIS December, and that's not over yet", or something like that, and let go of al the meaningless "going-on-the-defensive" details of the past.

So Romo saying nothing or saying something different would change that perception by some? OK

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Some of you guys would be happier if Romo said, "I suck and I'll probably never win a game in December."

Which would be a very bad thing. No idea why anyone would want him to be anything less than confident.

And as far as Parcells' opinion... No coach likes turnovers. But what's the alternative? What QB are we going to find who's better than Romo?


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Dear Mr. Romo,

Please be patient with the fan base, it's just that we expect more from such a highly rated quarterback.


No Quarter
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Romo will make his own record. Again the problem is that RIGHT NOW now he's a proven PLAYOFF LOSER (0-2) and FADER DOWN THE STRETCH. CHOKE ARTIST.

The record doesn't lie.

Until he proves this stigma to be incorrect - and he probably will given the right coaches - he NEEDS TO STOP THE CUPCAKE-SPEAK


Messenger to the football Gods
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"But the reality of it is if you are a good football team and you are playing games that everyone is playing in, yeah, you will win."

Wonder what the underlying theme is here...............


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Chocolate Lab;2480858 said:
Some of you guys would be happier if Romo said, "I suck and I'll probably never win a game in December."

Which would be a very bad thing. No idea why anyone would want him to be anything less than confident.

And as far as Parcells' opinion... No coach likes turnovers. But what's the alternative? What QB are we going to find who's better than Romo?[/quote]

Thats what made me want to throw my radio threw my kitchen window yesterday. All the johnny come lately's calling all these shows with their expertise.

when they were all asked that question, everyone of them said just go draft a guy, shoot atlanta got rid of vick and drafted matt ryan, and yes someone said that.

the fact that people are even asking this question after we lost a game to the best defense in the league, on the road, with the wind in his face in the 4th qtr is absurd. Throw in the fact that a certain wr decided to run some routes to the end and some not and jason witten got banged up even more and had an off day and it there is nothing to even talk about.

I am not saying romo is above criticsm, because no one is but the people doubting him and throwing him under the bus, need to go back to wherever they came from...or in this market just stick to what they love the best College football. They can all go worship vince young and colt mcoy.

This crap had better not carry over into the stadium sunday night. Last year after the final play against the giants in the playoff game, this whacky guy in front of myself and doctor32 who had been handing out towels and party hats and kazzoos leaped up and turned around and looking at me said.....

"F ROmo, F him, He did it to us again, He is worse than Danny F'ing White.......F'ng romo....go back to mexico...."

If I wasnt numb at the time I might have said something, but he is this markets fan in a nutshell. Mr. I am the best fan in the world passing around party gifts and trying to be a crowd ring leader for cheering, when it wasnt needed and then when times get was instantly *** romo...



Messenger to the football Gods
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theebs;2480876 said:
Chocolate Lab;2480858 said:
Some of you guys would be happier if Romo said, "I suck and I'll probably never win a game in December."

Which would be a very bad thing. No idea why anyone would want him to be anything less than confident.

And as far as Parcells' opinion... No coach likes turnovers. But what's the alternative? What QB are we going to find who's better than Romo?[/
Thats what made me want to throw my radio threw my kitchen window yesterday. All the johnny come lately's calling all these shows with their expertise.

when they were all asked that question, everyone of them said just go draft a guy, shoot atlanta got rid of vick and drafted matt ryan, and yes someone said that.

the fact that people are even asking this question after we lost a game to the best defense in the league, on the road, with the wind in his face in the 4th qtr is absurd. Throw in the fact that a certain wr decided to run some routes to the end and some not and jason witten got banged up even more and had an off day and it there is nothing to even talk about.

I am not saying romo is above criticsm, because no one is but the people doubting him and throwing him under the bus, need to go back to wherever they came from...or in this market just stick to what they love the best College football. They can all go worship vince young and colt mcoy.

This crap had better not carry over into the stadium sunday night. Last year after the final play against the giants in the playoff game, this whacky guy in front of myself and doctor32 who had been handing out towels and party hats and kazzoos leaped up and turned around and looking at me said.....

"F ROmo, F him, He did it to us again, He is worse than Danny F'ing White.......F'ng romo....go back to mexico...."

If I wasnt numb at the time I might have said something, but he is this markets fan in a nutshell. Mr. I am the best fan in the world passing around party gifts and trying to be a crowd ring leader for cheering, when it wasnt needed and then when times get was instantly *** romo...


You know it's a "what have you done for me lately" world, Theebs.


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Seven;2480912 said:
theebs;2480876 said:
Chocolate Lab;2480858 said:
Some of you guys would be happier if Romo said, "I suck and I'll probably never win a game in December."

Which would be a very bad thing. No idea why anyone would want him to be anything less than confident.

And as far as Parcells' opinion... No coach likes turnovers. But what's the alternative? What QB are we going to find who's better than Romo?[/

You know it's a "what have you done for me lately" world, Theebs.

I understand that, I was ticked he allowed himself to make that mistake in the end.

But their is a difference between saying the guy had a bad game and the guy IS bad.

Unfortunately a majority of the fans of this organization are front running loudmouths. That is why jerry jones is so loved by this group, he brings in the mercenary and caters to that front running fan.

I dont understand why people especially fans wouldnt rally around him after a bad game and let him know we are there with him through good and bad, especially at the stadium. The u are going to have to beat all of us mentality.

INstead its hey if he wins he is our guy and your guy sucks way more, but when he loses its dont look at me, I think he sucks and he is not as good as troy aikman.

I can only imagine what a forum like this would have been like an hour after steve beurlein helped beat the bears in 91 and then in turn an hour after the blowout in Detroit. And I would have loved to see what people thought of aikman.


Kane Ala
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I don't care too much what he says although I have to admit I don't like it too much. IOWs I'm not too unhappy or happy with it.

I'd much rather him say I made a bad throw and it cost us the game. In fact I threw the ball poorly in the Steelers game and if it weren't for the defense playing so well we wouldn't have been in it at the end. Not to mention the great catch by TO. I'm going to sit down with the coaches and look at this game very hard and well. We'll address any mistakes and improve our game. All of us.

Now that's what I'd like to hear.

Most of you know I'm not into bashing and name calling. Romo is the future of the Dallas Cowboys and likely for another 10+ years. I've always said how he goes is how we all go. Anyone who knows football knows Tony is a special talent. He's an elite QB and has all the talent and throws to be a SB winning QB.

He has one major flaw. He tries to do too much and is reckless. And Jason and he both need to know when to play loose and when to tighten it up some. That play call and throw was not the one to make in that game last Sunday. The pick six. Right there you don't play loose. You don't crawl in a shell either. But you must take into account everything that has been going on and play and playcall accordingly.

I chalk it up on inexperience and too much confidence close to arrogance. If those two learn then ok. If not then Tony is going to be a goat way too often.

He does need to take the next step. He's smart and so is Red. I think they will store that one away and not repeat it in the future.

Tony has got to stop turning the ball over so much. That is the take home message.


Slanje Va
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AMERICAS_FAN;2480845 said:
because "perception" rules in today's sports and the current perception is that this team, and Romo specifically, cannot win in December or the playoofs.

this i feel is very true. an example of it from outwith the cowboys would be celtic in the champions league (european soccer). we haven't won away from home in europes top competition in 19 attempts and the media constantly drive home that we can't win away from home. the other week we were one nil up away from home and with 20 minutes to go conceded an equaliser. you could actually see the players panic and it was clear they were convinced they were going to lose and in the end up did.

i realise its soccer and completely different but the point im making is that when the players start believing this kinda press it becomes very hard for them to get that monkey off their backs


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Some of the posters in this thread keep comparing Romo to Peyton Manning. I hope Romo isn't the second coming of Manning, because Manning is a choke artist. He lets down his team time and again in the playoffs after racking up a great regular season record. Just last year the Colts were bounced in the first round by an inferior team. He sucks!


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daschoo;2481019 said:
i realise its soccer and completely different but the point im making is that when the players start believing this kinda press it becomes very hard for them to get that monkey off their backs

I think you are right on here. Lots of people want to see all these hidden negative things in Romo's comments like he's taking on Wade's cupcake approach, he's making excuses, whatever. Maybe he's trying to show the guys it's not really the way the media shows it. It's not a Dec/Jan 'meltdown' for Dallas as it's portrayed. Granted, the end result is no playoff wins but like everything else in life it ain't as good or bad as it's made out to be. I don't know Romo's mind but I sure as shootin like and trust him as much as any QB in the league.


Kane Ala
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lcharles;2480283 said:
Romo is starting to sound like Wade.

This whole team has finely honed their skills in apologetics.

Maybe Romo is the one that needs patience. If he had some he might not try and force the ball when their is nothing there. :rolleyes:

He does need to exercise caution. The problem is he is able to make throws not many QBs can. Or ever have. It's that 'I can do anything at anytime' that worries me. Assuming he does feel that way.

Brian_C82;2481030 said:
Some of the posters in this thread keep comparing Romo to Peyton Manning. I hope Romo isn't the second coming of Manning, because Manning is a choke artist. He lets down his team time and again in the playoffs after racking up a great regular season record. Just last year the Colts were bounced in the first round by an inferior team. He sucks!

Peyton Manning is the greatest QB since Johnny U in my eyes. He doesn't throw a pretty ball. In fact it reminds me of Y A Tittle's throws. But he's the greatest field general since Johnny and you are likely to not see another like him in a long, long time. In fact I didn't think I'd ever see another one given today's game. He doesn't grow up the son of a great QB from another era then he doesn't know how to do what he does. You just aren't going to see that for a long time IMO. Maybe he'll have a son to carry on.


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I've never seen our great OC adjust to Tony Romo and how he is playing. Tony Romo supposedly has one of the quickest releases and is overall pretty accurate. JG doesn't take advantage of these skills be getting the ball quickly. Instead, he has Romo always trying to go vertical, which ultimately ends up in Romo trying to make a play and forcing balls. When the offensive line is getting pressured, JG doesn't roll Romo out, despite being one of the best mobile QBs.

Peyton Manning is the greatest QB since Johnny U in my eyes. He doesn't throw a pretty ball. In fact it reminds me of Y A Tittle's throws. But he's the greatest field general since Johnny and you are likely to not see another like him in a long, long time. In fact I didn't think I'd ever see another one given today's game. He doesn't grow up the son of a great QB from another era then he doesn't know how to do what he does. You just aren't going to see that for a long time IMO. Maybe he'll have a son to carry on.

That guy will release it in the hands of his receiver even if a defender is inches from his face. No QB in the league today does it like him.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Chocolate Lab;2480628 said:
Sounds like this Rodriguez guy will do well in this market.

Randy Galloway always says we have the biggest collection of football idiots on the planet, based largely on fans booing Troy Aikman at the end of his career. How did that work out when Troy was gone?

So sick of hearing about the December swoon, from linking awful teams led by Ryan Leaf and Vinnie Testaverde to this one, to not considering we weren't even trying to win that Skins game last year, to calling going 2-2 a "collapse". Good to know that anything short of winning 75% of our games counts as a collapse.

I've never wanted to badly for the team to hit a hot streak and for everyone from the head coach to the QB to tell everyone to stick it.
Great post, CL.