ESPN Mosley: Romo: Be patient with me


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chinch;2480575 said:
Please realize I'm not dumping on Romo - i actually really like the guy as a person.

Unfortunately the things i like about him don't add up to being an NFL field general. :(

I am on telling you he's being TOTALLY MISMANAGED by the holy trio (Wade, Jason & Jerry) and his attitude is not that of a LEADER or WINNER but more of a guy waiting for LADY LUCK to strike. Aw shucks we'll work this out -- just gimme 8 Decembers.

FYI his public attitude late last year was terrible and it was off prior to his hand injury all this year. Only since then did we see the old Tony we all fell in love with as a QB. Last week we saw the "old tony" but the blooper-highlights version we saw previously several times.

The Jerry circus, with help of Wade has infected the team. Romo's answers are direct proof. Of course ignoring problems is easy & convenient... just ask Wade (and many posting here). ;)

We saw a QB who had a bad game that is what I saw I also see a QB who has stated for less the 2.5 years and to see this garbage you are spewing is ridicules. If you want to believe that is your choice to believe whatever non-sense you choose to makeup. Let me ask you did Holmgren mismanage Favre? Brett still to this day throw some dumb passes despite all the talking Holmgren and other coaches have said to him but he still goes out and gets the job done. One of Romo best qualities is he does put the past behind him and does not dwell on mistakes, all players will have bad games the good ones put it behind them and move forward.


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WoodysGirl;2480198 said:
December 10, 2008 7:55 PM

Posted by's Matt Mosley

IRVING -- Until he wins a playoff game, Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo will continue to be asked about his relatively poor play in December and January over the past two seasons. On Wednesday, he cautioned reporters to give him a few years before deciding he couldn't win big games. He suggested that quarterbacks who've performed well in the regular-season (as he has) shouldn't have a problem winning in December and January. Here's what he told the New York media:
"Well, I have only two Decembers. This is my third one now. So I don't know if you can really have anything -- if I play about eight years and we stink in December every year, maybe we can talk about it.​
"But the first year you are just kind of running around with your head cut off, you don't really know what is going on. When you are playing you are just playing. And I think we went, what, 2-2 last year. But that is also different. I didn't even play but a half in that last game. So I would like to think I had a winning record a little bit except for last year. And we have only played one game [this season] against a good team on the road. So it is what it is. People talk and they come up with stats and a few different things. But the reality of it is if you are a good football team and you are playing games that everyone is playing in, yeah, you will win."​
Dallas Cowboys, Tony Romo, New York Giants
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Agree with Tony here and he actually just scratched the surface. They're many valid reasons why he(injury and inexperience) and the team (injuries and weak defense) failed down the stretch each of the last two years.

HOWEVER, when you open up that can of worms as a player, it just comes off as excuse making/rationalization/justification for less than ideal results.

I would not go so far as to call it loser speak, but it's certainly not winner speak.

He should have said exactly what I hope they as a team are doing:
Well we undertand we as a team haven't succeeded late in the season and are using those failings as a learning experience to help us this year.
That's it! All you need to say. Agree with the historical truth that you and the team have not succeeded and stress what you are doing to fix the problem.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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theebs;2480270 said:
It was ticking me off so much I almost called this mike rodriguez guy on 105.3 He is blaming everything on romo and saying romo is what he is and he just doesnt have it.

This is one of the dumbest sports markets in the world. The fans here are spoiled, entitled and frankly Stupid.

Sounds like this Rodriguez guy will do well in this market.

Randy Galloway always says we have the biggest collection of football idiots on the planet, based largely on fans booing Troy Aikman at the end of his career. How did that work out when Troy was gone?

So sick of hearing about the December swoon, from linking awful teams led by Ryan Leaf and Vinnie Testaverde to this one, to not considering we weren't even trying to win that Skins game last year, to calling going 2-2 a "collapse". Good to know that anything short of winning 75% of our games counts as a collapse.

I've never wanted to badly for the team to hit a hot streak and for everyone from the head coach to the QB to tell everyone to stick it.


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I think Romo will be fine and by the time the book on his career is all said in done people will find that he won plenty in December and January and won plenty of big games.

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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Tony is right in the comments he made, but he is not being realistic if he thinks Cowboy fans are going to cut him any slack over these December collapses. It just doesn't work that way. Dallas fans are spoiled rotten and cry like babies over any season that does not end in a Super Bowl victory. Unfortunately for Tony, he happens to play the position that will take the brunt of the failures. Tony should count himself lucky that he has be given the slack he has up to now.

Fair or not, Cowboy fans will turn on this teams QB in a heart beat. Just ask Meredith and White. Regular season and playoff acheivements are not enough. If your are Dallas QB, you either win SBs or you are garbage. There is no middle ground.

Good luck with the request for patience Tony :lmao2:


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DWhite Fan;2480655 said:
Tony is right in the comments he made, but he is not being realistic if he thinks Cowboy fans are going to cut him any slack over these December collapses. It just doesn't work that way. Dallas fans are spoiled rotten and cry like babies over any season that does not end in a Super Bowl victory. Unfortunately for Tony, he happens to play the position that will take the brunt of the failures. Tony should count himself lucky that he has be given the slack he has up to now.

Fair or not, Cowboy fans will turn on this teams QB in a heart beat. Just ask Meredith and White. Regular season and playoff acheivements are not enough. If your are Dallas QB, you either win SBs or you are garbage. There is no middle ground.

Good luck with the request for patience Tony :lmao2:

That is very true and it will be up to Romo to prove his critics wrong. I believe he will

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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Doomsday101;2480534 said:
I'm not concerned about Romo and I don't buy into him being unable to produce late in the season. He is a quality QB and he will get the job done. He has been starting now for 2 1/2 seasons people need to ease up and stop putting their frustration of many years on his shoulders.

You do realize you are talking about Dallas Cowboy fans, don't you :lmao:

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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Doomsday101;2480660 said:
That is very true and it will be up to Romo to prove his critics wrong. I believe he will

I am right there with you. Romo is gonna be a championship QB.;)

It is just a shame this teams has so may "chicken little" fans :mad:


No Quarter
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Doomsday101;2480586 said:
We saw a QB who had a bad game that is what I saw I also see a QB who has stated for less the 2.5 years and to see this garbage you are spewing is ridicules. If you want to believe that is your choice to believe whatever non-sense you choose to makeup.
i have no idea what you're talking about.

Tony (like wade) has bad games in Dec/Jan and a few real clunkers along the way. Of course all Tony (& Wade) needs to do is prove everyone wrong.

Doomsday101;2480586 said:
Let me ask you did Holmgren mismanage Favre?
Holmgren manages the team 10x better than Wade. I know Favre regressed since the Walrus left GB so good point!

Doomsday101;2480586 said:
Brett still to this day throw some dumb passes despite all the talking Holmgren and other coaches have said to him but he still goes out and gets the job done. One of Romo best qualities is he does put the past behind him and does not dwell on mistakes, all players will have bad games the good ones put it behind them and move forward.
Both gamble too much, manage the game poorly (see GB vs NYG last year bone-headed INT) and ultimately might short change themselves a few Lombardi's as a result.

Hope that makes you happy!


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DWhite Fan;2480662 said:
You do realize you are talking about Dallas Cowboy fans, don't you :lmao:

Been one since 65 and yes I sometime forget the type of fan I'm dealing with. Throughout the years I have seen the calling for Landry head I have heard the booing of Meredith, Staubach and Aikman so none of this should surprise me today


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chinch;2480671 said:
i have no idea what you're talking about.

Tony (like wade) has bad games in Dec/Jan and a few real clunkers along the way. Of course all Tony (& Wade) needs to do is prove everyone wrong.

Holmgren manages the team 10x better than Wade. I know Favre regressed since the Walrus left GB so good point!

Both gamble too much, manage the game poorly (see GB vs NYG last year bone-headed INT) and ultimately might short change themselves a few Lombardi's as a result.

Hope that makes you happy!

Tony has been the starter 2.5 years you don't get it he is far from done. As for Favre get a clue even when Holgrem left he had an outstanding year last year and now in NY he is once again having a good season. It is going to be very enjoyable sticking it to the critic when Romo proves you guys wrong. I know I'll hear about the eating of crow but the truth will be some stood behind Romo and others trashed him


No Quarter
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Doomsday101;2480685 said:
Tony has been the starter 2.5 years you don't get it he is far from done. As for Favre get a clue even when Holgrem left he had an outstanding year last year and now in NY he is once again having a good season. It is going to be very enjoyable sticking it to the critic when Romo proves you guys wrong. I know I'll hear about the eating of crow but the truth will be some stood behind Romo and others trashed him
#4 had a great HOME playoff game huh.




ps - i hope Mr Jessica proves the naysayers and myself to be very, very, very, very wrong ;)


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I do not care for the tone Romo has here. It reeks of insecurity and excuse-making.


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chinch;2480697 said:
he had a great HOME playoff game huh.




ps - i hope Mr Jessica proves the naysayers and myself to be very, very, very, very wrong ;)

Yes aginst the team that went on to win the SB. That game was not lost by Romo and his play it was lost by the Cowboys and the overall play of the team. Continue being the critic as I said it is going to be fun sticking it to you losers.


No Quarter
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Doomsday101;2480704 said:
Yes aginst the team that went on to win the SB. That game was not lost by Romo and his play it was lost by the Cowboys and the overall play of the team. Continue being the critic as I said it is going to be fun sticking it to you losers.

pay attention - i know it might be tough - but i was talking about #4 Farve's bone-headed INTs to end his Lombardi chances.

not worth rehashing Romo's Dec/Jan meltdowns any more here


Rising Star
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The Panch;2480227 said:
That's a weak excuse. When you're starters are in there, there's no excuse to get whooped up front like we did.

Maybe in the land of fairy tales. In real life a team that has nothing to play for and just played like 4 big games in a row, might tend to have a mental let down.


Negativity King
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Tuna tried to warn us about Romo.

He even tried to warn Romo about Romo.

It's apparent that nobody listened. :donthear:

I like Romo and understand he is the best we have had since Troy Aikman but Tony will never be anything more than a tease until he starts protecting the ball better.

Another downfall I think Romo has is he thinks he can play horribly and somehow he can pull it out with heroics at the end. ( example: The Bills game last year ) sure he has done some of that, but what we need is a more metodical approach from Tony. Somebody needs to break it to him gently that he is not Brett Farve.

I thought that he would mature and some of these things would fix themselves but I am beginning to think that he will never be more than he is right now. He will win a lot of games for us, but he will break our hearts a lot as well.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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lcharles;2480754 said:
Tuna tried to warn us about Romo.

Coach Parcells? If you listen to most around here, he was an old-timer who didn't know what he was talking about. Why would you want to listen to him?


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If we didn't know this was a quote from Romo and the word "I" was replaced with "he" and we were all asked who we thought made the quote, then the unanimous answer would have been "Wade Phillips".

In other words, it would help Tony Romo to grt rid of the cupcake-speak, regardless of how he feels, or how things really are; and that's because "perception" rules in today's sports and the current perception is that this team, and Romo specifically, cannot win in December or the playoofs.

Regardless if that is true or false, the perception is that it is true, and real leaders understand that and know how to manipulate perception in their favor. I'm not sure Romo did that by addressing it as he did; he would have been better off to swiftly dismiss it alltogether by saying something like "all that matters is THIS December, and that's not over yet", or something like that, and let go of al the meaningless "going-on-the-defensive" details of the past.