ESPN: Officer delayed Moats as relative died

Phoenix-Talon;2705658 said:
I agree ...but I also digress ...If this was Moats biological Mother (vis-a-vis) his Mother-in-Law may have had different circumstances. Maybe!


did you catch the part where his wife was inm the car?
ConcordCowboy;2705626 said:
I saw the video yesterday and was just infurtiated by that idiot cop.

He obviously was right to chase and pull the guy over...but when a man is telling you that a family member is dying in a Hospital that he just raced up too and got out of his car at and then have people...Nurses and other people telling him that this man needs to get in the Hospital because the family member is going to die and all he has to say is I'll be done on a minute or whatever...then you are a FRICKING IDIOT.

Check the fricking story're 100 feet from the Hospital entrance.

Not too mention the threats he was making.

This is the type of person that makes it hard for people to see the Police in a positive light.

This man should be fired Period.

Colin Cowherd is talking about this right now.

I absolutely agree with him. Last week in Oakland, routine stop, guy kills cops. The cop obviously handled this poorly, but those throwing stones at him are guilty of the same tunnel vision they accuse him of.

I've heard people give outrageous excuses to a cop. They no doubt hear them all the time. If the cop had merely waived them off immediately and said "my bad", he wouldn't have been doing his job. At that point, he doesn't know that these aren't desperate criminals. Who's to say the woman who ran in the hospital wasn't just getting away? I don't envy cops trying to make the call in that situation.

They broke the law, he pulled them over. If the guy had pulled over immediately when the cop first tried to stop him, this probably is avoided. Big, athletic looking guy gets out of the car and a couple of women run away. I know it isn't the woman's fault for being irrational at such a time, but some cops would have chased her down and cuffed her at that point. Being in a difficult situation like that doens't allow us to ignore laws or law enforcement.

I don't blame the cop for being on edge. After additional cops or security or whatever they were arrived, he should have verified the story at that point, but I'm guessing this would be no less of a story.
cowboyjoe;2704987 said:
thats pitiful, but thats the way some police officers are;

i was in dallas along time ago, and was waiting on the red light to turn green, soon as it turned green, this bus that was on the right hand side, pulled straight out in front of me, i followed the bus underneath the light, by the time i got to the light, which i couldnt see when bus pulled out in front of me

it turned red, a police officer that was standing on sidewalk whom i didnt see at the time, pulled me over and gave me a ticket, i tried to mention to him that the bus pulled out in front of me, cutting me off, he wouldnt hear any of it, just was making his quota, and in fact now that i look back on it, looked like a trap that the police officer was waiting on to give someone a ticket

some police officers are nice, but some are not nice, but cruel and mean

There is no "quota".
ChldsPlay;2705077 said:
Thanks. And looking at the video, Moats really made it difficult for himself. You can't ignore a cop flashing his lights (though several others cut right in front of the cop) even for this kind of situation. And you can't run red lights and stop signs (which he went through a few right in front of the cop on the video) either. And then you can't try to argue with the cop.

I'm inclined to think if he had pulled over right away and explained to the cop was what happening that the cop would have let him go and possibly escorted him the rest of the way.

Now a lot of the stuff the officer was saying once Moats stopped arguing was a little uncalled for and goes on for too long.

Exactly. And in the cops defense, people will sometimes say anything to get out of a ticket.
RW Hitman;2705814 said:

You would not understand unless you have been there. Had Moats and his family stayed in the car until the officer got to his window, and calmly explained that there mother was in the hospital dying, the officer would have probably given them an escort to the door. When you make a traffic stop, and people start flying out of the car, your whole mindset changes, because it is trained to do so.
He didn't do everything perfect, but don't judge him until you have been in his shoes and experienced what he has experienced.
Wrangler87;2705902 said:
Exactly. And in the cops defense, people will sometimes say anything to get out of a ticket.
This is true and my issue isn't with his initial reaction. Police officers have to be on edge in every situation. I take every precaution to move slow with my hands visible when I've been ever pulled over.

The issue is AFTER its been made clear to him that they're in an emergency situation. At some point, common sense should've prevailed. Especially after the nurses and security guards are coming out verifying the info.

It took him longer to write that ticket than it would've been to walk with them into the hospital to verify the story.
WoodysGirl;2705924 said:
This is true and my issue isn't with his initial reaction. Police officers have to be on edge in every situation. I take every precaution to move slow with my hands visible when I've been ever pulled over.

The issue is AFTER its been made clear to him that they're in an emergency situation. At some point, common sense should've prevailed. Especially after the nurses and security guards are coming out verifying the info.

It took him longer to write that ticket than it would've been to walk with them into the hospital to verify the story.

I agree. That's where he could have done better. But, like I said before, had Moats and his family simply sat in the car tillo he got to the window, then expalined the situation, the officer would have probably escorted them the rest of the way. If he had any doubts, he could have went into the hospital and verified the situation. By people jumping out of the car on the officer, it changed everything and put him into a defensive mode.
Wrangler87;2705929 said:
I agree. That's where he could have done better. But, like I said before, had Moats and his family simply sat in the car tillo he got to the window, then expalined the situation, the officer would have probably escorted them the rest of the way. If he had any doubts, he could have went into the hospital and verified the situation. By people jumping out of the car on the officer, it changed everything and put him into a defensive mode.

No, he shouldn't have sat calmy. He should've beat that hick for wasting a precious moment in time he, and his family will never get back.

Stop playing devil's advocate, even the cop's superior said he was wrong.

It was a real messed up situation, but you coming to the defense of the cop is dumb. Real dumb.

Texas police, bolstering 'cop' stereotypes since the pony express.
Wrangler87;2705916 said:
You would not understand unless you have been there. Had Moats and his family stayed in the car until the officer got to his window, and calmly explained that there mother was in the hospital dying, the officer would have probably given them an escort to the door. When you make a traffic stop, and people start flying out of the car, your whole mindset changes, because it is trained to do so.
He didn't do everything perfect, but don't judge him until you have been in his shoes and experienced what he has experienced.

Good God.

Even AFTER the idiot knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the man was telling the true...from Nurses and other Officers he STILL was an Idiot.

For crying out loud his OWN Boss is ripping him for this.

Think about that.

Common sense was needed here and that cop has none...either that or he didn't care that the family member was dying.

Either way...he shouldn't be a Police Officer.

You know what they say...

Common sense...It ain't all that common.
Apollo Creed;2705954 said:
No, he shouldn't have sat calmy. He should've beat that hick for wasting a precious moment in time he, and his family will never get back.

Stop playing devil's advocate, even the cop's superior said he was wrong.

It was a real messed up situation, but you coming to the defense of the cop is dumb. Real dumb.

Texas police, bolstering 'cop' stereotypes since the pony express.
ConcordCowboy;2705957 said:
Good God.

Even AFTER the idiot knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the man was telling the true...from Nurses and other Officers he STILL was an Idiot.

For crying out loud his OWN Boss is ripping him for this.

Think about that.

Common sense was needed here and that cop has none...either that or he didn't care that the family member was dying.

Either way...he shouldn't be a Police Officer.

You know what they say...

Common sense...It ain't all that common.
His boss is ripping him because he is on video, talking like a jerk, the people involved are minorities, and their story turned out to be true. His boss has no choice with the politically correct forces we have in this country. If he defends the guy, NAACP will have people on news shows tonight calling for the chief's job as well.

The cop could've handled it better. So could Moats. Their story was true? Too bad. Life works that way. Moats brought most of this on himself. You can't ignore policemen, no matter the circumstances, which for some reason Moats thought he had the right to do. The Moats family is fortunate the cop didn't chase the woman down, tackle her, and cuff her. A lot of cops would have.

For most of the situation, the cop has no idea whether or not they're telling the truth. He's just supposed to take their word for it? That's laughable.

In the world most of you apparently live in, all a criminal has to do is pull into a hospital parking lot, act hysterical, and the cops should just move along. I guess it's like reaching base in hide and seek or tag.
until you been there ,you don't know how you would have handled it. Its easy to set in front of a computer and tell the guy how to do his job.. Its a differant world when you are there and multiple people are coming coming out of a car.. And appearance does not matter ..Banks have been robbed by men in business suits and offficers shot because they let down their guard.

Was the officer out of line -yes was the driver -yes
was it a bad deal -yes
Would I have done it differant --maybe -maybe not --you would have to have been there:banghead:
ConcordCowboy;2705957 said:
Good God.

Even AFTER the idiot knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the man was telling the true...from Nurses and other Officers he STILL was an Idiot.

For crying out loud his OWN Boss is ripping him for this.

Think about that.

Common sense was needed here and that cop has none...either that or he didn't care that the family member was dying.

Either way...he shouldn't be a Police Officer.

You know what they say...

Common sense...It ain't all that common.

As I said, that's the part where he could have done better.
Double Trouble;2705984 said:
His boss is ripping him because he is on video, talking like a jerk, the people involved are minorities, and their story turned out to be true. His boss has no choice with the politically correct forces we have in this country. If he defends the guy, NAACP will have people on news shows tonight calling for the chief's job as well.

The cop could've handled it better. So could Moats. Their story was true? Too bad. Life works that way. Moats brought most of this on himself. You can't ignore policemen, no matter the circumstances, which for some reason Moats thought he had the right to do. The Moats family is fortunate the cop didn't chase the woman down, tackle her, and cuff her. A lot of cops would have.

For most of the situation, the cop has no idea whether or not they're telling the truth. He's just supposed to take their word for it? That's laughable.

In the world most of you apparently live in, all a criminal has to do is pull into a hospital parking lot, act hysterical, and the cops should just move along. I guess it's like reaching base in hide and seek or tag.

I have no problem with the cop being cautious, curious, etc. when 1st stopping them. But at some, the idiot has to believe nurses, security, etc... that the story is true.
Double Trouble;2705984 said:
His boss is ripping him because he is on video, talking like a jerk, the people involved are minorities, and their story turned out to be true. His boss has no choice with the politically correct forces we have in this country. If he defends the guy, NAACP will have people on news shows tonight calling for the chief's job as well.

His boss is ripping him because unlike some people he has some common sense.

There's no defending this.

Rarely have I seen or heard of a cop coming out almost immediately ripping a fellow Officer...even when they have video and audio.

The cop could've handled it better. So could Moats. Their story was true? Too bad. Life works that way. Moats brought most of this on himself. You can't ignore policemen, no matter the circumstances, which for some reason Moats thought he had the right to do. The Moats family is fortunate the cop didn't chase the woman down, tackle her, and cuff her. A lot of cops would have.

Too bad that a man missed the final moments of a women he loved...because this idiot couldn't just walk inside with this man?

This should happen to you.

For most of the situation, the cop has no idea whether or not they're telling the truth. He's just supposed to take their word for it? That's laughable.

Take their word for it?

He was right at the fricking Hospital Entrance...CHECK THEIR STORY OUT!

In the world most of you apparently live in, all a criminal has to do is pull into a hospital parking lot, act hysterical, and the cops should just move along. I guess it's like reaching base in hide and seek or tag.

In my world a Police Officer is there to help you and have some common sense to be able to adapt to the situation.

This man was either unable or unwilling to adapt to this situation.

And he should be fired.
DaBoys4Life;2705415 said:
I think some of you guys are being naive. To say the cop should have just taken them on their word. For the simple fact people lie and they could of been lying about having a family member dying when in fact they are just trying to get away. The cop was definitely on a power trip when he said I can screw you over and telling him to shut up and ****. If he would of went about it better and calmer things would have been better.

I agree but the hospital nurse came out and told the police officer what was going on.

And then another cop who showed up told him and the police officer still didn't give a ****.

Cop just sounds like a complete ***.

The video of it is almost unbearable to watch. How anyone can be so cold is beyond me.
Apollo Creed;2705954 said:
No, he shouldn't have sat calmy. He should've beat that hick for wasting a precious moment in time he, and his family will never get back.

Stop playing devil's advocate, even the cop's superior said he was wrong.

It was a real messed up situation, but you coming to the defense of the cop is dumb. Real dumb.

Texas police, bolstering 'cop' stereotypes since the pony express.

His superior said he was wrong at about the same point where I said he messed up. But, I see nothing wrong whatsoever with what he did during the first half of the traffic stop. When an officer pulls you over, you sit in the car and wait until he makes contact. It will only take 30-45 seconds. Had Moats done that, and had his wife stayed inside of the vehicle, the officer would have likely allowed Moats to continue on to the hospital and maybe just verify that his story was true.

Instead, they jumped out on the officer, which sent him into defensive mode, only two days after a national story where four officers were shot, two of which were conducting a traffic stop. It's one of the most dangerous parts of the job.

In the end, had they done what they should have, they would have lost maybe 1 to 2 minutes. Instead, they lost a lot longer, in spite of whether the officer dragged it out or not.

When people start flying out of a vehicle on a traffic stop, things change. Trust me, I have been a part of hundreds of them. If you simply sit in your car until the officer is able to make contact, the stop takes on a whole different mind set. A mind set of cooperation which will usually lead to a fair conclusion.

Apollo Creed, you are ignorant. You think you know what you are talking about, but you don't. Because you have never done it. Until you have done it, you will never know what you are talking about. Until you have had a traffic stop go bad on you, you are simply giving your opinion in an are where you are ignorant.
The majority of cops are arrogant pieces of crap, taking advantage of the power 'society gives them', not realizing their jobs are that of public servants. Those that are defending the cop as well, don't realize that the wife probably just got a call that her mom was on the verge of death and she has a limited time to say good-bye. It is called compassion and common sense. Most people in this world, especially those at a hospital, aren't the type of people who are going to pick a fight with a cop in broad daylight. She isn't going to sit and wait for a routine traffic stop, where cops non-chalantly takes him time walking back to his police-car to run what should be a very quick check turning into a full 15 minute process, because the arrogant fool thinks he can take all the time in the world. It reminds me of cops pulling over guys while still half-way on the road to give a guy a ticket, in the process creating a traffic situation, all for a ticket less than 100 hundred dollars. The guy should be fired on the spot.
Hoofbite;2706031 said:
I agree but the hospital nurse came out and told the police officer what was going on.

And then another cop who showed up told him and the police officer still didn't give a ****.

Cop just sounds like a complete ***.

The video of it is almost unbearable to watch. How anyone can be so cold is beyond me.

Correct, at some point, his better judgement should have taken over. But I don't fault him for the first half of the incident.

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