ESPN: Officer delayed Moats as relative died

Wrangler87;2706014 said:
As I said, that's the part where he could have done better.

Well I think that's exactly what has the majority of people pissed off.

It has NOTHING to do with him stopping him or being suspisious...or careful.

But his actions after it was Crystal Clear that a women was dying...well you're seeing the fallout and so is that idiot.
Wrangler87;2706032 said:
His superior said he was wrong at about the same point where I said he messed up. But, I see nothing wrong whatsoever with what he did during the first half of the traffic stop. When an officer pulls you over, you sit in the car and wait until he makes contact. It will only take 30-45 seconds. Had Moats done that, and had his wife stayed inside of the vehicle, the officer would have likely allowed Moats to continue on to the hospital and maybe just verify that his story was true.

Instead, they jumped out on the officer, which sent him into defensive mode, only two days after a national story where four officers were shot, two of which were conducting a traffic stop. It's one of the most dangerous parts of the job.

In the end, had they done what they should have, they would have lost maybe 1 to 2 minutes. Instead, they lost a lot longer, in spite of whether the officer dragged it out or not.

When people start flying out of a vehicle on a traffic stop, things change. Trust me, I have been a part of hundreds of them. If you simply sit in your car until the officer is able to make contact, the stop takes on a whole different mind set. A mind set of cooperation which will usually lead to a fair conclusion.

Apollo Creed, you are ignorant. You think you know what you are talking about, but you don't. Because you have never done it. Until you have done it, you will never know what you are talking about. Until you have had a traffic stop go bad on you, you are simply giving your opinion in an are where you are ignorant.

Exactly ---until you have been there you have no idea---try stopping a car by your self and have people coming not knowing if they are a threat or not..
Most people would wet their pants and shoot someone...And don't sit there telling people how you would act after you knew what was going on until
you have been there
ConcordCowboy;2706043 said:
Well I think that's exactly what has the majority of people pissed off.

It has NOTHING to do with him stopping him or being suspisious...or careful.

But his actions after it was Crystal Clear that a women was dying...well you're seeing the fallout and so it that idiot.

I agree with that part. I also believe that Moats made the first mistake. As I have said before, they are both at fault to some degree. The situation doesn't change the means. He should have sat and waited on the officer, and explained his situation. Things would have probably turned out differently.

The officer will likely be dealt with accordingly, but I doubt he will be fired.
25 is way too young to be a cop on patrol with a gun. They should put them on desk duty until they are like 28 or something.
justbob;2706045 said:
Exactly ---until you have been there you have no idea---try stopping a car by your self and have people coming not knowing if they are a threat or not..
Most people would wet their pants and shoot someone...And don't sit there telling people how you would act after you knew what was going on until

you have been there
You people act if is the majority of people in this world are criminals and police officers have to always be on guard. The whole sensationalism of COPS blurs people to real-life. What is even more ridiculous is the whole context of the situation in that it occured at a hospital with an emotionally disturbed woman, saying her mother is going to die. And what makes it even more pathetic is the arrogance reflected by the cop in his statements, which corraborates by point that it was more about the EGO of the cop than serving the public.
khiladi;2706055 said:
You people act if is the majority of people in this world are criminals and police officers have to always be on guard. The whole sensationalism of COPS blurs people to real-life. What is even more ridiculous is the whole context of the situation in that it occured at a hospital with an emotionally disturbed woman, saying her mother is going to die. And what makes it even more pathetic is the arrogance reflected by the cop in his statements, which corraborates by point that it was more about the EGO of the cop than serving the public.

I'm sure you would know.
Wrangler87;2706057 said:
I'm sure you would know.
The fact that you have a picture of the drunk from 24 in a bullet-proof vest, firing a gun is all the more evidence of my point that cops think they are super-heros when in fact, they primarily just dole out tickets to generate revenue for the local government.
That cop is a stone cold idiot man. He didn't once ask them did they have a emergency situation nor did he care. I say fire the bum and bring him up on some type of charges. They are suppose to protect and serve not terrorize people.
Wrangler87;2706049 said:
I agree with that part. I also believe that Moats made the first mistake. As I have said before, they are both at fault to some degree. The situation doesn't change the means. He should have sat and waited on the officer, and explained his situation. Things would have probably turned out differently.

The officer will likely be dealt with accordingly, but I doubt he will be fired.

Well he should be...but honestly I don't expect the Police to really Police themselves.
khiladi;2706055 said:
You people act if is the majority of people in this world are criminals and police officers have to always be on guard. The whole sensationalism of COPS blurs people to real-life. What is even more ridiculous is the whole context of the situation in that it occured at a hospital with an emotionally disturbed woman.

No we are acting exactly like we have been there --and you are acting like someone who never has ...You would rather sit there and call cops names.
I have lived the real life. I have been there and I now train officers. Most have a college education...A vechile stop is extremely dangerious..And people coming out of a car is an instant threat to the officer...The officer does not have the benifit
of knowing who he is stopping and even if he does know the person ,he may not know the person frame of mind...Set back and judge all you want to--making statements that cops are crap defines who you are -not the officers
JoeSmooth;2706062 said:
That cop is a stone cold idiot man. He didn't once ask them did they have a emergency situation nor did he care. I say fire the bum and bring him up on some type of charges. They are suppose to protect and serve not terrorize people.

Normally I would say welcome to the board --but you have lower the IQ around.... I don't care to explain to you how stupid your statement is
The very first part of the stop looked bad, but, I can certainly understand both the officers and Moat's reactions given the situation. The problem I have, is as soon as Moats said that his Mother in law was dying inside, and he realized that noone was pulling a gun, he needs to realize what is very likely happening, and go verify the situation by accompanying Moats inside. But, given how things started, I can even give him the benefit of the doubt on being overly cautious. But once the other cops and nurses came out, is where there is no longer a possible defense for his actions.
justbob;2706072 said:
No we are acting exactly like we have been there --and you are acting like someone who never has ...You would rather sit there and call cops names.
I have lived the real life. I have been there and I now train officers. Most have a college education...A vechile stop is extremely dangerious..And people coming out of a car is an instant threat to the officer...The officer does not have the benifit
of knowing who he is stopping and even if he does know the person ,he may not know the person frame of mind...Set back and judge all you want to--making statements that cops are crap defines who you are -not the officers

Have you ever been rushing to a hospital with your wife in the car in order to see your mother-in-law in the very last minutes of her life?
justbob;2706076 said:
Normally I would say welcome to the board --but you have lower the IQ around.... I don't care to explain to you how stupid your statement is

It's hilarious that you question his intelligence with that sentence.

What does "you have lower the IQ around.." mean?
SMCowboy;2706096 said:
The very first part of the stop looked bad, but, I can certainly understand both the officers and Moat's reactions given the situation. The problem I have, is as soon as Moats said that his Mother in law was dying inside, and he realized that noone was pulling a gun, he needs to realize what is very likely happening, and go verify the situation by accompanying Moats inside. But, given how things started, I can even give him the benefit of the doubt on being overly cautious. But once the other cops and nurses came out, is where there is no longer a possible defense for his actions.

MrMom;2706106 said:
It's hilarious that you question his intelligence with that sentence.

What does "you have lower the IQ around.." mean?

DaBoys4Life;2705415 said:
I think some of you guys are being naive. To say the cop should have just taken them on their word. For the simple fact people lie and they could of been lying about having a family member dying when in fact they are just trying to get away. The cop was definitely on a power trip when he said I can screw you over and telling him to shut up and ****. If he would of went about it better and calmer things would have been better.

silverbear;2705522 said:
I just hate agreeing with you, but this time, you're 100 per cent right... cops have heard it all, and as a result, they pretty much assume that everybody's lying... so I understand his initial reaction, it was his behavior later that hacks me off...
Common sense is all you need to figure this out. Why would a criminal draw attention to himself by having on his flashers? Why then, would a criminal ease past a red light, even with a cop car behind him, with the flashers STILL on? And then, pull up to a Hospital? I know people lie all the time to get out of a ticket, but seriously, who is going to put on their flashers and run a red light just for the fun of it? Obviously there was something else going on.

Many people are talking about the dangers that the cop faces, which is understandable, but after the wife was already out of the vehicle clearly with no weapon and Moats exited the vehicle, clearly again with no weapon, then where was the danger for the officer? Was he seriously expecting to be attacked outside of a hospital by two woman and a man who yielded no weapons while the cop had a firearm at his disposal?

The cop went way too far and should be punished for his idiocy. Simple as that.
ConcordCowboy;2706025 said:
This should happen to you.
Thanks. I prefer for the idiots to show their true colors. Helps me manage my ignore list much more efficiently.
Is anyone really surprised at all? This is the age we live in where cop's egos and superiority complexes are not subject to discretion. If this were any other country in the world but America, this cop wouldn't feel safe leaving his house. Unchecked power in the hands of largely uneducated citizens with illusions of grandeur is the most dangerous threat a citizen of this country faces.

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