Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

Uh oh see here you go bring up facts. Alot of things tend to be overlooked with a Superbowl otlr two

Every fan from every team has looked the other way at one time or another.

So have many co-workers of cops, teachers, construction workers, media stars, politicians, clergy, soldiers, business men, movie stars, newspaper reporters..........

Do you know how many people at ESPN have been arrested or accused of drugs, violence, DUIs, sexual assault, sexual harassment over the years? Tons, yet they always lead the lynch mobs.
Just out of curiousity, how do you older Cowboys fans feel about Harvey Martin and Hollywood Henderson. They were both from before my time, so I'm genuinely curious. I ask because I recently ready that Martin assaulted his girlfriend (or fiancée), and that Henderson smoked crack with, then sexually assaulted two underage girls, but I hear nothing but love for these two former players.

That was the seventies.....

Oh wait, you were serious. In that case.....


Typical, no rational reasoned response occurs to you, so you try to laugh it off or use your braincramp emoji.
"Domestic violence" is not always as cut and dry as it's presented... For all we know, this chick was actually the one who routinely smacked Hardy around... There's actually a lot of men out there who are abused physically and emotionally by their wife or GF... Of course the men are bigger and stronger, so they could stop the physical abuse at any time, but just like a battered wife, they don't want to even try to fight back... But at the same time, everybody eventually will reach the point where they don't want to be hit anymore... So the man whose been getting hit be his wife/GF for months/years eventually feels forced to defend himself, and now he's the bad guy criminal...

I'm not saying that's what happened here, the point is that nobody really knows the true dynamic of their relationship, nor can we say for certain what really happened and why...
I didn't realize that until recently. I decided to read up on some of the "greats" before my time, and learned a few things.

That is a good thing. Romance grows with age. And there is a little romance associated with Landry and how things were.
"Domestic violence" is not always as cut and dry as it's presented... For all we know, this chick was actually the one who routinely smacked Hardy around... There's actually a lot of men out there who are abused physically and emotionally by their wife or GF... Of course the men are bigger and stronger, so they could stop the physical abuse at any time, but just like a battered wife, they don't want to even try to fight back... But at the same time, everybody eventually will reach the point where they don't want to be hit anymore... So the man whose been getting hit be his wife/GF for months/years eventually feels forced to defend himself, and now he's the bad guy criminal...

I'm not saying that's what happened here, the point is that nobody really knows the true dynamic of their relationship, nor can we say for certain what really happened and why...

I'm not sure if she routinely smacked him around. My issue here is, there is a difference of there being an argument and the man getting physical and beating the girl. Then there is a woman getting physical with the man and the man getting physical back.

I want to repeat: THIS DOES NOT ABSOLVE HARDY OF WHAT HE DID. It is possible both were in the wrong, and that is my stance. In an ideal world, Hardy wouldn't have lost his cool from being attacked.

But I won't be feeling any sympathy for this girl any time soon.
*** the PC police, new generation now with Trump and Carson...the PC police are being exposed daily and personally I love it.

There is no PC police. A very large man smacked a woman around. Plain and simple. It's not allowed by most rational, normal, non-sloping brow people. There is no agenda here.
Yep, I'm sure you would be this supportive of Hardy if he were on the Eagles roster right now right?

I would. Pictures are way different then video. I believe he didn't abuse or assault her but it doesn't matter everybody has their own opinion.

Ray Rice knocked his girlfriend out with a punch then dragged her. You see it happen......nobody saw anything with Hardy but evidence points to him telling the truth and not the gold digger girlfriend
I'm not sure if she routinely smacked him around. My issue here is, there is a difference of there being an argument and the man getting physical and beating the girl. Then there is a woman getting physical with the man and the man getting physical back.

I want to repeat: THIS DOES NOT ABSOLVE HARDY OF WHAT HE DID. It is possible both were in the wrong, and that is my stance. In an ideal world, Hardy wouldn't have lost his cool from being attacked.

But I won't be feeling any sympathy for this girl any time soon.
She has a history of the same thing. ......Hardy has never been in trouble for "beating" a women
Yeah, the argument that if Hardy was on another team fans wouldn't be siding with him needs to die.

While it may somewhat be true, I think the problem here is that if a player is on another team, fan of another team are less likely to look deeper than major media reports. On the surface, Hardy is a woman beater and should be behind bars. Dig a little deeper, this was a misdemeanor, both were in the wrong, and the media is baiting the outraged internet dweebs.

The initial story just never passed the sniff test for me, and the more that came out, the more I understood why.
There is no PC police. A very large man smacked a woman around. Plain and simple. It's not allowed by most rational, normal, non-sloping brow people. There is no agenda here.

Hoe do u know he smacked her around, were u there? How do u know that those are just not defensive blows? Why so quick to lynch when u do not know all of the facts. Many people have been put to death on what was thought to be truth, unfortunately many innocent people have died due to incorrect falsehoods.