Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

You have to make a call sometimes. YOU have to decide where you stand. Attacking anyone weaker or smaller than you is not ok. I don't care what led up to this. That's irrelevant.
"Light her up" lol, if Greg Hardy lit up this 120 lb woman he would be in jail. Her injuries are entirely consistent with a coked out woman attacking and him defending himself. He's not a boy scout, but everyone is just constantly falling all over themselves these days to look sensitive and politically correct. It's not helping the media refuses to mention any mitigating details. Or that everyone hates the Cowboys anyway. I hope the locker room rallies around him.

And she called her shot

Earlier in the week the police were called to her job because she was going after Hardy and not letting him leave. She hurt her foot kicking his car as he drove off and later even joked about it during the Bench trial.

She screamed to her friends that she was going to "get her rent paid" and "he had not even seen crazy yet".

His biggest mistake was going back to the well to get some break up sex. She showed him her crazy face and he ignored it to get some.
And she called her shot

Earlier in the week the police were called to her job because she was going after Hardy and not letting him leave. She hurt her foot kicking his car as he drove off and later even joked about it during the Bench trial.

She screamed to her friends that she was going to "get her rent paid" and "he had not even seen crazy yet".

His biggest mistake was going back to the well to get some break up sex. She showed him her crazy face and he ignored it to get some.

And lets not pretend he doesn't have some anger management/personality issues himself. There was entirely too much crazy in one place for that to ever have a happy ending.
Jerry Jones' statement regarding Greg Hardy: "While we did not have access to the photos that became public today, we were and are aware of the serious nature of this incident. We as an organization take very this seriously. We do not condone domestic violence. We entered into the agreement with Greg fully understanding that there would be scrutiny and criticism. We have given Greg a second chance. He is a member of our team and someone who is grateful for the opportunity he has been given to move forward with his life and his career
You have to make a call sometimes. YOU have to decide where you stand. Attacking anyone weaker or smaller than you is not ok. I don't care what led up to this. That's irrelevant.

What if they stab you or break a glass over your head. Do you run away? What if other people including children are in the house? What it she is threatening one of your kids or hits one of your kids?

If I get assaulted by anyone, man or woman, young or old, I will defend myself. If that means punching a woman in the face then so be it. I am not going to be injured because of some made up moral code.
And lets not pretend he doesn't have some anger management/personality issues himself. There was entirely too much crazy in one place for that to ever have a happy ending.

It is like JPP and his hand injury. He should have known better but being young and strong makes you feel invincible. I'm not saying JPP deserved to have his hand blown off but some dangers can be avoided.

Hardy knew this girl was off and he has to know he is perceived as a little off. Maybe they deserved each other. We all have friends that are with people we know aren't good for them.
Okay, so I understand you, If a woman threatens me, I can light her up, or do I have to wait until she hurts me? Can I slug her, or just pick her up, shake her and toss her around? If she actually draws blood, can I stab her? Just wondering what level of beating I am allowed to put on a woman and under what circumstances.

I am just trying to understand the of principles of people that think he was justified.

Agreed, you have the right to defend yourself once she hits you first. That was easy...
Jerry Jones' statement regarding Greg Hardy: "While we did not have access to the photos that became public today, we were and are aware of the serious nature of this incident. We as an organization take very this seriously. We do not condone domestic violence. We entered into the agreement with Greg fully understanding that there would be scrutiny and criticism. We have given Greg a second chance. He is a member of our team and someone who is grateful for the opportunity he has been given to move forward with his life and his career

Is this an actual statement release by the team?
You are not allowed to use excessive force in the name of self defense, and legally speaking, the amount of danger you are in is a consideration.

But yes, I am sure the 275 pound NFL linebacker was in fear for his life when the big bad 110 pound woman attacked him.

It blows my mind how far people will bend over to defend a woman beating scumbag just because of the uniform he wears.

Is she dead? Did I miss something? I'm sure he never feared for his life, but he is still allowed to defend himself. It doesn't matter how big and muscular someone is, their eyes are extremely delicate and easily damaged. I don't know about you, but I like being able to see.
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What if they stab you or break a glass over your head. Do you run away? What if other people including children are in the house? What it she is threatening one of your kids or hits one of your kids?

If I get assaulted by anyone, man or woman, young or old, I will defend myself. If that means punching a woman in the face then so be it. I am not going to be injured because of some made up moral code.

I'll be honest, if I don't think she's a serious threat I'm not going to do anything. If I have to defend myself I need to feel like I am defending against something. If I was Greg Hardy there would be very few women on the planet who would cause a threat response, unless she was armed with a bazooka.
No harm, no foul. Now I see how you made that post in jest - it was an inside joke due to a misunderstanding.

Too bad I already killed his cat before I figured out you weren't who I thought you were! Guys shouldn't have cats anyway.
And she called her shot

Earlier in the week the police were called to her job because she was going after Hardy and not letting him leave. She hurt her foot kicking his car as he drove off and later even joked about it during the Bench trial.

She screamed to her friends that she was going to "get her rent paid" and "he had not even seen crazy yet".

His biggest mistake was going back to the well to get some break up sex. She showed him her crazy face and he ignored it to get some.

Is there links to this? I remember reading about it, not sure where.
Just out of curiousity, how do you older Cowboys fans feel about Harvey Martin and Hollywood Henderson. They were both from before my time, so I'm genuinely curious. I ask because I recently ready that Martin assaulted his girlfriend (or fiancée), and that Henderson smoked crack with, then sexually assaulted two underage girls, but I hear nothing but love for these two former players.