I cant stand listening to all these ****** in the media getting on their moral high-horses and shaking their finger at Greg Hardy... It's like Pacino's character Tony Montana says in Scarface, "you need people like me, so you can point your ******* fingers and say there's the bad guy......"
And maybe Greg hardy is a bad guy, but he's certainly not the type of monster that deserves this level of scrutiny... This is the same media machine that falls at the feet of paedophiles like Roman Polanski and Woody Allen... And all these media people saying "it's irresponsible for the Cowboys to not cut him immediately"... So what, if you're convicted for domestic violence (which Hardy was not) then you should lose your job and never be able to work again? They'll say, "it's okay that he works, but he cant be a millionaire football player after what he did..." And to those people I would ask, so then what is the most money somebody convicted of domestic violence should be allowed to make? What sort of jobs should domestic abusers be allowed to have? And why do you hate freedom?
Does nobody deserve a second chance? And the media would answer, "he's not remorseful... he doesn't act like he's sorry..." Again, just because he wont put on a show for these people and speak meekly and apologetically, as if the media themselves were the victim, and they're the ones who have to believe your apology...