Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

Spooky, I was posting the exact same thing at the same time.

I often times wonder if I'm making excuses, but I try to be as objective as possible. And these new photos haven't changed a thing for me. A bit gruesome? A bit. But still lining up with everything we already knew/ had questions about.

Most everyone that isn't a Cowboys fan right now is just trying to point the finger at the bad guy to make themselves the good guy without really asking questions.

Seems like some of us are still thinking through the shock.
Here is my question for all the posters here certain that Hardy is guilty. If these bruises are from Greg Hardy hitting Nicole Holder, why did Nicole Holder testify at the bench trial that he didn't hit her? Her sworn testimony was that he didn't hit her, but rather chocked her without leaving marks and threatened to kill her.

She said she had a broken toenail from a separate incident a few days prior where she attacked his car and was restrained by a security guard.

how dare you bring facts into this
Can you tell us what evidence points to that as the truth since there was another woman in the apartment who testified that she heard Hardy dragging her around and yelling at her.

I said in my opinion as you have the right to yours. Who cares if another women said anything, that's hear say and not evidence
I often times wonder if I'm making excuses, but I try to be as objective as possible. And these new photos haven't changed a thing for me. A bit gruesome? A bit. But still lining up with everything we already knew/ had questions about.

Totally agree. If you remember the threads back in January there were a bunch of us like BKnight, XWalker, etc that read all the articles because we DIDN"T want a guy who beats women on the team.
Really don't know why anyone would come to another conclusion. Both did wrong and should have dealt with the consequences.


We're raised into a world thinking that Women are victims of any physical confrontation.

We think we would be better in the same circumstances (and I really hope I would be).

But it's all a little sexist really. I don't want to branch too much off into that topic, but thinking she's a poor defenseless woman is pretty sexist.

Yeah, clearly he's her physical superior, but if Greg Hardy kicked my *** in a bar, people wouldn't think twice (I'm only 5'11", 185ish, btw).

Seems silly. But it plays a big role in how people are perceiving this story that they still really know nothing about-- including myself.
Best missed Spellcheck of the thread.

Not hating, I use it every post.

You just try to type as fast as u can on a cell and dont worry too much about spelling. I was more worried about trying to text a response in a timely fashion.
Dumb question incoming:

Why wasn't Holder taken to the hospital once the police deemed that she was the victim of DV? I would think that her injuries would be cataloged there and not in the parking lot by a squad night.

Maybe she was taken to the ER but I can't find any info on that.
Here is my question for all the posters here certain that Hardy is guilty. If these bruises are from Greg Hardy hitting Nicole Holder, why did Nicole Holder testify at the bench trial that he didn't hit her? Her sworn testimony was that he didn't hit her, but rather choked her without leaving marks and then threatened to kill her.

She said she had a broken toenail from a separate incident a few days prior where she attacked his car and was restrained by a security guard.

Didn't anyone see Fear or Gone Girl?


I often times wonder if I'm making excuses, but I try to be as objective as possible. And these new photos haven't changed a thing for me. A bit gruesome? A bit. But still lining up with everything we already knew/ had questions about.

Most everyone that isn't a Cowboys fan right now is just trying to point the finger at the bad guy to make themselves the good guy without really asking questions.

Seems like some of us are still thinking through the shock.

You know, I have a friend who's a Vikings fan, of all people, asking me if I thought the bruises were excessive or not. I'm trying to remember how big a deal the Peterson lashing photos were. To my recollection it was a bigger deal than these Hardy photos have been so far, and rightly so. But I can't remember how long it went on. A couple weeks, probably, right? But that was in the offseason when there wasn't a game coming up in 2 days, too.
What about the woman who prey on thug athletes? You know Hardy wasn't her first celeb right?

Every sport has groupies. They do it. Players enjoy it. Does that make her worthy of being abused? Doing drugs, liking athletes and money, etc...none are excuses for being abused.
Dumb question incoming:

Why wasn't Holder taken to the hospital once the police deemed that she was the victim of DV? I would think that her injuries would be cataloged there and not in the parking lot by a squad night.

Maybe she was taken to the ER but I can't find any info on that.

She declined. She didn't even want to talk to the Police.

She did not show for the Peace Order trial the next day and her first attorney recused himself from the case because of her actions. They said it was the time he did that in over 20 years.

She tried to skip the Bench trial but they were able to get her there. She was a reluctant witness from the start and her stories never quite matched up.

The DA didn't read her testimony from the bench trial until a couple weeks before the scheduled jury trial. The State doesn't provide transcripts of bench trials(real official) but Hardy's team paid for their own stenographer. The DA threatened to sue for the transcripts and they finally relented. When the DA read her testimony and she was AWOL he knew it was over. They are allowed to proceed without her if the DA vouches for her testimony. He was unwilling to do so because of the inconsistencies in her stories. he dropped all charges.

At the press conference he offered up the theory that she was bought off but has never provided any proof. In fact, if he thought it was a quid pro quo situation he could charge her with her with obstruction of justice. But again he declined. They said they couldn't find her but she kept posting on Facebook and spent a few weeks at her parents home over the holidays.
I often times wonder if I'm making excuses, but I try to be as objective as possible. And these new photos haven't changed a thing for me. A bit gruesome? A bit. But still lining up with everything we already knew/ had questions about.

Most everyone that isn't a Cowboys fan right now is just trying to point the finger at the bad guy to make themselves the good guy without really asking questions.

Seems like some of us are still thinking through the shock.

I have been guilty of calling her names, mainly because I thought Hardy was getting jobbed, but I don't think she is a bad person or even a gold digger.

I think she just let her emotions get the best of her and she went off when he dumped her. I think the argument got physical because of her but I don't think she was out to railroad Greg. Once the cops get there everything changes and someone has to take the blame. With the bruises the cops will arrest the man every time even if he had minor injuries as well.

The whole thing has been overblown by everyone and really doesn't warrant the amount of time I have spent on it. It was a drunk argument that went too far. Hardy paid a big price and faced all his charges and suspensions as a stand up guy. It is time to move on to the next bad guy of the month.
Totally agree. If you remember the threads back in January there were a bunch of us like BKnight, XWalker, etc that read all the articles because we DIDN"T want a guy who beats women on the team.

So how do you feel about Hardy now?
If there was a settlement and she was the victim why take it? Why not try and get justice?
What is justice? The guy was sentenced to 18 month probation, with a suspended 60-day jail term.

I doubt there are terribly many people who would risk losing hundreds of thousands of dollars to see their attacker serve 18 months probation.
You have no clue. Hardy has marks on his face...who is to say she didnt attack him first?

Further, the marks on her are consistent with possibly being pushed away and falling onto something. NONE of them appear to be punches or physical hits directly by hardy.


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