ESPN's Ed Werder GOT OWNED!!!

5Countem5;2487634 said:
And what of the Werder-ites insults? Do those count?

If they tossed the first insults, yes. But from my recollection (and I haven't read every thread), it seems that those who defend Werder are being insulted first.

Whatever happened to, "We'll just have to agree to disagree"? :(
"I work for ESPN and I think this thread sucks."
DallasEast;2487540 said:
Okay, I'm jumping back into the pool again.

I'm my opinion, the journalistic relevance of using anonymous sources must be weighed against the importance of the information being relayed by its source. Watergate was a true, organized conspiracy to dupe the enitre American public of illegal transgressions. Whatever Werder may or may not have uncovered involving Terrell Owens pales incredibly by comparison.

That's why I said the problem is not with the " anonymous source ", but with " content ".

" Anonymous sources ", alot of times ( if not all the times), are parties with agendas. One of the jobs of a journalist is to do exactly what you said: weigh the importance of the information.

Had I been Werder, I would have gone to Roy Williams, Romo, Garrett, other coaches, even T.O. himself, individualy ( assuming that none of them are the source themselves, of course ) and said: " Hey Mr Romo, or Mr Williams..etc, I'm sitting on this story, but I want to give you an opportunity to present your side ".

Depending on the answers that I get, then I make the decision on wether to go with it or not. At least that way, I'd feel comfortable enough to report that I went to the parties themselves ( even if they all say " no comment " ) and/or according to MULTIPLE team sources this is what I got. This way, I get to see if the original " anonymous source(s) " has an angle and, if so, what is it.

IMO, I think that Werder jumped the gun and just went straight to the story using just the " anonymous source " angle and, even if it's accurate, it looks sloppy and weak.

That was sweet...even the security guy had a smile on his face. :)
Dallas22;2487511 said:
We're going to the Ghost Bar tonight... should be there later, like after 10pm... let us know who wants to get out there, maybe we'll have a PRE-party for the game tommorow... all Cowboy fans welcome, even BBGUN :D

thanks for stopping by my show and saying hi! hope ya'll have a great time in dallas and ghost bar treats (i guess treated) you right! :)
iceberg;2488457 said:
thanks for stopping by my show and saying hi! hope ya'll have a great time in dallas and ghost bar treats (i guess treated) you right! :)

Not a problem, we had a good time stopping by your show and appriciate the invite. Ghost Bar was basically shut down (too busy) so we went to a couple of different spots and just checked out downtown Dallas tonight. Good times, thanks again bro. We'll keep in touch and if you are even in Orlando, let us know and we'll hook you up. We should be back in Dallas for the Washington game next season so we'll probably see you then... peace and GO COWBOYS!!!
WoodysGirl;2487275 said:
DMN Media Blog's spin...

They also had the unedited vid on their site,

The saga continues: ESPN and T.O.
7:28 AM Sat, Dec 13, 2008 | Permalink
Barry Horn E-mail News tips

This guy thinks there is an ESPN conspiracy against Terrell Owens. He's not alone.

I think there are a lot of folks at ESPN who don't like T.O. I think ESPN's Sunday Morning crew treats T.O. like a pinata. I think T.O. trying to win a shouting match with ESPN is futile. I think losing a wide receiver for the season because he shot himself and is facing jail time remains a bigger national story than a wide receiver who has a sit down with his coordinator.

But I wouldn't question ESPN's Ed Werder's reporting skills.

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That's just great. This guy puts it all into perspective perfectly.

Quarterback Coach;2487437 said:
Gang...please do not get mad at BB. Anyone is welcome to his or her opinion about me, or just about anything. I just ask that you please do not make assumtions about my character without actually knowing me.

I get passionate about this team. Realistically that is silly. It is a game. But, that is part of who I am...period. I don't want my 15 minutes (BB I am glad they are up)...I just want a win tomorrow, a few drinks at ghost bar tonight, and as much fun tomorrow and Monday as we have had so far in Big D.

I think the fact we don't agree, or always think the same is what makes sites like this awesome.

Take care you! ;)

Nice rebuttal Chris. I frequent a local sports bar and yap it up with two other Cowboy fans weekly amidst a sea of fans from all other teams. We have so much fun every single week. From pointing out the lone Lions fan in there staunchly supporting his team to almost going blow to blow with a sensitive Browns fan because I laughed at the way they were playing one week. The guy happened to be sitting right next to me and I didn't even know it. My friends told me he looked like he wanted to slit my throat... :lmao: I wish he would have tried. :D

It's all in good fun. Every fan out there has an intense desire to see his/her team succeed. You're no different. You just take advantage of opportunities to let these clowns know the feeling is out there. Keep on doing your thing and enjoy the game tonight. Hopefully we all return to this board later tonight to discuss what a great win we just enjoyed against a very good Gnats team. :beer2: :cheers: :dissgint:
Dallas22;2488478 said:
Not a problem, we had a good time stopping by your show and appriciate the invite. Ghost Bar was basically shut down (too busy) so we went to a couple of different spots and just checked out downtown Dallas tonight. Good times, thanks again bro. We'll keep in touch and if you are even in Orlando, let us know and we'll hook you up. We should be back in Dallas for the Washington game next season so we'll probably see you then... peace and GO COWBOYS!!!

my dad is moving to orlando next week (apopka i believe - about 30-40 min out?) so i'm sure i'll be down to visit.

amazing how far this video has gone in such short time! i don't think ya'll will ever forget this trip to dallas man!
iceberg;2488858 said:
my dad is moving to orlando next week (apopka i believe - about 30-40 min out?) so i'm sure i'll be down to visit.

amazing how far this video has gone in such short time! i don't think ya'll will ever forget this trip to dallas man!

Yeah, Apopka is basically on the outskirts of Orlando, about 30-40 mins depending on where in Orlando you are at. Looking forward when you come into town... let us know!

I also agree... this was a classic 3 days so far BUT to put that cherry on top the Cowboys NEED to win tonight and cap off a great weekend!!!
Dallas22;2485221 said:
OK guys, Cowboy Chris (Quarterback Coach on this site) is back again. We are here in Dallas for the Giants game and we were outside Valley Ranch taking pictures when who did we see... Ed Werder!!! Well, Cowboy Chris didn't let this opprotunity pass him by. He railed into him mercilessly during his LIVE interview at 6pm EST on ESPN. Of course, I was there recording with my digital camera (video recording) and boy, well, you just got to see it to believe it... it was great and ALL Werder Haters (isn't that ALL Dallas Cowboys fans?) will appriciate this 5:35 min piece of video. I will post this on YouTube as soon as possible and put the link in here...

... As always, GO COWBOYS!!!


I love that he unloaded on the weasel , Bravo bavo,, I would love to buy you a beer for that Great Job ,,should have been a 2 camera shoot .....I wish I was there. my faith in the fans of this team will never waiver..go get them ...dont let te Bastids grind ya down

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