ESPN's Ed Werder GOT OWNED!!!

5Countem5;2487179 said:
Take it easy on bbgun. She spent 16 hours in labor with Werder, wiped his nose, held his inhaler, bought him his first pocket protector and saw him through all his sports (writing) injuries...

A mother's love is special...

Considering where your head has been, can you tell us if TO has any polyps?
bbgun;2487187 said:
Considering where your head has been, can you tell us if TO has any polyps?

Ewwwwwww "polyps"?

Do you kiss Mr. Werder with that mouth?
bbgun;2487176 said:
Hmm. Maybe because this thread and forum is open to everyone, not just the mindless media haters.
Listen, I'm not saying what Werder is reporting isn't true or is. My problem with this report is the "anonymous sources". That's not good journalism.

What if your boss were to fire you because he got an "anonymous source" telling him you stole from the company? Would you be happy? Of course not. That's not the way our society works.

Back to Chris, what has he done that was so wrong in your eyes? He had every right to do what he did, whether you like it or not. Most of us don't like what Werder did, yet he did. So what's so wrong with what Chris did?

The guy that should be villified is that idiot gopher that's so proud to work for ESPN. Chris should have asked him if he was a Commander fan.
5Countem5;2487194 said:
Ewwwwwww "polyps"?

Do you kiss Mr. Werder with that mouth?

Not my type. I prefer blue collar types who harangue Dallas coaches as they step off the team bus.
bbgun;2487208 said:
Not my type. I prefer blue collar types who harangue Dallas coaches as they step off the team bus.

Like i suspected, it IS the sexual tension between you and CowboyChris that's causing you to speakout against him.

bbgun;2487208 said:
Not my type. I prefer blue collar types who harangue Dallas coaches as they step off the team bus.
They know when they sign that contract that's part of the job. They're big boys, they can handle it. Besides, criticism usually makes one work harder.
DTK;2487206 said:
Listen, I'm not saying what Werder is reporting isn't true or is. My problem with this report is the "anonymous sources". That's not good journalism.

More like the lifeblood of the industry. There's more to the Cowboys than sanitized press releases. Much more. Remember, sunshine is the best disinfectant.

What if your boss were to fire you because he got an "anonymous source" telling him you stole from the company? Would you be happy? Of course not. That's not the way our society works.

Bizarre analogy. Nobody's jobs are imperiled here. And we've moved way beyond anon sources by this point. A number of players have said that the problems are real. You obviously don't think we're entitled to that kind of information, even if it's true.

Back to Chris, what has he done that was so wrong in your eyes? He had every right to do what he did, whether you like it or not. Most of us don't like what Werder did, yet he did. So what's so wrong with what Chris did?

I don't care for relentless self-promoters who pride themselves on anti-social behavior. Guess I'm just funny that way.

The guy that should be villified is that idiot gopher that's so proud to work for ESPN. Chris should have asked him if he was a Commander fan

More like Employee of the Month.
DMN Media Blog's spin...

They also had the unedited vid on their site,

The saga continues: ESPN and T.O.
7:28 AM Sat, Dec 13, 2008 | Permalink
Barry Horn E-mail News tips

This guy thinks there is an ESPN conspiracy against Terrell Owens. He's not alone.

I think there are a lot of folks at ESPN who don't like T.O. I think ESPN's Sunday Morning crew treats T.O. like a pinata. I think T.O. trying to win a shouting match with ESPN is futile. I think losing a wide receiver for the season because he shot himself and is facing jail time remains a bigger national story than a wide receiver who has a sit down with his coordinator.

But I wouldn't question ESPN's Ed Werder's reporting skills.

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WoodysGirl;2487275 said:
DMN Media Blog's spin...

They also had the vid on their site

The saga continues: ESPN and T.O.
7:28 AM Sat, Dec 13, 2008 | Permalink
Barry Horn E-mail News tips
This guy thinks there is an ESPN conspiracy against Terrell Owens. He's not alone.

I think there are a lot of folks at ESPN who don't like T.O. I think ESPN's Sunday Morning crew treats T.O. like a pinata. I think T.O. trying to win a shouting match with ESPN is futile. I think losing a wide receiver for the season because he shot himself and is facing jail time remains a bigger national story than a wide receiver who has a sit down with his coordinator.

But I wouldn't question ESPN's Ed Werder's reporting skills.

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:lmao2: @ the Plax Reference.

So true, so true.
WoodysGirl;2487275 said:
DMN Media Blog's spin...

They also had the unedited vid on their site,

The saga continues: ESPN and T.O.
7:28 AM Sat, Dec 13, 2008 | Permalink
Barry Horn E-mail News tips

This guy thinks there is an ESPN conspiracy against Terrell Owens. He's not alone.

I think there are a lot of folks at ESPN who don't like T.O. I think ESPN's Sunday Morning crew treats T.O. like a pinata. I think T.O. trying to win a shouting match with ESPN is futile. I think losing a wide receiver for the season because he shot himself and is facing jail time remains a bigger national story than a wide receiver who has a sit down with his coordinator.

But I wouldn't question ESPN's Ed Werder's reporting skills.

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"skills" :lmao2:

Actually, that techie practiced heroic restraint.

Really ? So what do you think that " techie " should have done that was within his rights but didn't because he " restraint " himself ? Punch him ? Kick him ? Physically remove him from a public sidewalk ?

Yes, he has a right to meathead "look at me" tactics, and I have a right to mock him for said grandstanding. Again, this wasn't the first time he's pulled this "Joe Superfan" crap. Real fans police their own.

You have a right to mock him, I have a right to mock you for, imo, your rediculous position on this subject, he had a right to mock Werder by expressing his opinion.

I'm glad you understand that we have rights in this land.

Big deal. Obnoxious is obnoxious.

Obnoxious is very different from " thuggish ".

I don't think Werder lost any sleep. Someone else, however, lost a ton of dignity.

I agree. That idiot claiming he worked for ESPN looked like a complete moron.

DTK;2487206 said:
Listen, I'm not saying what Werder is reporting isn't true or is. My problem with this report is the "anonymous sources". That's not good journalism.

Not true. If it wasn't for anonymous sources, Nixon would have served out his term. Anonymous sources are a must for transparency.

The problem is not " anonymous sources ". The problem is content. Some journalists refuse to work in " shock " news with little value, some don't.

Obviously, BSPN is under tremendous pressure to deliver every single minute of the day, so they go towards shock value news. They've lost alot of credibility, and probably rating, because it, which they try to make up with broadcasting major live sporting events ( MLB, NBA, NCAAA..etc ). They used to be a professional journalistic network, but not anymore.

They're like sugar: sweet taste, in almost everything, but mostly empty calories.

WoodysGirl;2487275 said:
DMN Media Blog's spin...

They also had the unedited vid on their site,

The saga continues: ESPN and T.O.
7:28 AM Sat, Dec 13, 2008 | Permalink
Barry Horn E-mail News tips

This guy thinks there is an ESPN conspiracy against Terrell Owens. He's not alone.

I think there are a lot of folks at ESPN who don't like T.O. I think ESPN's Sunday Morning crew treats T.O. like a pinata. I think T.O. trying to win a shouting match with ESPN is futile. I think losing a wide receiver for the season because he shot himself and is facing jail time remains a bigger national story than a wide receiver who has a sit down with his coordinator.

But I wouldn't question ESPN's Ed Werder's reporting skills.

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Someone get me Barry Horn's e-mail address. I need to thank him myself. Common sense in the media is actually appreciated by this mad Cowboys fan.
Hostile;2487412 said:
Someone get me Barry Horn's e-mail address. I need to thank him myself. Common sense in the media is actually appreciated by this mad Cowboys fan.
Here you go...

bbgun;2486983 said:
My bad. I meant to say "obnoxious" behavior, though you needn't throw a punch to be considered a thug.

Take a look at his other vids. The guy has a history of doing things like this. This wasn't an aberration.

Gang...please do not get mad at BB. Anyone is welcome to his or her opinion about me, or just about anything. I just ask that you please do not make assumtions about my character without actually knowing me.

I get passionate about this team. Realistically that is silly. It is a game. But, that is part of who I am...period. I don't want my 15 minutes (BB I am glad they are up)...I just want a win tomorrow, a few drinks at ghost bar tonight, and as much fun tomorrow and Monday as we have had so far in Big D.

I think the fact we don't agree, or always think the same is what makes sites like this awesome.

Take care you! ;)
Quarterback Coach;2487437 said:
Gang...please do not get mad at BB. Anyone is welcome to his or her opinion about me, or just about anything. I just ask that you please do not make assumtions about my character without actually knowing me.

I get passionate about this team. Realistically that is silly. It is a game. But, that is part of who I am...period. I don't want my 15 minutes (BB I am glad they are up)...I just want a win tomorrow, a few drinks at ghost bar tonight, and as much fun tomorrow and Monday as we have had so far in Big D.

I think the fact we don't agree, or always think the same is what makes sites like this awesome.

Take care you! ;)
Nice post. My respect level for you went up.
Quarterback Coach;2487437 said:
Gang...please do not get mad at BB. Anyone is welcome to his or her opinion about me, or just about anything. I just ask that you please do not make assumtions about my character without actually knowing me.

I get passionate about this team. Realistically that is silly. It is a game. But, that is part of who I am...period. I don't want my 15 minutes (BB I am glad they are up)...I just want a win tomorrow, a few drinks at ghost bar tonight, and as much fun tomorrow and Monday as we have had so far in Big D.

I think the fact we don't agree, or always think the same is what makes sites like this awesome.

Take care you! ;)

You thug you!
Quarterback Coach;2487437 said:
Gang...please do not get mad at BB. Anyone is welcome to his or her opinion about me, or just about anything. I just ask that you please do not make assumtions about my character without actually knowing me.

I get passionate about this team. Realistically that is silly. It is a game. But, that is part of who I am...period. I don't want my 15 minutes (BB I am glad they are up)...I just want a win tomorrow, a few drinks at ghost bar tonight, and as much fun tomorrow and Monday as we have had so far in Big D.

I think the fact we don't agree, or always think the same is what makes sites like this awesome.

Take care you! ;)

Thugs are not suppose to be this nice. You my friend is a conundrum ;)

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