Et Tu Sturm


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well, if you read through the comments its clearly outlined.
It's not my job to read through everyone else's comment to express my opinion on a play.

I never replied to you until you replied to me.

And again,.everyone else's comments are irrelevant to my comments on the play.

If you have an issue with what someone else says, take that up with them, not me.

I will stick to the topic at hand.


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It's not my job to read through everyone else's comment to express my opinion on a play.

I never replied to you until you replied to me.

And again,.everyone else's comments are irrelevant to my comments on the play.

If you have an issue with what someone else says, take that up with them, not me.

I will stick to the topic at hand.
well if you are going to make comments and assumptions then perhaps you should.

I have no issue. I make responses and comments to others comments. that's what happens in a Forum...don't like it, leave.


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Are you kidding and do you listen to the Ticket? The guy has been one of his biggest supporters for years and has constantly said “if you think Dak is the issue then you aren’t watching games.” This is just made up
You can be a supporter and still be critical of him. I read him at the NY Times site and now his substack - every week he has digs at Daks misses or mistakes.

But he is right that Dak isn't the issue so...


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well if you are going to make comments and assumptions then perhaps you should.

I have no issue. I make responses and comments to others comments. that's what happens in a Forum...don't like it, leave.
I am able to have independent critical thought. I don't have to see what someone else says before I'm able to analyze and develop an opinion.

I don't have an issue with you commenting. Again, another strawman.

But when you did, try and stick to what's said.
You just look foolish trying to attribute comments and opinions of person A to person C.


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I am able to have independent critical thought. I don't have to see what someone else says before I'm able to analyze and develop an opinion.

I don't have an issue with you commenting. Again, another strawman.

But when you did, try and stick to what's said.
You just look foolish trying to attribute comments and opinions of person A to person C.
so you like to jump in the middle of a conversation, having not heard or purposely ignored anything discussed previously and claim you can provide independent thought!? out of context...OOOKKK then


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so you like to jump in the middle of a conversation, having not heard or purposely ignored anything discussed previously and claim you can provide independent thought!? out of context...OOOKKK then
Again...strawmen. It's all you have. You can't actual discuss the topic so you flail about.

I read every comment up to what I responded to. The comment I responded to was the other person's first post in this thread and was in response to the original post. There was no context to be had besides the original post and that post.
The context is the play in question. I discussed facts about what was going on in that play.

Whatever other nonsense you're trying to go on about is imagined in your head.

Now, haven't you tried to derail this thread from the topic enough already?


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Again...strawmen. It's all you have. You can't actual discuss the topic so you flail about.

I read every comment up to what I responded to. The comment I responded to was the other person's first post in this thread and was in response to the original post. There was no context to be had besides the original post and that post.
The context is the play in question. I discussed facts about what was going on in that play.

Whatever other nonsense you're trying to go on about is imagined in your head.

Now, haven't you tried to derail this thread from the topic enough already?
sure thing. oookkk then.not sure what it is you trying to argue about as seemingly you are not able to stay on topic....good luck.


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Does anyone know if this is before or after Lamb was on the sideline demanding the ball?

It doesn't absolve Dak in any way, he should have found and thrown to the open guy. I'm just wondering the timing of the play vs the Lamb sideline incident.