Every year, more drama!

NO ONE is saying we’re the only team! The drama and overreaction is everywhere, and yes, we DO notice it more because it’s out team. But NO TEAM gets more coverage than the Dallas Cowboys. Everyone knows that!
But apparently some fans overreact more than others :facepalm: :eek:
Are you certain it is?


I do not believe it would fit.
Yea , getting down to Jimmys “ Big Chill “ sports bar is on my bucket list.

They might. But either way, it will not affect the team. If they sue, it will be handled by lawyers. It's not like Dak will be heading up the Cowboys defense against any suit that is filed. The worst case is the Cowboys pack up and head back to Tx to do camp.
Right . This is a distraction which shouldn’t impact on the field but these legal off field matters are of interest to me. Looks like Cowboys may have stepped out of bounds on this one . All to bolster revenue .
To me the biggest drama for 2023 season surrounds McCarthy taking over offense . And the impacts or effects as such with Prescott and our offense . All the while we watch what’s going on in LA with Moore, Herbert and the Chargers.

This is the type of drama that we created ourselves . Along with our 80 year old ageless wonder owner & GM setting the bar with championship game or bust . Just can’t make up much better drama . Lol
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I agree. The NFL was functioning before Martin and will not fold because him, Barkley and a few others sit out a season. Some fans panic too much concerning the business of football.
1)NO ONE said the NFL would fold
2)NO ONE is panicking.
3)This overreaction partially illustrates what I’m alluding to!
I think it’s interesting, but disturbing, that something pops up every year that threatens the success of the team. Holdouts, bad injuries to key players, arrests, bad trades, stupid quotes—drama drama drama. This year it’s disgruntled residents in Oxnard and a potentially DISASTROUS Zach Martin holdout. We’re doooooommed!

Think this year’s drama will hurt us? Think we’ll ever have a drama-free year?
Something posted on every NFL team board every year sans the absolutely meaningless Oxnard part...
Something posted on every NFL team board every year sans the absolutely meaningless Oxnard part...
Yeah, I wondered why Oxnard was such an issue. There’s always those who make a mountain out of a molehill! The ironic thing? I mention the manufactured drama perpetually surrounding the most polarizing team, and a few posters overreact, creating additional drama! It’s hilarious!
Drama by design, they feast on it.

And we are the only fan base that gets ancillary drama from the owner with his personal life. We are truly blessed.
Nice blend of irony and sarcasm! It’s like they live on rattlesnake meat—they love it, even though they get bit during harvesting on occasion!✊
an offseason without cowboys drama isnt a profitable offseason

and i honestly think how ive always thought about us

contracts are done and signed but they just say they arent to keep the media mentioning Dallas
Drama by design, they feast on it.

And we are the only fan base that gets ancillary drama from the owner with his personal life. We are truly blessed.
Yea, I’m not sure why some fans get defensive about the fact Cowboys have drama ?

I guess it’s that Homer segment which feels the need or their duty to defend any criticism . Lol
Nice blend of irony and sarcasm! It’s like they live on rattlesnake meat—they love it, even though they get bit during harvesting on occasion!✊
Yea but it’s that Raw Meat that’s fed which draws attention, etc which helps drives revenue.

And why our egomaniac celebrity driven 80 year old wonder continues serving it up and embracing the drama. What other owner and or GM stated the Championship Game is the expectation. Gotta love it. Lol
You’re not hearing me. OF COURSE they happen evenly over time to everyone. The media simply overreacts more when it’s Dallas. We are the Yankees of the NFL. We all know it, but some won’t acknowledge it.
I do hear you....and agree with everything u just said.

Now hear me: the OP wasn't really talking about the media's spin on things. He was indicating that there's always some bad INJURIES, or arrests, or holdouts..... things that affect the team whether the media reports on it or not....that derail our success at the onset of the season....like we're just unusually unlucky or something...as if these real world things happen to us with some greater frequency than other teams. Go back and read the original post.

NOTHING to do with the media talking more about Dallas than other teams (which they do).

He seemed to indicate we have an unproportionally high occurrence of real world bad things happening to us...which we don't. They happen to every team....and we are no more snakebit than any other team.
Some does, but I mean society in general. People nowdays are so easily triggered. They overreact to virtually everything, and the media happily encourages it for clicks. An example: when I was a kid, I remember standing in six inches of snow, waiting for the school bus, and it was no big deal. Now? Two inches has panicky weather reports and school closings everywhere! A coming storm has people flooding the local market, sucking up bread, milk and TP. I remember when 5 or 6 of us would jump into the uncapped bed of someone’s truck, and fly off to a party or bbq. Now? People get fined if everyone’s not buckled into a proper seat.

Drama, overreaction. Just sayin’.
It's called nostalgia Bruv.

Every generation looks back to the mythical golden age of their youth when things were better.

Back in the early Neolithic era, Ug the caveman was probably complaining that mammoth tasted much better in the good ole Mesolithic days.
We aren't unique in that regard. Welcome to professional sports.
I do hear you....and agree with everything u just said.

Now hear me: the OP wasn't really talking about the media's spin on things. He was indicating that there's always some bad INJURIES, or arrests, or holdouts..... things that affect the team whether the media reports on it or not....that derail our success at the onset of the season....like we're just unusually unlucky or something...as if these real world things happen to us with some greater frequency than other teams. Go back and read the original post.

NOTHING to do with the media talking more about Dallas than other teams (which they do).

He seemed to indicate we have an unproportionally high occurrence of real world bad things happening to us...which we don't. They happen to every team....and we are no more snakebit than any other team.
I hear you. Dallas gets drama just like any other team. But ADD to that the EXTRA drama we get as America’s Team.

If Carolina or Jacksonville has a bad trade, there’s drama. The talking heads make a mountain out of a mole hill. Dallas has a bad trade, on par with the others. Honestly, is it mentioned by the pundits more or less?

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