I know you don't really want an answer to this, but I got one for you anyways.
Homers are those that just wish for the best and prefer to not look behind the curtain. Nothing wrong with that. The problems start when they start attacking others. The others being "haters" who prefer to try and see things as they perceive them to be, warts and all. Nothing wrong with that, either.
Most of us "haters" are people who are inclined to focus some energy on the warts simply because we want to see things improve and that can't happen without identifying the areas that need improvement. We carry this attitude in general, and in areas of our personal lives it leads to improvement. It is who we are and is not a bad thing.
It fascinates me that the Homer vs hater dynamic here, is really only focused on one aspect of the team. The haters can be critical of every part of this team except for one, with no hostility from the homers. The homers are often critical of some aspects of the team yet they can rationalize that.
At the end of the day, the silly homers vs haters dynamic, as well as the silly labels themselves, are nothing more than ego flexing.
Which is silly since none of this matters one iota in the real world.
I have a good friend who if he told you about his stage 4 cancer diagnosis he would and could do it in a way that would have you laughing.