Twitter: Everyone is laughing at us

Like everything else in life. If it's true, might as well see the humor in it. Arguing with facts just makes you an irrational homer who can't accept the truth. Doesn't make it any less painful or humiliating but deal with it in a healthy way.
I also never understood why the term “homer” is meant negative. People would rather be known as negative or pessimistic than a homer. Crazy times….

If you get enjoyment from laughing at your team why even be a fan?
Late to the game. I've been laughing since 2001 at least. Mostly toward the nepotism of the Jones brood and it's deserved. They've thought all along they've known what they are doing football wise. It has been pretty clear that without Jimmy they are basically the ownership of teams like the Browns/Lions. They just twinkle a little more because of the Cowboys past and the blind support of some of the dumbest fans on earth.
Why insult Cowboy fans for their loyalty?
Why insult Cowboy fans for their loyalty?
Because they've exasperated the problem and enabled the Jones' forever. Season ticket buyers after multiple 6-10,8-8 seasons with the likes of Quincy Carter, Clint Stoerner, Dave Campo, retread puppet coaches, etc. Jerry has never seen even a semblance of boycott/no shows. Why would he change anything really? Fans can and DO have a say. Not sure it will ever change but just saying. it's a systemic problem that will probably always be there because of the fans and their blind loyalty. It is what it is.
What’s not to laugh at?

A big portion of the fanbase believes they are less of a fan if they don’t cheer on players, coaches, or an owner that hold the team back.
I also never understood why the term “homer” is meant negative. People would rather be known as negative or pessimistic than a homer. Crazy times….

If you get enjoyment from laughing at your team why even be a fan?

Being optimistic (homer) all the time is just as bad as being pessimistic all the time. Both extremes are bad. It's always better to be "realistic". If you are a realistic thinker, both extremes usually think you are the other. I always point people to this when they ask why being a Homer is bad:
Because they've exasperated the problem and enabled the Jones' forever. Season ticket buyers after multiple 6-10,8-8 seasons with the likes of Quincy Carter, Clint Stoerner, Dave Campo, retread puppet coaches, etc. Jerry has never seen even a semblance of boycott/no shows. Why would he change anything really? Fans can and DO have a say. Not sure it will ever change but just saying. it's a systemic problem that will probably always be there because of the fans and their blind loyalty. It is what it is.
Nothing is preventing fans, who blame their fellow fans for 'enabling' Jones, from doing more than simply not buying team merchandise and game tickets as a form of boycotting, which is, in reality, doing nothing at all. What all fans should stop and finally take into consideration is that Jones rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars completely separate from f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l.

Any reasonable boycott conceived towards negating Jones' financial gargantuan monstrosity, must take into account his entire bottom line. Not doing so would simply be wasted effort. No goal has ever been achieved through shortsightedness. And blaming fellow fans for not doing what others will not attempt to do themselves does not even amount to wasted effort.

I have asked fans, who point fingers, for years on this forum, is to present a logically thought out plan or scheme for an effective boycott. The only two forms I have been told that were either enacted or poorly organized was: a) a billboard and b) a mini-PSL revolt. If people would simply step back and self-evaluate, they would come to the logical conclusion that both efforts, combined, equate to throw snowballs at Mount Everett. Not a joke. Literally.

Just ranting but I will repeat what I have said in the past. Fingerpointing fans. Stop blaming others. Stop being spiteful. Do something, anything, that makes any real impact by example. Leadership has proven it will attract followers. That is how boycotts that actually work have any hope of eventually working!
Being optimistic (homer) all the time is just as bad as being pessimistic all the time. Both extremes are bad. It's always better to be "realistic". If you are a realistic thinker, both extremes usually think you are the other. I always point people to this when they ask why being a Homer is bad:
Well whether being a homer all the time is "bad" is debatable. But its what i'd expect a "fan" to do as oppose to being negative all the time.

As far as that link I think that's some great information to have in life but i'm not sure its meant to follow in the sports world or sports fandom.

haters hate why even pay attention to it our own fans are doing that right in here they have that crap on copy and paste with the stupid narratives and let it roll off your back how many days has it been since the Houston Oilers and Houston TX been to a AFC championship game or Super Bowl count those days

count the days then it took the Kansas City Chiefs between their last two Super Bowls which was 51 years that was a lot of days I'm sure I'm not counting how about 60 years for the Eagles to win one Super Bowl I mean it took 31 years for the Bengals in between their losses I'm pretty sure that's still more days how about all the days been between the last time the Buffalo Bills been to a Super Bowl or the Washington whatever their name is today how about The Jets? I mean there's a lot of other teams too like I don't know if the Cleveland Browns been to a Super Bowl the last how many days??

I say why does it even matter what other people think the Cowboys have been to 8 Super Bowls there's still one of the top teams in win percentage in the regular season they've been relative at least have a shot at contention most years especially of late sure I want to get back to a championship game in the Super bowl but they're far longer droughts than the Dallas Cowboys if you move to other sports even more I think it's odd and ironic whichever way you want to look at it that the Dallas Stars the Dallas Mavericks and the Texas Rangers between all three in their entire existence only have two championships.

There's even longer droughts then the ones I even mentioned in the NFL around sports some that will probably never be even touched again but like 86 years I mean come on I mean how long have the Texas Rangers been in the league since 1970 I believe they don't even have one championship
Because they've exasperated the problem and enabled the Jones' forever. Season ticket buyers after multiple 6-10,8-8 seasons with the likes of Quincy Carter, Clint Stoerner, Dave Campo, retread puppet coaches, etc. Jerry has never seen even a semblance of boycott/no shows. Why would he change anything really? Fans can and DO have a say. Not sure it will ever change but just saying. it's a systemic problem that will probably always be there because of the fans and their blind loyalty. It is what it is.
People were fans of the Cowboys BEFORE Jerry came to town. Not only that but this team is YEARS removed from the Campo years and Quincy Carter years.

No boycott of the Cowboys would work. Ticket holders could boycott next season and Jerry would lose around 20 million dollars lol. The NFL is structured to where all owners make boat loads of money regardless of attendance.
Nothing is preventing fans, who blame their fellow fans for 'enabling' Jones, from doing more than simply not buying team merchandise and game tickets as a form of boycotting, which is, in reality, doing nothing at all. What all fans should stop and finally take into consideration is that Jones rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars completely separate from f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l.

Any reasonable boycott conceived towards negating Jones' financial gargantuan monstrosity, must take into account his entire bottom line. Not doing so would simply be wasted effort. No goal has ever been achieved through shortsightedness. And blaming fellow fans for not doing what others will not attempt to do themselves does not even amount to wasted effort.

I have asked fans, who point fingers, for years on this forum, is to present a logically thought out plan or scheme for an effective boycott. The only two forms I have been told that were either enacted or poorly organized was: a) a billboard and b) a mini-PSL revolt. If people would simply step back and self-evaluate, they would come to the logical conclusion that both efforts, combined, equate to throw snowballs at Mount Everett. Not a joke. Literally.

Just ranting but I will repeat what I have said in the past. Fingerpointing fans. Stop blaming others. Stop being spiteful. Do something, anything, that makes any real impact by example. Leadership has proven it will attract followers. That is how boycotts that actually work have any hope of eventually working!
Fans will always be fans I don't know what you're talking about no boycott 's gonna work I mean you look around the NFL there are far worse teams in the NFL as far as being relative and contenders Dallas Cowboys have been top ten for a very long time and win percentage in the regular season and they give people hope in the postseason we're on TV all the time and prime time we almost always have the maximum amount of prime time games for a reason they're gonna fill the stadium just like the worst teams in the NFL still fill the stadiums they find a way to fill the stadiums they are also billionaire owners who have changed GM's and coaches and trying to find top quarterbacks and all that nonsense they're still putting people in the seats they're still selling jerseys they're selling hats they're selling everything I mean I watched the games it looks like most stadiums are for the most part full enough full enough.

I mean I'm not sure what the point is if you think that fans can change what an owner does with the team especially one that's keep their teams relative I mean what are you doing here I mean why is there a Cowboys forum seems like this place is enabling them they got their name on it cowboy zone why is that why is there a cowboy zone and this ain't the only forum with the Cowboys name on it I mean it seems like you guys are enablers people who created this site people create other cowboy sites that's all they talk about on Facebook is the Cowboys go to bad they're being talked about it means they're relative

the only thing I can see if a drastic drop in ticket sales and people not showing up to games it might lower ticket prices there might be more specials and things like other teams do to try to attract more people by giving things away at the door etcetera etc etc but we're way past that with the Cowboys the Cowboys again are top ten and win percentage the last decade the last five years were better than that they're making the playoffs and above average rate for most of the NFL anyway

I've seen worse corporations that got black eyes like Nike and I don't remember all this slandering and the things that have happened to companies where they say they're going to boycott never buy their products again, right now it's bud light I believe going through a little bit of a issue, it's never fully took down those corporations, they rebounded pretty quickly and everybody forgot about all that stuff people who say they're going to boycott products and never buy something ever again it never seems to affect that company as much as people like to hope that it would have.
I mean I'm not sure what the point is if you think that fans can change what an owner does with the team especially one that's keep their teams relative I mean what are you doing here I mean why is there a Cowboys forum seems like this place is enabling them they got their name on it cowboy zone why is that why is there a cowboy zone and this ain't the only forum with the Cowboys name on it I mean it seems like you guys are enablers people who created this site people create other cowboy sites that's all they talk about on Facebook is the Cowboys go to bad they're being talked about it means they're relative
People were fans of the Cowboys BEFORE Jerry came to town. Not only that but this team is YEARS removed from the Campo years and Quincy Carter years.

No boycott of the Cowboys would work. Ticket holders could boycott next season and Jerry would lose around 20 million dollars lol. The NFL is structured to where all owners make boat loads of money regardless of attendance.
Empty stadium would've helped in the early 2000s but it was still packed and the teams were garbage. I get your point but my point is, too many fans think the Cowboys are going to win every game when there is really no chance some years. Basically pom-pom wavers. Personally, I have a little higher standards.
and as a mod, you are part of this place and being a regular daily, it is keeping the Cowboys BRAND relative. Want it to die?? fans will need to stop keeping them popular, positively or negatively, the league sees this and keeps them in primetime which reciprocally keeps them a hot ticket for sales and also for media coverage on all sports shows. a boycott will not kill the Cowboys brand, never could grow that big or like i already stated, terrible teams would have empty stadiums and no fans. Thats not the case.
Can we pick someone who hasn't at least been to a Super Bowl in the 2000s? I mean, Washington hasn't been to a Super Bowl since 1992 and is in our division. Let's laugh at them.
You're moving the goal posts. The original statement was.... hasn't WON A SUPER BOWL in 10,000 days. Not appeared in one or a conference championship game. Simply...WON A SUPER BOWL. Its been 10,365 days for the 49ers since their last win. Maybe Twitter can suck on that.
So what you are saying is that the rest of the NFC has had 10000 days to catch up to us in Superbowl wins ...... And have failed

That's pretty embarrassing for them.
and as a mod, you are part of this place and being a regular daily, it is keeping the Cowboys BRAND relative. Want it to die?? fans will need to stop keeping them popular, positively or negatively, the league sees this and keeps them in primetime which reciprocally keeps them a hot ticket for sales and also for media coverage on all sports shows. a boycott will not kill the Cowboys brand, never could grow that big or like i already stated, terrible teams would have empty stadiums and no fans. Thats not the case.
Empty stadium would've helped in the early 2000s but it was still packed and the teams were garbage. I get your point but my point is, too many fans think the Cowboys are going to win every game when there is really no chance some years. Basically pom-pom wavers. Personally, I have a little higher standards.
So you believe we have no shot next year as well?

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