Nothing is preventing fans, who blame their fellow fans for 'enabling' Jones, from doing more than simply not buying team merchandise and game tickets as a form of boycotting, which is, in reality, doing nothing at all. What all fans should stop and finally take into consideration is that Jones rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars completely separate from f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l.
Any reasonable boycott conceived towards negating Jones' financial gargantuan monstrosity, must take into account his entire bottom line. Not doing so would simply be wasted effort. No goal has ever been achieved through shortsightedness. And blaming fellow fans for not doing what others will not attempt to do themselves does not even amount to wasted effort.
I have asked fans, who point fingers, for years on this forum, is to present a logically thought out plan or scheme for an effective boycott. The only two forms I have been told that were either enacted or poorly organized was: a) a billboard and b) a mini-PSL revolt. If people would simply step back and self-evaluate, they would come to the logical conclusion that both efforts, combined, equate to throw snowballs at Mount Everett. Not a joke. Literally.
Just ranting but I will repeat what I have said in the past. Fingerpointing fans. Stop blaming others. Stop being spiteful. Do something, anything, that makes any real impact by example. Leadership has proven it will attract followers. That is how boycotts that actually work have any hope of eventually working!