Everyone is writing Randy Gregory off. I'm not


It's only rumored, but I believe it based off of the way the team has handled his setbacks.

Is this supposed to ease our concerns? This makes things even worse
Gregory is one of those guys that frustrates me to no end. He could be a star in this defense, but he is unwilling or unable to let go of his vice. I've known too many people who exhibit the same self-destructive behavior. They go 'straight' for a while, then when things start to look up in their life... BAM!!! It's right back to the same old garbage. I wish I was wrong, but I see the 'Josh Gordon' story playing out with him.
I have no hate for the kid, just very disappointed that he doesn't want more for himself.
Gregory is one more drug suspension away from being released it's just a matter of time before he fails another drug test. Don't trust him!
Unfortunately, he wrote himself off. As I tell my kids, I cannot want more for them than they want for themselves.

BTW. I found it interesting that they put Collins' locker right next to his. I hope that some positive influences and the reality of this suspension, along with the possibility of losing his football career, will give him what he needs to turn this around. There are so many examples of those who have lost it all. I hope he isn't one of them and can get it together both on and off the field.
Gregory should've been cut by now!! what kind've signal does that send to the rest of the team? that is busting their you know whats, we were the suckers who took him last year when everyone was removing him from their boards. embarrasing.
0 sacks and at this point 3 positive tests (1 at the combine, 1 for a 4 game fine and 1 for a 4 game suspension) is why I'm writing him off. If it was 6 sacks and 3 positive tests, at least you can rationalize that *if* he gets his act together, he can be a productive player. But at this point we *if* he gets his act together, we can only *hope* that he's a productive player.
Von Miller did a 4 game suspension for weed. You think the broncos shoulda cut him?

I'd say no, but Von Miller also had an 11.5 sack season as a rookie, and 18.5 as a second year player before getting suspended. I'm not in favor of cutting Gregory yet, but this is not comparable to Von Miller.
Von Miller did a 4 game suspension for weed. You think the broncos shoulda cut him?

Von Miller didn't test positive for weed at the combine and watch himself fall to the second round of the draft because of it. He didn't follow that up by testing positive for weed after his rookie season. Miller's situation and Gregorys are totally different. Gregory has an addiction to weed how can you count on a player that has a drug addiction?
I dont think you can write any player off with as much talent as Gregory especially in his 2nd year. Maybe this suspension is his wakeup call that football can be taken away very quickly. With that said many are forgetting he needs to add significant weight to really be a difference maker and every down player. What we saw last year in limited time was speed rush moves, but often times he got swallowed by bigger players as soon as nagging injuries limited that speed.

We have all seen players with talents get kicked out of the league due to substance abuse, but we have also seen players get help and go on to a long career. The kid seems like a good guy with an issue. Let's hope he gets help soon. If not, let's hope the Cowboys learn from it and let him go when there doesn't seem to be more that can be done. But this isn't the year in my opinion.
If the Cowboys are sure Jaylon is going to play again, then I think he was a better risk then Gregory personally. At least his heads screwed on tightly. During the combine when I found out he failed a drug test I said goodluck to whatever team drafts this idiot. Even when he played during the regular season he was ineffective
I am not writing him off, but my patience runs thin with things like this talent doesn't get you any further if you can't get in line with the rest of the league with these banned substances

Amen the best ability is availability
With his effort last season and injury.... We've only seen the guy play one half of a football game. Now he starts 4 games on the bench. Not giving up....But not excited. If he doesn't come in and start blowing off the charts, it'll be a huge let down.

It's only rumored, but I believe it based off of the way the team has handled his setbacks.

If it is true about his mental disorder and he's not on his meds, he has no shot at making it and should be cut so he can focus on getting better mentally. The rigors of mental disorder and trying to take drugs to control it are very difficult. They can alter your drive and ability to play like you did before. They can be effective one day and then ineffective the next based upon blood concentrations of the drug changing due to heavy workouts and such. Tough thing for a young player to get over, if true.
I wrote this guy off. He will be out thr league within a couple of years due to his habit. A million plus dollars a year isn't enough for this guy to put down the dope.
I wanted them to sign Jabaal Sheard & draft Danielle Hunter last offseason. Of course, that's water under the bridge. Was happy to land Hardy & Gregory from a talent standpoint...but they rolled the dice twice at the same position on guys that had considerable baggage.

Not giving up on him just yet, but the pattern is disturbing. Good person seems to be a phrase that pops up often with Gregory...unlike knuckleheads like Manziel, Gordon, etc. I hope he can pull it together...but he's already created a situation where his back is against the wall & there's no room for error. Essentially, he's writing himself off right now.
But if he can lay off the chronic.

If losing millions in the draft ,then failing 4 drug test in one year after that, has not taught him already ....... then he is either stupid or a selfish ******.

Either way I do not think he will be on this team in 2017 and think the Cowboys would be idiotic to trust him.
Von Miller didn't test positive for weed at the combine and watch himself fall to the second round of the draft because of it. He didn't follow that up by testing positive for weed after his rookie season. Miller's situation and Gregorys are totally different. Gregory has an addiction to weed how can you count on a player that has a drug addiction?

Miller had to have failed multiple test to get to a 4 game suspension.

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