in 5 years ......... Gregory idiot has done it in one.
Miller had to have failed multiple test to get to a 4 game suspension.
Von Miller did a 4 game suspension for weed. You think the broncos shoulda cut him?
If the man fails one more test, he will get suspended for a year. There is nothing in his history that gives any confidence whatsoever that he will not fail another test.
That man can't be depended on and it's just a matter of time before he fails another test.
Whatever he brings or doesn't bring on the field is irrelevant at this point.
So do you think those were the only times during that 5 years or just the times he got caught?
Either way ........ 5 years compared to 1
He had issues just like Gregory.
The first positive test for a "substance of abuse" results in the player formally entering an enhanced testing/treatment program, where the player is tested more frequently.
A second positive test results in the player entering the "stages of intervention" outlined in the policy. "Stage 1" is the first stage in the policy and includes the player being referred to a "Regional Team" for his treatment. In Stage 1, the player can be tested as many times as the league's "Medical Director" desires to "adequately evaluate the player."
A player remains under Stage 1 guidelines for 90 days, but the league's Medical Director can extend that time up to six months.
A positive test while in Stage 1 can result in a fine equal to three weeks of a player's pay and results in entrance to Stage 2.
In Stage 2, players are subject to unannounced testing up to 10 times a month. A positive test while in Stage 2 or failure to comply with the treatment program results in a fine equal to four game checks and a four-game suspension.
Six-game suspensions are also possible in Stage 2.
Players remain in Stage 2 for two full seasons or 24 consecutive months, whichever is shorter.
Players move to Stage 3 if they have two positive tests when in Stage 2 or one positive test to go with one instance when the player failed to comply with the program.
Players who are placed into Stage 3 remain in Stage 3 for the remainder of their careers.
The minimum suspension for a violation in Stage 3 is a calendar year.