Evidence Links Vick to Dog Fighting

5Stars;1506555 said:
Curiosity killed the cat...

actually its what led the cat into the building in which he saw his mother being brutally raped by another cat. ;)
Its old news. There is no question that dogfighting took place there. There is nothing in all of this article that shows that Vick participated or knowingly facilitated it.

If youve ever owned a rental property especially one out of town then him plausibly not being aware should make a bit of sense.

However Im sure the aging, draconian vigilante squad will be all over this one passing judgement once again.
dargonking999;1506558 said:
actually its what led the cat into the building in which he saw his mother being brutally raped by another cat. ;)

Damn cats! They think they can do whatever they want! Huh....

The only times my cats REALLY pay attention to me is if they need food...

The best cats in the world right here at my home....!


FuzzyLumpkins;1506560 said:
However Im sure the aging, draconian vigilante squad will be all over this one passing judgement once again.

On the dog? The dog has no say so...

The human should already know this by now. Cookie breath!
FuzzyLumpkins;1506560 said:
Its old news. There is no question that dogfighting took place there. There is nothing in all of this article that shows that Vick participated or knowingly facilitated it.

If youve ever owned a rental property especially one out of town then him plausibly not being aware should make a bit of sense.

However Im sure the aging, draconian vigilante squad will be all over this one passing judgement once again.

I rent property in Amarillo I've not seen since 1991. I hope no one holds me responsible for a renter's behavior just to put this in perspective.

Knowing a crime is being committed makes the difference.

BTW, I am tired of the media's constant, insistent, unrelenting thirst for that wow factor to drive ratings. I envy the money players make but not the spot light. I'd hate for my every public word to be recorded and reported if I didn't act in my best Sunday school behavior at all times.
jobberone;1506575 said:
I rent property in Amarillo I've not seen since 1991. I hope no one holds me responsible for a renter's behavior just to put this in perspective.

Knowing a crime is being committed makes the difference.

BTW, I am tired of the media's constant, insistent, unrelenting thirst for that wow factor to drive ratings. I envy the money players make but not the spot light. I'd hate for my every public word to be recorded and reported if I didn't act in my best Sunday school behavior at all times.

It's a paradox....(sp)
FuzzyLumpkins;1506560 said:
Its old news. There is no question that dogfighting took place there. There is nothing in all of this article that shows that Vick participated or knowingly facilitated it.

If youve ever owned a rental property especially one out of town then him plausibly not being aware should make a bit of sense.

However Im sure the aging, draconian vigilante squad will be all over this one passing judgement once again.

oh please...the guys not some stranger off the street, its relatives

relatives with no money by the way

quit sympathizing for the loser

dbair1967;1506586 said:
oh please...the guys not some stranger off the street, its relatives

relatives with no money by the way

quit sympathizing for the loser


Yeah, Im not buying it either.

I would find it very hard to believe that Vick never got a single phone call from an aunt, uncle or some other cousin or family member asking him why he is letting "so-and-so" keep 60+ dogs at that house.

The man knew.
Jarv;1506451 said:
Excuse me for my ignorance in this matter, but don't you have to be a vet to administer these vaccines ? Where do you get these drugs ? Online ?

5Stars;1506453 said:
You don't have to be a vet...you just purchase the medicines FROM a vet and he will instruct you on how to use them.

It's no big deal really, just grab some skin usually behind the back of the neck, inject what is called for, and it's done. The dog usually don't even know what just went on...


Any of the typical yearly vaccines, including the series of puppy shots, can be purchased at a animal supply store...including the rabies vaccine.

The only problem with giving the rabies yourself...is you won't have a vet certification of proof of a rabies shot....something you'd need to travel out of the country, in state and national parks, boarding, and in any case should your dog bite someone. At these same animal supply stores(and I'm not talking PetSmart) they'll usually have a monthly shot clinic where you get the proper vaccines at a fraction of the cost of your vet.

Vaccines are a cash cow for vets.....a dose would typically cost $2-3 at the store...while your vet will charge you anywhere from $20-$50 for the same thing.(sure, they'll stick a thermometer in their rears and feel their genitals, but heck, you can do that:eek:: ) There is also some debate as to whether your pet even needs a yearly vaccine, as we're finding you can actually over vaccinate animals, and if indeed we are, your cancelling out any benefit. Ask your vet some time...they'll stammer around the subject. They'll also get PO'ed if they know you're doing it yourself as it's costing them their easy money. You can get a blood sample taken and tested to tell whether there are enough anti bodies to fight disease. Costly, but some animals are allergic to certain vaccinations.

Unless you're buying a large quantity of vaccines, it's best to go to these stores, where you can buy them individually. It's very important that any of these are kept refigerated, even bringing them home from the store, be kept in a small cooler, or they'll be useless.

5Stars said:
I'll tell you what is hard! Try trimming the toenails off of a Chihuahua!!

That's what muzzles are for. Alot of dogs are uncooperative. I'm down to 8 Jacks, that's 128 nails...I've often done all without a single bleeder.
FuzzyLumpkins;1506560 said:
However Im sure the aging, draconian vigilante squad will be all over this one passing judgement once again.

And I'm sure the pre-puberty, ignorant apologists will defend him even if they found a picture of a dog's throat in his own mouth.
CaptainMorgan;1506027 said:
This is why CLinton Prtis is the dumbest player around. I swear, Ive never listened to a dumber player.

Hours after making light of the possible crime in the television interview, Portis issued a statement late Monday through the Commanders.
"In the recent interview I gave concerning dog fighting, I want to make it clear I do not take part in dog fighting or condone dog fighting in any manner," the statement said.

Before proof reading...............


dogs is good.(eatin')


clyntun "poor"tus.

BrAinPaiNt;1506361 said:
Even if there is overwhelming undeniable proof of his guilt. I doubt he sees any serious time if he sees any time at all.

I agree. Even if he spends time in a jail cell, it will be isolated from others, and complete with a flat screen TV, and catering from PF Chang's.
dbair1967;1506586 said:
oh please...the guys not some stranger off the street, its relatives

relatives with no money by the way

quit sympathizing for the loser


I'm not sympathizing David. I do think people have rights and one is to be held innocent until proven guilty. This guys been judged and people are just debating the sentence.

I think he knew something was going on if not directly involved. But since I really know jack crap then I'll give him some slack. Family means nothing. Maybe you're at your mothers everyday. Vick may not talk with the guy, go there and might know nothing about any dog fighting. Might. That's all most people here are saying. No one here has condoned dog fighting.

You seem awful quick to judge people David. Just an observation which may be wrong. And you aren't alone. I don't blame you or anyone else for being inflamed over it.
FuzzyLumpkins;1506560 said:
Its old news. There is no question that dogfighting took place there. There is nothing in all of this article that shows that Vick participated or knowingly facilitated it.

If youve ever owned a rental property especially one out of town then him plausibly not being aware should make a bit of sense.

However Im sure the aging, draconian vigilante squad will be all over this one passing judgement once again.

so you buying the rental prop story?

he lived there. he told my friend he lived there in the off-season and played video games and avoided people there.

now it's a "rental".

what the hell else you do with 50 + dogs?
Bob Costas: Dogfights At Vick's House 'Some Of The Best Dogfights I Have Ever Seen'

ATLANTA—While controversy continues regarding Michael Vick's possible involvement in dogfights held at a Smithfield, GA property owned by the quarterback, NBC sportscaster Bob Costas has made his opinion of the events known, saying the dog-fighting in question was some of the best he had ever personally witnessed. "Truly high-caliber dog-fighting has nearly become extinct in this country, and it's becoming unusual to see the kind of devotion to the sport that was displayed at Vick's pit," Costas said Monday. "I mean, the pit he owned. He may not have actually been at the extremely riveting, thrill-a-minute canine fights to the death that it was my pleasure—no, my great privilege—to attend." Costas has often criticized the recent decline in quality of the illegal death sport, saying dog-fighting has become "shameless in its pandering to the worst echelon of sports fanhood" and "has sunk nearly as low as boxing."
03EBZ06;1506016 said:
The Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter has been protecting Vick (at least there is an appearance of it, imo) and I'm just wondering if he was involved with dog fighting anyway.

When I saw the interview with that putz, the first thing that came to mind was that Vick must have been paying him off to look the other way for some time now...

Poindexter deserves to lose his job... happily, there is FAR too much spotlight being shined on this sordid spectacle for him to DARE try to sweep it under the rug...

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