Yes and he was mentoring the young women on the float when he pulled her shirt down.I am a die hard Cowboy fan.But this guy has gotten away with so much over time, he is Greg Hardy with talent.Cowboy fans lets hope he takes his punishment like a man.He has sex tapes, he pulled down the shirt, maybe hit her, really lets be honest.He is not innocent, he was in bar fights as well in the off season.Its not like he was on his way to church here the Cowboys knew this guy had issues.
And while we are at it Dak skated a DUI when miraculously the machine malfunctioned twice.
Can we just admit that all these guys have real flaws .Thats why Tony Romo to me is such a great team person he really kept his nose clean, went home to his wife and kids .He managed to avoid these kinds of things that none of the others can. I hope ZEke gets 6 games, he needs to understand he is not bigger than the game.We'll be fine without him.Sorry I am just tired of everybody covering for this guy.He deserves everything he got.