Twitter: Evidence now also shows accuser plotted to extort Cowboys RB Ezekiel Elliott on previous oc

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Oh I think it's safe to say she burnt that bridge long ago.

In her Instagram post of the pics, a couple of people commented saying they are sure her family would support her. Not sure what that means, could go either way.
There is testimony and physical evidence, and he was at the potential crime scene. Wouldn't hold up in court....
Therein lies the rub testimony on face value there is more pointing to zekes innocence than guilt the only testimony that is damning is the victims. There is zero physical evidence tying Zeke to the bruises, NFL infers and so do the cops but they have zero physical proof that zeke actually caused the bruising.
Therein lies the rub testimony on face value there is more pointing to zekes innocence than guilt the only testimony that is damning is the victims. There is zero physical evidence tying Zeke to the bruises, NFL infers and so do the cops but they have zero physical proof that zeke actually caused the bruising.
True. It's all circumstantial
True. It's all circumstantial
I have shown that metadata is easy to fake. If you know how to set the time and date on your phone you can take a photo from the future or make one from the past.
I think Goodell is out to prove a point, and I agree with Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe on their episode yesterday on Undisputed... Goodell picked the wrong case to sink his teeth into to show the NFL is serious about domestic violence. It should have been done on a clear black and white case instead of a strictly he said/she said case.
Yeah, that's the one thing that scares me. I figured Goodell would have expected this and had all his ducks in a row before the suspension. Then again, he's about like Zeke and has done a lot of dumb things so who knows.
So Phil, is it ok for me to flash my willy or my wife's boobs all over main street USA as long as no one is offended? Is it smart to even take that chance? If one person, just one, complained about what he did, would you be ok with him being implicated for indecent exposure or public misconduct. I understand it was Mardis Gras but he's an absolute idiot for even doing it, especially while being under investigation, and I'm quite sure a lot of people outside of this forum judge him for that along with his other shenanigans.

Well if he flashed his girlfriends boobs in public it shows bad taste. But its not rape or domestic abuse. Its not against the law. So I don't understand why people are such up and arms about it because no one was harmed and its not even central to Zeke's suspension.

Zeke is being charge for beating up a women. He never went to court. Never was trailed and never even was brought on trail to be prosecuted. If the prosecutors have such an inkling of a case against him I'm sure it would be brought to trail. But they dismissed it.

All other DV cases was brought to trail by prosecutors. Hardy, Ray Rice and the kicker from NY. The made the NFL look bad.

Thats not the case with Zeke. Prosecutors never brought it to trail.

I believe the NFL will fall flat on its face when everything is all said and done. They are not sanctioned to make judgement on crimes and they are stepping their boundaries in doing so. The NFL Conduct Policy gives the commissioner power to enforce punishments. But it does not give them the power to judge. Thats where the NFL and Goddell will fail and lose in a big way.
Yes and he was mentoring the young women on the float when he pulled her shirt down.I am a die hard Cowboy fan.But this guy has gotten away with so much over time, he is Greg Hardy with talent.Cowboy fans lets hope he takes his punishment like a man.He has sex tapes, he pulled down the shirt, maybe hit her, really lets be honest.He is not innocent, he was in bar fights as well in the off season.Its not like he was on his way to church here the Cowboys knew this guy had issues.

And while we are at it Dak skated a DUI when miraculously the machine malfunctioned twice.

Can we just admit that all these guys have real flaws .Thats why Tony Romo to me is such a great team person he really kept his nose clean, went home to his wife and kids .He managed to avoid these kinds of things that none of the others can. I hope ZEke gets 6 games, he needs to understand he is not bigger than the game.We'll be fine without him.Sorry I am just tired of everybody covering for this guy.He deserves everything he got.
And while I am on my soapbox we wonder why we have these problems when Nate Newton ex felon is on the broadcasts.This guy got caught not once but twice with minivan full of weed.I mean really is he the best person we can find to do "color".
Yes and he was mentoring the young women on the float when he pulled her shirt down.I am a die hard Cowboy fan.But this guy has gotten away with so much over time, he is Greg Hardy with talent.Cowboy fans lets hope he takes his punishment like a man.He has sex tapes, he pulled down the shirt, maybe hit her, really lets be honest.He is not innocent, he was in bar fights as well in the off season.Its not like he was on his way to church here the Cowboys knew this guy had issues.

And while we are at it Dak skated a DUI when miraculously the machine malfunctioned twice.

Can we just admit that all these guys have real flaws .Thats why Tony Romo to me is such a great team person he really kept his nose clean, went home to his wife and kids .He managed to avoid these kinds of things that none of the others can. I hope ZEke gets 6 games, he needs to understand he is not bigger than the game.We'll be fine without him.Sorry I am just tired of everybody covering for this guy.He deserves everything he got.

Hear hear, re Romo.

As a Giants fan I hate Romo and Witten.

As a human being I love them.
You can't find a sentence of mine saying bold. Don't twist my words please. What I posted was I don't see how others can be more offended than the girl it happened to. I stand by that if she doesn't have a problem I really don't. That is different than thinking you should or shouldn't do it. Also telling me most people are really judemental doesn't really mean much. That's expected esp nowadays. I'm speaking for me my sensibility says I personally don't care. If you and others want to "I never" with regards to that ok you can do that too. It's all good with me I just disagree.
Sorry Phil, wasn't trying to twist your words man. I was just using the example I did because while I think I understand what you're saying, what I'm saying is there are plenty of actions that may offend others more than the "victim" or person it happened to.

For example, I had a wild roomate in college that dated strippers exclusively. He would do things to his gf's like Zeke did and she wouldn't mind at all but it pissed plenty of other people off and was embarrassing for anyone, including myself, that were nearby. In matter of fact, she loved the attention but not everyone thought it was so cute.
Yes and he was mentoring the young women on the float when he pulled her shirt down.I am a die hard Cowboy fan.But this guy has gotten away with so much over time, he is Greg Hardy with talent.Cowboy fans lets hope he takes his punishment like a man.He has sex tapes, he pulled down the shirt, maybe hit her, really lets be honest.He is not innocent, he was in bar fights as well in the off season.Its not like he was on his way to church here the Cowboys knew this guy had issues.

And while we are at it Dak skated a DUI when miraculously the machine malfunctioned twice.

Can we just admit that all these guys have real flaws .Thats why Tony Romo to me is such a great team person he really kept his nose clean, went home to his wife and kids .He managed to avoid these kinds of things that none of the others can. I hope ZEke gets 6 games, he needs to understand he is not bigger than the game.We'll be fine without him.Sorry I am just tired of everybody covering for this guy.He deserves everything he got.

Again I am willing to bet most of the guys here have done stuff on par with the breast issue than have not. From 18-25 I was a womanizing hooligan, I lifted my "girlfiend's" skirt when she went commando, banged out same girlfriend in movie theater, banged out another girl on the hood my car and a strangers car in the mall parking lot. When you are his age you think you are invincible and made of teflon, if you are lucky you do not get into too much trouble, like me, others are not so lucky.
The problem Zeke faces isn't showing that there are major issues with Thompson's credibility or motivations, or that she isn't the most sympathetic character.

Rather, Zeke's real problem is showing that he did not lay his hands on her. Especially when the league -- which has the power to rule on the facts -- has concluded he did.

All the crap coming out about her now -- and I believe it - makes the first point.

But it doesn't necessarily disprove that he nevertheless violated the conduct policy.

Neither the league, the arbitrator or the court is going to give anyone a free pass on DV just because she is a lousy human being.

And in all of those fora the fact finder gets a lot of deference. And unfortunately for Zeke the CBA makes RG the ultimate fact finder.

The league stated in its letter that he was suspended over the 'violence against a woman in the context of an intimate relationship.'

This isn't the Brady case where the league informed him he was in violation of their conduct policy which was the conduct of Brady destroying his phone on purpose.

The league has a hill to climb when it states that it was a violation of their policy on domestic violence and then tries to claim it is 'conduct.'

Well if he flashed his girlfriends boobs in public it shows bad taste. But its not rape or domestic abuse. Its not against the law. So I don't understand why people are such up and arms about it because no one was harmed and its not even central to Zeke's suspension.

Zeke is being charge for beating up a women. He never went to court. Never was trailed and never even was brought on trail to be prosecuted. If the prosecutors have such an inkling of a case against him I'm sure it would be brought to trail. But they dismissed it.

All other DV cases was brought to trail by prosecutors. Hardy, Ray Rice and the kicker from NY. The made the NFL look bad.

Thats not the case with Zeke. Prosecutors never brought it to trail.

I believe the NFL will fall flat on its face when everything is all said and done. They are not sanctioned to make judgement on crimes and they are stepping their boundaries in doing so. The NFL Conduct Policy gives the commissioner power to enforce punishments. But it does not give them the power to judge. Thats where the NFL and Goddell will fail and lose in a big way.
I hope you're 100% right, all I'm saying is many people, myself included, would be less hesitant to believe there was ANY truth to what she said had he not left a trail of questionable behavior that relates to women, drugs and violence.
Yes and he was mentoring the young women on the float when he pulled her shirt down.

Just like all of the suspensions that get levied when Hard Knocks is filmed and they are shown depantsing each other?

The NFL stated that they questioned the woman and she consented to it. She was actually dating EE at the time.

And the NFL stated that they did not factor that incident in their suspension.

But, it's okay for Gronk to motorboat a girl and talk about a certain sexual position to a female reporter...but with Elliott it's a completely different scenario.

The league stated in its letter that he was suspended over the 'violence against a woman in the context of an intimate relationship.'

This isn't the Brady case where the league informed him he was in violation of their conduct policy which was the conduct of Brady destroying his phone on purpose.

The league has a hill to climb when it states that it was a violation of their policy on domestic violence and then tries to claim it is 'conduct.'


No that's incorrect.

The DV policy is issued under the PCP, so if you violate the DV you are punished under the PCP. That's why there is so much discussion of Article 48 all over the place now, which relates to the PCP generally, not just the DV policy.

It's all right there in the letter to Zeke -- PCP, DV, Article 48. That's why.
I hope you're 100% right, all I'm saying is many people, myself included, would be less hesitant to believe there was ANY truth to what she said had he not left a trail of questionable behavior that relates to women, drugs and violence.

I hope i'm right also. But I feel that I am. Zeke wasn't brought to court by any prosecuting office. If thats the case the NFL should not play as though they are the judge of all things. If they are they are overstepping their boundaries - which seems to indicate that they did.

Whats bad is that they are basing all their eggs on a basketcase who has a propensity for lying and making things up. That doesn't bode well for the NFL.

I don't condone domestic violence. But if she is making this all up for the sake of profits and fortune, those that abused for domestic violence should be mad and angry by her actions.
FYI the parade episode would have been a felony if prosecuted too

Sec. 21.07. PUBLIC LEWDNESS. (a) A person commits an offense if he knowingly engages in any of the following acts in a public place or, if not in a public place, he is reckless about whether another is present who will be offended or alarmed by his:

(1) act of sexual intercourse;

(2) act of deviate sexual intercourse;

(3) act of sexual contact; or

(4) act involving contact between the person's mouth or genitals and the anus or genitals of an animal or fowl.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, Sec. 1, ***. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, ***. Sept. 1, 1994.
still erked at Florio for the Dez walmart tape fiasco, but he's going ham on the NFL for this
I hope i'm right also. But I feel that I am. Zeke wasn't brought to court by any prosecuting office. If thats the case the NFL should not play as though they are the judge of all things. If they are they are overstepping their boundaries - which seems to indicate that they did.

Whats bad is that they are basing all their eggs on a basketcase who has a propensity for lying and making things up. That doesn't bode well for the NFL.

I don't condone domestic violence. But if she is making this all up for the sake of profits and fortune, those that abused for domestic violence should be mad and angry by her actions.

Sad part is those groups would rather put 100 liars up pushing there agenda than actually taking care of one that may be in such a really bad situation
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