News: Ex-Cowboys say Bears less Hollywood than Cowboys


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When the head coach doesn't command his own locker room, when players don't feel the buck stops with him, when there's an open door to the GMs office to circumvent the authority of that head coach, when that coach must answer to the GM about such things like personnel packages and who starts and who sits, he's not put in a position to succeed.

When Parcells arrived he immediately talked about changing the culture of this team. This is what he was talking about. Jerry's lunacy.

This post should be cast in stone and hung at the front door of this board. Unbiased, unvarnished truth.

Common Sense

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So how do you explain Parcells' view on Jerry after he had been long retired:


Parcells said starkly different things about Jerry before that interview. He was just playing the public comment game. Jerry was also recorded saying Parcells wasn't worth a s--- and he only hired him to get the stadium built. Does that mean that anytime Jerry talks about how great Parcells was it suddenly needs explaining? We all know how the media game works and how people play it.


Messenger to the football Gods
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The stuff about Jerry was funny. He's really happy when his ugly mug is on TV.

Sad thing is.........he's on more when they suck. The media flocks to the Coyboys' failures. jerry revels in the spotlight with his half-truths and out right lies. Pompus enough to believe every word that comes out of his festering pie hole.

Culture. jerrys toy(s).

Yakuza Rich

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Parcells said starkly different things about Jerry before that interview. He was just playing the public comment game. Jerry was also recorded saying Parcells wasn't worth a s--- and he only hired him to get the stadium built. Does that mean that anytime Jerry talks about how great Parcells was it suddenly needs explaining? We all know how the media game works and how people play it.

I would have to see a link in order to believe that Parcells said that.


Risen Star

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The reason why I asked that questions is that every anti-Jerry person I've ever come across hated the T.O. deal and said that it was Jerry going over Parcells' head.

Yeah, I know why you did it. You were looking for the one exception and hoping it convinced me that was the norm while Parcells was here. However, I lived through it. I remember Jerry telling us he made concessions to get Parcells here. I remember the roster makeover of FOBs. I remember him being more in the background during those years and telling us when Parcells left that his way didn't work and there would be no more walking on egg shells.

And, of course, I remember the Wade Phillips hire. Beating out Norv Turner. Two weak spineless head coaches who can be easily controlled. Back to the failed ways of the past.

I don't feel that Garrett's power has been undermined in any way, shape or form.

Well then you're a lost cause. Just the simple fact of the owner being the face of the team in the media is undermining his head coach.

And everybody that I have talked to that deals with the organization says the same thing, every decision is a group decision between Jerry, Stephen, Ciskowski and Garrett.

I'm going to take their word over your perception.

Really? I didn't realize you're of those inside men we have around here. What did these people tell you? And who are these people? Can you name names?

I don't have a perception. I have reality. I can not believe I have to inform an alleged loyal Dallas Cowboys fan that Jerry meddles and undermines his coaching staff. That every football decision shouldn't be a group think tank between the owner, his son and the coaching staff. (Should we sit Bruce Carter this week? Better check with Jerry and Stephen.) That once Jerry wrestled control away from Jimmy, the only architect of that dynasty, he's been large and in charge destroying this franchise with his own ego with the lone of exception of the Parcells years. The only time the team improved under Jerry since.

Zimmy Lives

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Hollywood/country club, boot camp, professional, unprofessional, disciplined, undisciplined… it all means nothing. The only thing that matters is winning -- all the comments and perceptions are soon forgotten when a team wins.

Germy Ratliff and Marty BS can say whatever they like but it doesn't mean doodly-squat. Why anyone quotes morons like them, or even listens, is beyond me.


Fattening up
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Jimmy had plenty of distractions here. Like the meltdown he had in the press conference after the team started 0-2 without Emmitt due to a contact holdout.

If he didn't like distractions, he would have handled that much more low key.

Or him verbally attacking Buddy Ryan in the post game press conference.

Nobody likes distractions in football. Just some are better at avoiding them than others.

I think the Cowboys' long history that dates well before Jerry shows that we are always going to have distractions. Furthermore, as Rick Reilly and Peter King have stated, when in doubt...the media writes about the Cowboys. Again, something that has been going on well before Jerry.

That's one thing I think is a strong positive about Jason Garrett. He knows how the media works with the Cowboys and he nips everything in the bud. And if the media doesn't like it, then that is too bad for them. Wade just got steamrolled by the media to the point where I felt sorry for him. Parcells enjoyed the limelight too much and couldn't put his ego aside (and I still love Parcells, but his way of handling the TO signing was poorly done).

I simply do not see a way that we will ever get rid of these distractions unless we have a new owner that drives the team so far into the ground just like Bum Bright did when he purchased the team from the Murchison family. It would have to get to a point where the team is so bad that they are not even relevant anymore.

No thanks.


This almost exactly how I see it. I go back and forth trying to estimate how significant the distractions are to winning and losing, but they're here to stay. That 'comes with the dinner in Dallas,' as Jason likes to say.

The bigger beef I have with Jerry Jones is with the reports that he insists on being a 'players' GM,' and that he's got an open door policy with his star players and will take their feedback into account in how he formulates his decisions. I'll buy that decisions at Valley Ranch are group decisions, but it's a serious boundary issue when the Owner/GMs take can be influenced directly by the players. And I believe this is true because it's not just rumored; Darren Woodson says publicly that it was the case when he played and that he knows it's the case still today (well, last season, anyway). I think that stinks, and it hurts any coach that's going to coach in Dallas that the star players can get the ear of the GM whenever they want it.

All that said, all these teams have problems. Being all-football hasn't put the Bears in a very good position here, this season. And it's not like we haven't got our own injuries to deal with. Everything has context and, no matter how much our fans enjoy complaining all the way through an NFCE-leading season, nothing's going to change the fact that we have, in fact, been leading the division most of this time, despite the meddling owner, the clueless head coach, the mummified DC, the choking QB, the missing DL, the poor play calling, the expensive CBs who can't cover, the injury prone LBs, the OGs who can't pass protect and are wildly inconsistent, the RB who runs to darkness, the WR who can't control his emotions, the Ss who can't cover anybody and can't tackle, and the rookie C who was drafted three rounds too early.

No matter how things end up, that'll all still be the case. I can take a bit of Hollywood if we're able to overcome all that and beat the all-business Bears on Monday.


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Like the old cliche goes, it all starts at the top.

I see it as more of the media coverage of the Cowboys and their national fan base.

They've always been "Hollywood", even in the Super Bowl years under Jimmy and during Landry's tenure.

Common Sense

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I see it as more of the media coverage of the Cowboys and their national fan base.

They've always been "Hollywood", even in the Super Bowl years under Jimmy and during Landry's tenure.

Oh, sure. That has a lot to do with, but Jerry manipulates media coverage and plays it like a drum. If the media itself is the factor, why doesn't anyone call the Giants Hollywood? You could say the Jets are a bit of a soap opera, but it has more to do with Rex Ryan than it does with the NY media. They can only work with what they are given, and in Dallas, the local media has a Giving Tree in Jerry Jones.

Yakuza Rich

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This almost exactly how I see it. I go back and forth trying to estimate how significant the distractions are to winning and losing, but they're here to stay. That 'comes with the dinner in Dallas,' as Jason likes to say.

The bigger beef I have with Jerry Jones is with the reports that he insists on being a 'players' GM,' and that he's got an open door policy with his star players and will take their feedback into account in how he formulates his decisions. I'll buy that decisions at Valley Ranch are group decisions, but it's a serious boundary issue when the Owner/GMs take can be influenced directly by the players. And I believe this is true because it's not just rumored; Darren Woodson says publicly that it was the case when he played and that he knows it's the case still today (well, last season, anyway). I think that stinks, and it hurts any coach that's going to coach in Dallas that the star players can get the ear of the GM whenever they want it.

All that said, all these teams have problems. Being all-football hasn't put the Bears in a very good position here, this season. And it's not like we haven't got our own injuries to deal with. Everything has context and, no matter how much our fans enjoy complaining all the way through an NFCE-leading season, nothing's going to change the fact that we have, in fact, been leading the division most of this time, despite the meddling owner, the clueless head coach, the mummified DC, the choking QB, the missing DL, the poor play calling, the expensive CBs who can't cover, the injury prone LBs, the OGs who can't pass protect and are wildly inconsistent, the RB who runs to darkness, the WR who can't control his emotions, the Ss who can't cover anybody and can't tackle, and the rookie C who was drafted three rounds too early.

No matter how things end up, that'll all still be the case. I can take a bit of Hollywood if we're able to overcome all that and beat the all-business Bears on Monday.

The only thing I would argue against is that Jerry is influenced by the players that much.

I know that was a problem in the past. But, it seems to me that since Garrett took over that has stopped outside of Romo wanting to have more of an influence in personnel. However, this is quite common with your franchise QB's...getting them the scheme, coaches, offensive philosophies and players that they want.

My issues with Jerry as owner and GM is that I think it's too much duties for one person to handle. There are owners that are involved in 'group think' decision making process with a GM. He would still have final say. ALL of these owners have final say in some form or the other. Even the Rooney family (see Bruce Arians getting the boot and the Rooneys trying to claim he retired).

To me, when wearing the owner hat and being such an aggressive marketer of the team like Jerry is, that's a lot of duties to handle. And I think if we had a GM or just moved Ciskowski up and moved the others up in the organization, now we have more manpower and brain power going into personnel decisions.

That being said, I don't think it makes winning here an impossibility. I just think we could be better.

There's other things I don't like about Jerry's philosophies, but the main point here is that the Cowboys have been 'Hollywood' well before Jerry and I don't see that ever changing unless we hit another catastrophe in Bum Bright taking over as owner.



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and this is why Chicago dominates the NFL year in and year ,,,oh wait, nevermind.


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Maybe Ratliff just didn't want to be here. And if you don't want to be somewhere, what do you do? You do what you need to get kicked out or just leave. But the truth is, this franchise is a complete joke. None of these people from top to bottom know football.

Nice philosophy. Especially when the organization just gave you millions of dollars. A freakin' Ratliff apologist, you must be an even rarer breed than the Jerry Jones apologists.


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Here's a news flash for people.

The Dallas Cowboys atmosphere has been very 'Hollywood' well before Jerry got here.

It's all part of being 'Americas Team'.


Exactly! For some reason Hollywood hHenderson and North Dallas Forty comes immediately to mind.

The only difference now compared to the 70's - 90's is we were winning then.

Yakuza Rich

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Yeah, I know why you did it. You were looking for the one exception and hoping it convinced me that was the norm while Parcells was here. However, I lived through it.

To me, this sounds like you felt that Jerry went over Parcells head. But, you 'lived through it.' Either he undermined Parcells or he didn't. And that's what I have struggled to get a straight answer from you on.

I remember Jerry telling us he made concessions to get Parcells here. I remember the roster makeover of FOBs. I remember him being more in the background during those years and telling us when Parcells left that his way didn't work and there would be no more walking on egg shells.

I don't recall it being quoted that way. I would have to see a link to prove me differently.

And, of course, I remember the Wade Phillips hire. Beating out Norv Turner. Two weak spineless head coaches who can be easily controlled. Back to the failed ways of the past.

Look at the coaches that were hired around the league during that time. Out of all of the coaches hired at that time, the only one left in the league is Mike Tomlin.

Well then you're a lost cause. Just the simple fact of the owner being the face of the team in the media is undermining his head coach.

So when I see Robert Kraft doing interviews on ESPN and all over the Boston news, he's 'undermining' Bill Belchick?

Really? I didn't realize you're of those inside men we have around here. What did these people tell you? And who are these people? Can you name names?

One of them was Moose Johnson. The others it was told in private because they know I won't release their names.

That every football decision shouldn't be a group think tank between the owner, his son and the coaching staff.

There are other successful organizations that run the same exact way. The Steelers and Patriots being two of them.

from Jimmy, the only architect of that dynasty, he's been large and in charge destroying this franchise with his own ego

Yeah, I have acknowledge the problem with Jerry in the past. I'm talking about now. Not 20 years ago.

And Jimmy was lucky to be hired in the first place. Lucky that he didn't get fired after 1989 (what coach has gone 1-15 and remained to coach the team?). And was looking to get out of Dallas anyway because in his very own words he 'didn't like sticking around in one place for very long.'

with the lone of exception of the Parcells years. The only time the team improved under Jerry since.


Wade went 13-3 in 2007 and 11-5 with a playoff win in 2009. Parcells best record was 10-6 in 2003 and he never won a playoff game.



The Duke
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It's funny how these guys enjoy it when they are on the team and getting endorsement deals with local Texas business dealers and are treated like rock stars. There's never a peep from them when that is happening. But then when they go elsewhere they don't like the 'Hollywood' attitude.

Here's a news flash for people.

The Dallas Cowboys atmosphere has been very 'Hollywood' well before Jerry got here.

It's all part of being 'Americas Team.'

A friend of mine had a co-worker that used to play in the NFL and played for a variety of teams back in the 70's. He told me personally that two craziest atmospheres to play for were Dallas....and Pittsburgh.

He said Pittsburgh was this crazy atmosphere filled with drug use because the fans there wanted the players to be one of them. Meanwhile the Cowboys were treated like part rock star part demigod.

And for all of Bradie James talk, look where the Texans are now. They've had 2 playoff appearances in the past 12 seasons and are now with a worse record than the Jaguars. And the Bears are 6-6.

Jerry ain't perfect. I have my fair share of gripes on how the organization is ran. But, for people to act like the 'Hollywood' atmosphere of the Cowboys is something new makes me question their knowledge of Cowboys history. And I see guys like Ratliff and James (I don't know if DeCamillis was getting endorsements down here and I highly doubt he was treated like a rock star) as hypocrites.

I haven't said this in a very long time. Post of the day.


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To me, this sounds like you felt that Jerry went over Parcells head. But, you 'lived through it.' Either he undermined Parcells or he didn't. And that's what I have struggled to get a straight answer from you on.
I heard a theory on local sports talk radio that other day that I had not heard before. I'm not certain, but I think it was Mickey Spagnola who said that he thought Jerry signed TO specifically to get Parcells to quit because he didn't want him here but didn't want to fire him.

Common Sense

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Look at the coaches that were hired around the league during that time. Out of all of the coaches hired at that time, the only one left in the league is Mike Tomlin.

I know I'm changing the subject, but it's a shame Jerry didn't hire Ron Rivera that year.


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Lol at equating the notoriety the organization had under Landry and schramm and what it has been under the jones family.

And double lol at this notion that wade was more successful here than parcells. The guy contributed to undoing most of the good done and allowed Jerry to wreck the place again.

Wade went 13-3. Lol. please that was Bill's team. Had he come back he would have made some more adjustments and this team would have contributed to grow and I guarantee we would have won a playoff game or two.

Like the man told babe the summer after he left, "once I am gone you will never know I was there"

One year later Jerry is declaring Super Bowl, signing tank Johnson, pacman jones and trading away first round draft picks for Roy Williams. What other information do you need.

They botched the roster in one year. One year, blew two number one picks and brought in the second biggest villain in the league in jones, second of course to owens who Jerry had to have also.

How can people not understand what has transpired here since 07?