I think the video is pretty funny. Just as a video, that is.
The guy's a moron on a number of different levels though.
If you watch the video, he links his Facebook post of it.
Here's the commentary attached to the video.
Parents and Kids... watch.
Today was probably the most disappointing day of my life as a father and I don't know how to correct the situation. Since I can't seem to make any headway with my daughter on Facebook, I chose instead to remedy the problem permanently.
Here's the problem. Trying to use Facebook to make "headway". Complete failure as a parent. How about you make "headway" in a one-on-one conversation.
Here's the other problem. ALL TEENAGERS feel like they are asked to do more than they should be. Some kids have problems with it, like this girl. Hell, I hated taking out the trash. Hated every damn second of it and I hated mowing the yard because I had to move a ton of gardening crap and other stuff around before I could even start the mower. But I did it. I probably *****ed every second of the way but I did it. And after I moved out and my parents didn't ask my little brother to mow the yard or help with chores at all really, I really got pissed. But, I was young and stupid.
Find me one teenager who's jacked to come home and do chores when they want to be out hanging with friends. The problem is multiplied when they have friends who's parents don't ask them of much. The satisfaction you should get as a parent is that when the time comes for your kid to move out on their own, they will be more responsible and when they actually figure out how much work goes into living by themselves, they'll be appreciative of the fact that did comparatively very little.
Secondly, I think the girl is right in some of her letter. Having chores is one thing, responding to someone's every whim and being their waitress is another. Doing chores is about learning responsibility and contributing to the household. How the hell does getting this guy coffee do either of those things? It's a petty request that shouldn't be made. It's completely unjustified and easily avoidable. She's also right in suggesting that he should clean up any mud he drags into the house. This may not be a regular occurrence, and it doesn't have to be, but I would bet it happened at least once and for anyone who is trying to instill responsibility into their child, once is one time too many.
He however is right in that she needs to the do the chores that are reasonable and asked of her. Cleaning up after oneself, making your own bed and a couple of tasks in the kitchen isn't too much to ask.
It's a complete overreaction to typical teenage behavior that is propagated from a parent who has little to no clue on how to be a parent. Hell, I'm not even a parent and I can see it plain as day. Anyone trying to parent through Facebook is a piss poor parent.
At least he's honest though in saying,
I don't know how to correct the situation.
No, you really don't pal. And that's why the situation is where it is at right now and that's why it will continue down the path it's on. You don't know what you are doing.
Some of the commentary on the situation is a little ridiculous. I mean, suggesting this could lead to suicide is a bit a much. It wouldn't be this one incident that would lead to that. From what he know, he's an ******* and an ill-equipped parent not a malicious child abuser who beats the hell out of his kids if they don't listen.
He truly thinks his style of parenting is effective and it's not. He's strict without justification in certain situations and has no means of communicating if the lines of communication are broken. If he were actually give some decent advice, he'd probably find that his current way sucks.
And here's one last thing. She posted that without intending on him viewing it. She did so deliberately. Some things you aren't entitled to view and if you do view them you definitely aren't entitled to retaliate. A rant post would qualify, IMO. She isn't threatening anyone harm, she's just venting frustration towards inadequate parenting tactics. I wonder what trouble any child would get in if their parents had a transcript of all the things said under their breath or amongst friends. What he should have done was read the post and try to sit down and talk with his daughter in a non-confronting manner. Find common ground. Now, she's probably lost all trust in this guy and he's left with his thumb in his *** over some ridiculous overreaction.
The video should be titled, "What not to do as a parent".