Falcons vs Eagles

Good news for you then. I am not a hater and I am not a troll. I try to provide my honest opinion and I try my best not to bother anyone on this board. I am here for a few years now and seriously you have been the only one personally attacking me like that. What can I say? Put me on ignore and problem solved.

I never attacked you..why are you on here?
Yep. If Bradford gets hurt things will change dramatically for Eagles. Sanchez is not the answer at QB.

I tried to be an Eagles fan but I couldn't. I had to settle being a Giants fan. I envy Cowboys though. I was told if I tried hard, I could become a Cowboys fan one day.

My mother was from Long Island, but I was raised in Ingleside, outside of Corpus Christie- by her (my father was in an accident when I was very young) and all my neighbors.
It was strange... she was straight up New York (without the strong accent, thank goodness) and everyone thought we were aliens out in podunk, nowheresville, but still accepted.
I will always love them.

Maybe one day I'll think about considering the possibility of trying out the experience, before committing, to the Islanders- for me Mah.
His Mah.
On a side note, Romo has truly mastered taking the rock to the final second. So many times yesterday I was certain he wasn't going to get it off in time and we were going to have a delay of game....and not once did it happen. Truly amazing.

Doesn't IPhone try and correct to the word you use the most??? Jk jk
On Philly radio they said Bradfords getting an xray but didn't know what for

Better hold on to that certificate the before we give to Sam for making it through a game without injury
Yep. If Bradford gets hurt things will change dramatically for Eagles. Sanchez is not the answer at QB.

I tried to be an Eagles fan but I couldn't. I had to settle being a Giants fan. I envy Cowboys though. I was told if I tried hard, I could become a Cowboys fan one day.

If you truly repent and convert maybe.....nah. :)

Murray looking happy

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I never attacked you..why are you on here?

I am a troll apparently and I enjoy trolling. :)

You know how this started right? You told me to be an Eagles fan while I was giving my honest opinion on Eagles. Do you see the absurdity or no? If not, what can I say more?

Okay why I am here? This is the only online platform I talk football. Cowboyszone is not your typical platform. A really family friendly place where me and my son(a Cowboys fan) can come and read about football.

There are also some Newyorkers here that are Yankees fans and Rangers fans etc and I enjoy talking sports. Is it enough or no? Work day tomorrow pal. Have a good night.

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