Fans who would rather their team lose so they can trash the player they hate make me sad

You root for Dallas to lose? You suck !!!

I will admit there were times back in the Garrett days I rooted for losses. I wanted Garrett gone in the worst way and losing was the only way Jerry was going to finally see the light.

No, I root for Dallas to win every week. I'm not sure how my response indicated otherwise.
Of course. You are way too ignorant for anything else. And yet, you think it's OK for you to start a thread hating on a player. You are the biggest hypocrite on this site. Miserable and a rotten human being. All you do is attack and bring extreme vitriol to this site. Just go away.
I’m hurt. I would advise you to take your BP meds.
Why does another persons opinion make people so nervous around here. We win, we lose, we break balls. So sensitive.
There are many here who need others to agree with them because it makes them more confident in their opinion. And if others don't agree they get mad that it wasn't just rubber-stamped without vetting. Some even call out the fact that they "got more likes" for their comment than an opposing opinionator. The height of opinion insecurity.
I'm out of this thread. You guys go ahead and say what you want about me, it's not concerning to me. The extreme vitriol gets on my nerves, so have at it!!!!

I would love to see one of reality’s polls, where there is no escape from an opinion.

Do you root for the Cowboys to win every week?
Yes or no.

Put people on record.

There are plenty of our “fans” who would simply ignore the poll rather than go on record that they actually root for wins
They’d just lie
They don't bother you because you are a Dak hater like they are. Quit acting ignorant, K.
This is what makes the forum no fun for other people, where you can't have a difference of opinion, without being Labeled a Hater. I've seen more mature forums where the members could have a difference of opinion, and nobody would jump on somebody for not liking a player. What makes one less of a hater when they support the quarterback no matter what but are willing to throw other players under the bus, such as the running back, wide receivers, offensive linemen, etc. You can't have it both way, where you say people are haters because they have a low opinion of the QB, but then turn around and express your low opinion of others on the team.
I love beating the crap out of teams. I love winning. But I shouldn't be obligated to kiss Dak's butt or start worshiping at his alter just because he had a good game today. And I won't.

Let's see if he can do the same against better competition. Lets see if he can step up in the playoffs. Maybe then we'll start talking about giving him deserved props. Right now I still don't trust him. You know who else was able to beat up on the bad teams but could never get it done in the playoffs? Yep, #9.

Go ahead and call me every name in the book - I don't care. I'm entitled to my opinion as much as any other member of this site.

You good?
I love beating the crap out of teams. I love winning. But I shouldn't be obligated to kiss Dak's butt or start worshiping at his alter just because he had a good game today. And I won't.

Let's see if he can do the same against better competition. Lets see if he can step up in the playoffs. Maybe then we'll start talking about giving him deserved props. Right now I still don't trust him. You know who else was able to beat up on the bad teams but could never get it done in the playoffs? Yep, #9.

Go ahead and call me every name in the book - I don't care. I'm entitled to my opinion as much as any other member of this site.
Why haven’t other teams done the same thing against the giants??
This is what makes the forum no fun for other people, where you can't have a difference of opinion, without being Labeled a Hater. I've seen more mature forums where the members could have a difference of opinion, and nobody would jump on somebody for not liking a player. What makes one less of a hater when they support the quarterback no matter what but are willing to throw other players under the bus, such as the running back, wide receivers, offensive linemen, etc. You can't have it both way, where you say people are haters because they have a low opinion of the QB, but then turn around and express your low opinion of others on the team.
What? I bash Dak when he messes up, plus when he gets greedy both on the field and off of it with his agent and contract $$$$ demands.
Are you serious? You know I was getting suspended repeatedly just for stating the truth about that Hollywood seeking choker and all of you Romo groupies crying to the mods to perma-ban me. Quit acting as if you don't remember.
I remember the site quite well. All the daily garbage you spewed about Romo probably contributed to shutting down. It was non stop raging arguments and I always thought the mods and ownership finally grew tired of it to the point they decided the site needed to go away. It wasn't a healthy environment for anyone. You keep calling me a Romo fan but I was always on the fence. I know I have told you this a hundred times but you keep insisting that I'm lying. Honestly, I don't give a damn what you think. So you keep being you.

“Fans” who would rather their team lose​

so they can trash the player they hate make me sad. Lucky I’m old enough to remember when most fans rooted for the team regardless if they loved or disliked the QB or any other player.
I agree but I think you have it slightly wrong. I think they do want the team to win, but they revel in their hated player doing crappy in the win or at least not doing well. The example I always used was the Dak fan vs hater versus Zeke fan versus hater. No one here will admit it, but If the Cowboys had 1st and goal from the 1 and you found yourself rooting for a run or pass so the hated player wouldn't be part of the expected TD (not because you thought it was better or worse for the team but because you didn't want to have to admit your hated player did something good), you are a 5hit fan. None of the 5hit fans will admit it, but their comments on here make it obvious who they are. 5hit fans put their internet credit over the good of the team. You just know the Dak haters were hoping for a couple more running TDs today and the "Dak can do no wrong" group were happy when we threw it on 2nd and goal from the 1 two different times because of their opposing but equally annoying and **** agendas
I'm out of this thread. You guys go ahead and say what you want about me, it's not concerning to me. The extreme vitriol gets on my nerves, so have at it!!!!

Bro, if Dak is your issue, preach on. He’s not perfect. He’s not elite. But, he’s what we have.

If your comments were “I hate Dak”, that’s fine.

Could you mix in some comments that give the impression that you are still rooting for us to win every week? If we go deep in the playoffs with Dak, would that be ok? If we won a Super Bowl with him, would that be ok?

I just want for fans to root for the team.

I don’t care who is the QB.

Many years ago I called into the Ticket and said “I don’t care if the Devil is our owner, I just want to win more Super Bowls.”

I know that’s extreme, but somewhere between the Devil and Dak and Cooper Rush, there’s room for Cowboy fans to come together and want to win another Lombardi.
I remember the site quite well. All the daily garbage you spewed about Romo probably contributed to shutting down. It was not stop raging arguments and I always thought the mods and ownership finally grew tired of it to the point they decided the site needed to go away. It wasn't a healthy environment for anyone. You keep calling me a Romo fan but I was always on the fence. I know I have told you this a hundred times but you keep insisting that I'm lying. Honestly, I don't give a damn what you think. So you keep being you.
No. There were a two handful of us who would get silenced repeatedly in the old threads if we questioned Romo's play on the field or decision making both on and off the field. It was 85% hard-core pro-Romo and y'all didn't want anyone saying anything negative about him or y'all would start the attacks. It's the same thing here today: 85% anti-Dak, and y'all attack anyone who supports or likes Dak around here.

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