Fat kid being bullied ain't having it!

I used to get bullied until I fought back 1 day and wooped his but......then I got in 1 more fight after that and didn't get in another for 5 years......until I went to jail:(

So for me fighing 2 times saved me 4 years of bulling

So I think what the kid did was right cuz what kids do nowadays is pick on the weak to boost there ego. If hey see someone else picking on 1 kid the rest will follow
CanuckCowboysFan;3877956 said:

Is this what society has come to?
Yes, society has come to a point where kids think they can bully someone with no consequences.

Well ... consequences will never be the same!!!111
theogt;3878287 said:
Yes, society has come to a point where kids think they can bully someone with no consequences.

Well ... consequences will never be the same!!!111

Not once we back trace it. End of conversation!!!!!!
Little kid had it coming. It was an obvious planned bully session with the camera. I bet when they get back to school they will still bully him. I have been boxing for years and I do not condone fighting, but in a case of bullying I would of headbutt that little shrimp and done a little more damage. People probably wonder why he didn't try to punch.... The guy is pretty large and used his strength... his size and took that little kid to the ground and ended. No use in throwing punches back and fourth, end it quickk :D
basstapp;3878395 said:
Little kid had it coming. It was an obvious planned bully session with the camera. I bet when they get back to school they will still bully him. I have been boxing for years and I do not condone fighting, but in a case of bullying I would of headbutt that little shrimp and done a little more damage. People probably wonder why he didn't try to punch.... The guy is pretty large and used his strength... his size and took that little kid to the ground and ended. No use in throwing punches back and fourth, end it quickk :D
I did that once in a fight. Devastating results.

The thing I like most about the bigger kid is that the guy's bigger buddy comes in to continue it and he doesn't back down or escalate it at all.

I think the kid should be applauded for how he handled it. Body slam or punch right to that punk's smug face. He took it until he wasn't going to anymore and then he ended it. With an exclamation point.
I have never been bullied in my life, but I would have done the exact same thing as the bigger kid. My boyfriend was bullied a lot growing up, and even in school, he eventually got so fed up, he choked the other kid. He got suspended, only because of the rules, but the Principal even told his mom that was the BEST thing he could have done because they left him alone after that.

I hate bullies, and wish the school was more proactive against both physical and relational bullies. I work with kids who have emotional and behavior issues, and this type of behavior is NOT acceptable in our Moderate Intervention Services classroom.
VietCowboy;3878591 said:
I work with kids who have emotional and behavior issues, and this type of behavior is NOT acceptable in our Moderate Intervention Services classroom.

Question for you. Do you ever talk to the parents of these kids, and if so, what kind of results follow?
CanuckCowboysFan;3878019 said:
What was he supposed to do? Are you kidding? You TELL an elder. A teacher, parent, guardian. You don't resort to violence. Thats how I was raised, don't know about you.

Not sure if it's the same these days, but where I grew up, running and telling an adult gets you labeled as a "snitch". When this happens, not only do you have to worry about the bully, but you have to worry about getting your butt kicked by everyone in the school, neighborhood, etc.. What's the old saying, "Snitches end up with stitches in ditches".
basstapp;3878395 said:
Little kid had it coming. It was an obvious planned bully session with the camera. I bet when they get back to school they will still bully him. I have been boxing for years and I do not condone fighting, but in a case of bullying I would of headbutt that little shrimp and done a little more damage. People probably wonder why he didn't try to punch.... The guy is pretty large and used his strength... his size and took that little kid to the ground and ended. No use in throwing punches back and fourth, end it quickk :D

I actually did that this weekend. haha.

Seriously though, anyone actually defending the skinny kid needs to ****! He deserved getting body slammed. If this is something the little punk has done quite a bit..he deserved to get knocked out. Yeah...i said it!
SkinsandTerps;3878127 said:
I get to that level I explode and get pretty relentless. Then feel bad about it later usually.

Sounds like residual issues from being a Commanders fan.:rolleyes:
CanuckCowboysFan;3877995 said:
Their both at fault. Probably the smaller kid more so then the big kid, either way to condone this type of stuff is sickening. The kid could have died. Why do you ask?

Also, don't forget the smaller kid was 4 years younger then the bigger kid.

Are you French?
Its a great feeling when a punk like that really gets what he deserves. Not only physical payback and humiliation in front of his friends, but the whole world got to see just what ***** he is and see him get owned. Such humilation and justice to one so deserving makes me smile.
nyc;3878831 said:
I think not, but I have now seen it thanks. ;)

I think DeMaurice Smith could use a bodyslamming like that kid got btw. Probably AP also. :p:
I'll be glad to take care of that.
urface59;3878861 said:
Its a great feeling when a punk like that really gets what he deserves. Not only physical payback and humiliation in front of his friends, but the whole world got to see just what ***** he is and see him get owned. Such humilation and justice to one so deserving makes me smile.

I agree, though I am glad he didn't receive a serious injury in the process. (landing on the corner of those bricks could have been really bad) The best lessons are hard lessons that don't cause permanent damage.
nyc;3878867 said:
I agree, though I am glad he didn't receive a serious injury in the process. (landing on the corner of those bricks could have been really bad) The best lessons are hard lessons that don't cause permanent damage.

I agree with that as well. The fact that he was not seriously makes better for reasons 1. I never want to see serious injury occur to anybody even jerks like this. 2. It makes the little dirtbag less likely to get any serious payback at the victim in the form of a lawsuit and whatnot.

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