Father claims the six grams of cocaine does not belong to Matt Jones

Kilyin;2142542 said:
"Your honor, it turns out my client merely FOUND these drugs, and was on his way to turn them in to police at the time of his arrest..."
Post of the day.

Any time someone can reference a line like that from Cheech and Chong it gets a :bow: from me.
Big Dakota;2142692 said:
What's a couple 8 balls between friends?

Damn... 6 grams is a lot... what are the measurements per 8 ball?

How much before its "intent to sell/distribute"?
YoMick;2142809 said:
Damn... 6 grams is a lot... what are the measurements per 8 ball?

How much before its "intent to sell/distribute"?

3 1/2 grams per 8-ball
He was lining it up for his buddies.lol.what a joke!6 GRAMS IS A LOT OF BLOW.
abersonc;2142569 said:
6 grams?

Holy crap. That's not casual use.

Again people should not talk about things they have no idea about.

6 g is a gram less than a quarter ounce or two 8 balls. That missing gram probably was already up his friend and his nose.

If it was just for him then yeah that would be a lot but if you are going to a party or even hanging out with a few friends and are planning to bust out then that will be gone in a matter of a few hours. That is casual use.

If you are dealing and planning on doing it a QZ at a time youre an idiot. Youll be selling 20s all day long and having people bang on your door at 5 AM all the time.

If you are going to say WOW THATS a lot of blow start thinking 30 grams not 6.
Bob Sacamano;2142862 said:
fuzzy is a coke expert, believe him

Maybe, but if he was planning on blowing alone, then an 8-ball is a lot to blow alone and will put you dangerously close to OD'ing.
I honestly don't care if it was 1 gram, 6 grams, 10 grams, or 100 grams.

I make no distinction between marijuana and meth.

If you are a player in the NFL with a chance to make millions of dollars in contracts, more money in endorsements, and to have women fawning over you, fans adore you, and you would risk it all for a high (any kind of high) then you are a freaking moron.
Thehoofbite;2142604 said:

This is hilarious.

It wasn't his but he was going to snort it all the same.

When you find money on the sidewalk, do you spend it?

There ya go. ;)
stasheroo;2142635 said:
Thus speaketh the Enabler!

Keep making excuses for your boy and he'll keep screwing up.

There really is a time as a parent to keep your mouth shut.

Unless he was with his son to personally witness all the details, then he cannot attest to anything Matt did. He should have just said, "You'll have to ask Matt because I wasn't there."

Loving your child and blindly defending your child do not go hand in hand.
Hostile;2142873 said:
I honestly don't care if it was 1 gram, 6 grams, 10 grams, or 100 grams.

I make no distinction between marijuana and meth.

If you are a player in the NFL with a chance to make millions of dollars in contracts, more money in endorsements, and to have women fawning over you, fans adore you, and you would risk it all for a high (any kind of high) then you are a freaking moron.

I'm with you on this one... I've always wondered why money=drugs for so many players. It's really sad.

Actually his little cocaine bust might have something to do with the fact he is such a bust. Who really knows....
This is looking like it could be another really sorry end to a career. Although I wasn't high (no pun intended) on signing him for this season, I was a big Jones fan coming out of college. I remember all of the posts questioning his NFL makeup/commitment, but nothing indicating he'd end up like this. One of my favorite college players, ever.
bbgun;2142902 said:
Same for teams.

Well, no real harm is done with that one ... except irritating you, and it seems several around here enjoy doing that.
Tovya;2142871 said:
Maybe, but if he was planning on blowing alone, then an 8-ball is a lot to blow alone and will put you dangerously close to OD'ing.

He wasn't alone and he had a friend in the car with him so all of that is moot. If you have that much blow and you intend on selling he would have either had a scale, baggies and the like which he didn't have. That leaves consumption.

If he was planning on doing some of it and then saving some then you leave what you dont intend on doing behind because as anyone who as ever jonesed before knows, youll just do it all.

As for ODing again it doesn't sound like you know what youre talking about. If youre rigging ie using an IV then what is considered a death shot is 1 g. Now mind you this is one gram all hitting your heart simultaneously. This is not what these guys were doing. They were snorting it which means that its absorbed thru the mucous membranes up in your nose which delays entry into the bloodstream.

Now of course if they were to bust out 6 one-gram rails and do three each then yeah probably their hearts would explode but who on earth does that? I mean it was ten oclock at night whic means they had probably just scored it and were getting ready to get on with the night.

Now I am assuming that they were going out and were going to hook up with some people but lets say that it was just going to be him and his friend. A coke binge typically goes on into the next day so youre looking at 6 to 8 AM closing time at which point your talking about spreading the consumption across 8 hours or so.

I mean its pretty obvious that Jones has done this before but to say hes doing it every day is just not demonstrated by what we know. It sounds to me that him and his friend had a wild hair up their *** and decided to get a couple of 8 balls and party.

I personally hate coke. After the first few times you do it all it does is make you jones and feel like crap until you do more every ten minutes. But in my younger days we used to do the exact same thing score a couple and then go out and party. You get a couple of girls involved and that goes real fast in a foursome.

Oh and as a final aside I have and never will use needles. I have dealt with plenty of people that have and my experience with those types of people is nothing good and most of the people that I know that were like that are either dead or in jail. That is one line even in the depths of my depravity I would not cross.
FuzzyLumpkins;2142925 said:
He wasn't alone and he had a friend in the car with him so all of that is moot. If you have that much blow and you intend on selling he would have either had a scale, baggies and the like which he didn't have. That leaves consumption.

If he was planning on doing some of it and then saving some then you leave what you dont intend on doing behind because as anyone who as ever jonesed before knows, youll just do it all.

As for ODing again it doesn't sound like you know what youre talking about. If youre rigging ie using an IV then what is considered a death shot is 1 g. Now mind you this is one gram all hitting your heart simultaneously. This is not what these guys were doing. They were snorting it which means that its absorbed thru the mucous membranes up in your nose which delays entry into the bloodstream.

Now of course if they were to bust out 6 one-gram rails and do three each then yeah probably their hearts would explode but who on earth does that? I mean it was ten oclock at night whic means they had probably just scored it and were getting ready to get on with the night.

Now I am assuming that they were going out and were going to hook up with some people but lets say that it was just going to be him and his friend. A coke binge typically goes on into the next day so youre looking at 6 to 8 AM closing time at which point your talking about spreading the consumption across 8 hours or so.

I mean its pretty obvious that Jones has done this before but to say hes doing it every day is just not demonstrated by what we know. It sounds to me that him and his friend had a wild hair up their *** and decided to get a couple of 8 balls and party.

I personally hate coke. After the first few times you do it all it does is make you jones and feel like crap until you do more every ten minutes. But in my younger days we used to do the exact same thing score a couple and then go out and party. You get a couple of girls involved and that goes real fast in a foursome.

Oh and as a final aside I have and never will use needles. I have dealt with plenty of people that have and my experience with those types of people is nothing good and most of the people that I know that were like that are either dead or in jail. That is one line even in the depths of my depravity I would not cross.

Wow, stay away from the shot gun Kurt.

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