Favorite non-traditional breakfast

I've had many a Whataburger for breakfast because most ff places didn't do burgers for breakfast which I thought was stupid. It wasn't like they had a bunch of cattle out back that needed to be slaughtered and processed before 11am.
Well,I’ll tell you what CC. If ever there again...I’m going straight from the airport to a Whataburger.
Well,I’ll tell you what CC. If ever there again...I’m going straight from the airport to a Whataburger.
There is something magical about their onions, they're always great. HEB has gone a little wacky down here and is stocking all the Whataburger condiments like mustard, mayo and ketchup. I didn't realize they made their own.
There is something magical about their onions, they're always great. HEB has gone a little wacky down here and is stocking all the Whataburger condiments like mustard, mayo and ketchup. I didn't realize they made their own.
Really? I’m sold even more so now.
Really? I’m sold even more so now.
Hell, they've got as much shelf space as the national brands. Whataburger kinda has a cult following in Texas like In and Out in CA and people will say "I don't eat ff burgers but I will eat a Whataburger".
I wish we had Whatabuger. Went there as a kid in TX,and loved em. They didn’t drown it in stinking ketchup. I’m a mustard guy. Even dip my fries in it.
I like fritos scoops and mustard as a dipping sauce
Non traditional breakfast Pork tamales re fried beans and guacamole all mixed together with sauerkraut as a side
Hell, they've got as much shelf space as the national brands. Whataburger kinda has a cult following in Texas like In and Out in CA and people will say "I don't eat ff burgers but I will eat a Whataburger".
I’m over “In n Out”. Love the service and simple menu business model. I actually ruined myself by going to a local burger place...and the burgers and onion rings are high end stuff,done by sous chefs. Best things ever. Pricey,but worth every cent. Oh and the shakes? Oh my goodness. No man or woman alive could resist those things. It’s allllll hand made....even the chocolate sauce.
I like fritos scoops and mustard as a dipping sauce
Non traditional breakfast Pork tamales re fried beans and guacamole all mixed together with sauerkraut as a side
Hey,never tried that GP. But I will.... I like sauerkraut and mustard dogs!!
There is something magical about their onions, they're always great. HEB has gone a little wacky down here and is stocking all the Whataburger condiments like mustard, mayo and ketchup. I didn't realize they made their own.
Love me some Whataburger but I wish the would slice the onions instead of dicing them
Om my gosh, do I miss good, real boudain!!!!!
I live within 20 miles of the Louisiana border. There is a chain of stores throughout the area in both Texas and Louisiana that makes the best boudain I have ever eaten. I have one of those stores about a half mile from my house and I buy their boudain all of the time. I look forward to when my wife does not cook so I can have the boudain for a meal (I just can't let her know that:muttley:).
Love me some Whataburger but I wish the would slice the onions instead of dicing them
What I don't get is how consistent they are. I usually avoid onions on burgers because some can overpower but theirs are outstanding. And I've eaten at Whataburger's up and down I35 and 45.

I've also eaten at Walterburger's in OK. They ripped off the colors and logo look and my wife and I didn't realize it was Walterburger until we were inside it and we cracked up at the name and decided to stay anyway.
I live within 20 miles of the Louisiana border. There is a chain of stores throughout the area in both Texas and Louisiana that makes the best boudain I have ever eaten. I have one of those stores about a half mile from my house and I buy their boudain all of the time. I look forward to when my wife does not cook so I can have the boudain for a meal (I just can't let her know that:muttley:).
Soooooo, you're not going to share the name of the stores, Mr. Selfish? Keeping it all to yourself and not letting your ForumFriends in on the action?

LA was the first place I began to look at C stores differently because some of those folks can really cook and every bit as good as the high end joints and sometimes better.

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