Favorite non-traditional breakfast

The sad part now food become a hobby and and entertainment not a necessity for living, so they end up indulging on too much food which they pay for it later on.
Which is why I only agree, to a much lesser degree. I can't always eat food I don't enjoy, but I eat treats as treats, not as sustenance or habit. When there are doughnuts in the break room, I tell myself, "Sure, it'll taste great for a minute, then you'll feel like an idiot for eating it."......................unless there's a Boston Creme!
It's all about incorporating( or trying to,anyway)
The intake from the 4 basic food groups my man! Meat,cheese,beer& something green looking every once in a while:thumbup:
Well, I love me some lasagna but sweet pickles would be down the last as an additive. You put parmesan in your tuna salad?
Well, I love me some lasagna but sweet pickles would be down the last as an additive. You put parmesan in your tuna salad?
I grate parmesan on some of everything, even the dog's supper. I read about putting the rind in soups.
I try not to use any added sugar at all natural or not.luckily I don't have issue with wight but I keep myself on a low carbs diet all the time.
Our life style nowadays is the reason people having issues, in the past people eat anything but they do a lot of physical work which help them tremendously.
Point is if you exercise and stay away from fast food and sugary stuff you will be fine.
True and the biggest culprit they're finding is stress eating and it's not getting any better. The best way around that is to redefine "comfort food". For me, that is chips, I am a chipaholic and love all of them and I had to stop having them around and especially when I am preoccupied with watching something on or hanging out here. I could put away an entire bag without realizing it.

The other thing that I find interesting is that I have never been a sweet tooth person until I went through a rough patch of emotional loss and I began to crave sweets, really crave them. I go the CarbSmart route for ice cream and Hershey's and Stover's for sugar-free candy but sometimes I just gotta have cookies and there are no acceptable no sugar substitutes that I have found.
I grate parmesan on some of everything, even the dog's supper. I read about putting the rind in soups.
Yeah, I stared doing that and it does smooth out the texture some.

Does your dog wait until you grate the cheese to begin dining? I've got a mental image of you standing by with your little grater like you're at Olive Garden waiting for your dog to stop his conversation so you can ask "grated cheese, sir"?
This is not for you traditionalists, Cocoa Puffers and Fruit Loopers, this is about an unusual food that you like for breakfast.

Eggs may be part of your submission but not the main ingredient like a Slim Jim and M&M's omelette would be disqualified by the judge and the OP is the judge so don't try and put one by me.

Hangover food can qualify as that is usually not on the beaten, as in eggs, path.

What got me to thinking about this was two things. One, I had a bacon cheeseburger with homemade hickory smoke sauce for breakfast, one of my favorites, and two, another poster who shall remain nameless (gp cowpolk, aka The Gipper or Gip) mentioned liking Cheerios with buttermilk and cheese and I made myself not think about that while downing my burger or it was coming back up.

But, there are no bad foods for breakfast and since many of us have breakfast for dinner, why would having something non-traditional for breakfast be odd? Sooooo, what's your favorite?
I’d have to say Pho (hardy Vietnamese soup basically). Love it as a breakfast option esp after a night on the town. An egg option is a Persian omelette. Hard to describe fully but google it. Really more like a scramble with tomatoes and onions and spices (tumeric, etc.). But the truly unique part is HOW u eat it. Using pita or similar flat bread u load up he eggs and then top it with various herbs (mint, marjoram, tarragon, flat parsley, etc) and then chow it down. The combo of the savory eggs mixture along with the fresh herbaceous greens is incredible.
I’d have to say Pho (hardy Vietnamese soup basically). Love it as a breakfast option esp after a night on the town. An egg option is a Persian omelette. Hard to describe fully but google it. Really more like a scramble with tomatoes and onions and spices (tumeric, etc.). But the truly unique part is HOW u eat it. Using pita or similar flat bread u load up he eggs and then top it with various herbs (mint, marjoram, tarragon, flat parsley, etc) and then chow it down. The combo of the savory eggs mixture along with the fresh herbaceous greens is incredible.
Love Pho, my wife and I got into it in 98 and that's been a staple of mine but not for breakfast, only because I don't know of any Pho places open in my vicinity.
As popular as Whataburger is in Texas it's hard to believe they don't branch out across the country.
Quality control,and logistics. Too many all over and you lose what you started with. So,I think that’s better for you all in the end.
Soooooo, you're not going to share the name of the stores, Mr. Selfish? Keeping it all to yourself and not letting your ForumFriends in on the action?

LA was the first place I began to look at C stores differently because some of those folks can really cook and every bit as good as the high end joints and sometimes better.
Oops, sorry about that. The name of the store is Market Basket. It is a local chain in Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.
Which is why I only agree, to a much lesser degree. I can't always eat food I don't enjoy, but I eat treats as treats, not as sustenance or habit. When there are doughnuts in the break room, I tell myself, "Sure, it'll taste great for a minute, then you'll feel like an idiot for eating it."......................unless there's a Boston Creme!
It takes time and a very strong resistance to fight urges for sure.
I always say: yjr most secucfel perosn on earth is the person with more paint
True and the biggest culprit they're finding is stress eating and it's not getting any better. The best way around that is to redefine "comfort food". For me, that is chips, I am a chipaholic and love all of them and I had to stop having them around and especially when I am preoccupied with watching something on or hanging out here. I could put away an entire bag without realizing it.

The other thing that I find interesting is that I have never been a sweet tooth person until I went through a rough patch of emotional loss and I began to crave sweets, really crave them. I go the CarbSmart route for ice cream and Hershey's and Stover's for sugar-free candy but sometimes I just gotta have cookies and there are no acceptable no sugar substitutes that I have found.

you can have kale chips they are healthy and easy to make. for 15 min or so in 350 degrees oven Just remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size you like.
It takes time and a very strong resistance to fight urges for sure.
I always say: yjr most secucfel perosn on earth is the person with more paint
Does anyone understand what you're saying when you always say that?

you can have kale chips they are healthy and easy to make. for 15 min or so in 350 degrees oven Just remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size you like.
Yeah, I stared doing that and it does smooth out the texture some.

Does your dog wait until you grate the cheese to begin dining? I've got a mental image of you standing by with your little grater like you're at Olive Garden waiting for your dog to stop his conversation so you can ask "grated cheese, sir"?
I put Parmesan cheese on my poochies dog food also they love it they prefer the grater not the shaker
You guys are strange ducks. If it doesnt have eggs and grits in it then it isnt breakfast. A hamburger for breakfast? not a chance, that would be an early lunch. My wife eats chili for breakfast. I cant go there. I love chili but if it is not around lunch time then I am not eating it.
You guys are strange ducks. If it doesnt have eggs and grits in it then it isnt breakfast. A hamburger for breakfast? not a chance, that would be an early lunch. My wife eats chili for breakfast. I cant go there. I love chili but if it is not around lunch time then I am not eating it.
Mmm, I just made chili Saturday, and bought Hummel Bros. hot dogs for chili dogs. Maybe I should try it for breakfast.....one day when I know I won't be around anyone important.
You guys are strange ducks. If it doesnt have eggs and grits in it then it isnt breakfast. A hamburger for breakfast? not a chance, that would be an early lunch. My wife eats chili for breakfast. I cant go there. I love chili but if it is not around lunch time then I am not eating it.
Looks like you married a strange duck. She's welcome to hang out on our pond anytime...….anytime but chili day. She might propel herself around the pond without paddling.

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