Favorite player that didn't pan out:


The Godfather
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By the way, I'm embarrassed to admit that I bought into the Drew Henson hype so badly that I watched all of his NFL Europe games looking for improvement. I never quite saw too much, but my rosy glasses told me that this guy HAD to develop into a beast eventually.

I was completely wrong on that kid. He stole a lot of money (and in 2 sports).


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I think in a year or two this could be DeMarco Murray. When healthy and when he gets the ball, he's an absolute beast. He's not getting a fair shake here.


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By the way, I'm embarrassed to admit that I bought into the Drew Henson hype so badly that I watched all of his NFL Europe games looking for improvement. I never quite saw too much, but my rosy glasses told me that this guy HAD to develop into a beast eventually.

I was completely wrong on that kid. He stole a lot of money (and in 2 sports).

Count me as another disappointed Rhein Fire fan. Henson did nothing to impress, and I think I recall him only playing only the first or second half of the games toward the end of the season. A huge disappointment after all of the publicity.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
For me it's Troy Hambrick. He was a beast built in the mold of Brandon Jacobs. I thought we'd finally have a punishing power back and with a good defense would get into the 4th quarter and get wins. He unfortunately bombed as a starter.

Maybe not what your asking, but Erik Williams would have been in the hall of fame if not for the Car accident. He had 2-1/2 years of dominance and then poof, he was just average after the wreck.


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Joey Galloway - I think he blew out his knee in the 1st half of his only game played with Aikman at QB. The rest of his Cowboys career was marred by injury and horrid QB play.

It was worse than that. Galloway got injured in the 4th quarter. Dallas was getting blown out and Joey should not have still been in the game.

There are several guys that didn't pan out that I liked or at least thought they could help Dallas. Not necessarily favorite guys or players, but players that I felt had enough talent to produce. Antonio Bryant for example. He had good size, enough speed and good body control. He ran very good routes(if he bothered to learn them). He was good in and out of breaks. He just didn't have the most important part, which is mental fortitude. He could not accept his roles with the team. If he did he could have had a good career. There are a few others that fall into that mold.

Roy Williams the safety just confounds me. He played so well as a rookie. A couple of years later it seemed as if his game and approach to the game just drastically changed and not for the better.

I never understood the hype for Drew Henson. I just don't trust guys that have been away from the game for several years. Football is a game that requires repetition, especially the QB position. You have to throw thousands of passes in 7-on-7s and practices as well as games to get better. You have to study lots of film. He also really didn't play that much in college or throw that many passes when he did play. QBs nowadays throw more passes in a season than Henson did his whole time at Michigan. He then missed three crucial years of development while he toyed with baseball at a very impressionable age for an NFL QB. That isn't a recipe for a successful career. I can understand maybe taking a chance with him similar to how they did with Chad Hutchinson, but not spending a 3rd round pick to do it.

Roger Staubach was an exception in how a QB can be away from the game, but still come back and play at an extremely high level. I doubt anyone can repeat that type of success especially since the way the game has evolved so much since Staubach's time.


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To me Felix Jones seemed always on the verge of being a really special player, but he never really crossed the brink. A very good player who seemed like he could be extraordinary.


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Tony Romo



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Patrick Watkins without a doubt. Loved this guy. Used to chat with him on Facebook when he was a cowboy haha


Gloomy Sunday
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Joey Galloway, I was a kid when this trade happened. I was so excited about this trade :D
Troy Hambrick
Quincy Carter
Antonio Byrant
Drew Henson
Felix Jones

o_O For some reason I thought Anthony Wright was going to turn out into something

:( These are Cowboys I grew up with.