Favorite TV show openings

ABQCOWBOY;2800108 said:
This is one of the all timers for me as well.

Trivia: The man who put that together, Jack Cole, also designed the intros for Rockford, Six Mill, The Bionic Woman, and Planet of the Apes. Very talented guy, obviously.
I kinda get the impression that we watch entirely too much TV.
OK fellas, I'm pulling out the big guns. Going Old School on you....

ABQCOWBOY;2800122 said:
OK fellas, I'm pulling out the big guns. Going Old School on you....


ZOINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh2:
High Chapparal. One of my favorite shows and I can not believe I forgot how great the opening credits were.
Well someone already posted Night Court and Barney Miller, I always liked the sanford and son intro music but could not find a youtube of it without being a remix.

Here is a few others...






And since this reflects current events...

zrinkill;2799763 said:
Airwolf, Hardcastle and McCormick, Battlestar Galactica (the original series), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Yeagermeister;2799782 said:
The new BSG opening is pretty cool also.
BrAinPaiNt;2800342 said:
I will call your Herculoids and raise you Xavier's children :D


This is the best copy I could find. YouTube has flagged the soundtrack on all other copies which I came across.
i remember running home from school to watch this when i was about 6 or 7 i think.

also unless i missed it i can't believe nobody has mentioned

and yes i'm a big kid
daschoo;2800374 said:
i remember running home from school to watch this when i was about 6 or 7 i think.

Oh god, Cities of Gold. Man I loved that show.
DIAF;2800049 said:
This discussion is WORTHLESS without the mention of the greatest 80s opening ever

[youtube]IDhz_mVcVCQ[/youtube ]

wow, DallasEast and maikeru-sama(although I pretty much guessed he was thanks to his nick) out themselves as fellow anime nerds! Yeah, both GTO and Cowboy Bebop have great opening sequences. Thinking back, I can't think of another one that can top Cowboy Bebop. I do like Baccano!'s OP a lot. Kinda the same flavor as Cowboy Bebop.

[youtube]oUjqlVt6y2A&feature=fvw[/youtube ]
Baccano looks good too. That's another one for my must see list.

Here's R.O.D. (Read Or Die). The movie. Not the television series which I didn't care for when they greatly downplayed the importance of The Paper.
JerryAdvocate;2800395 said:
can't **** with this!

[youtube]1EkmnlmtNLo[/youtube ]
You don't have a clue just how much I dislike The Chipmunks. :mad:
DallasEast;2800423 said:
Baccano looks good too. That's another one for my must see list.

Here's R.O.D. (Read Or Die). The movie. Not the television series which I didn't care for when they greatly downplayed the importance of The Paper.

Yes, R.O.D. tv sucked. Really, really sucked...although I did like Nene. The OAV (or movie, as you put it) is far superior.


JerryAdvocate;2800465 said:
Ominous, play the Metal version of TMNT

Is this what you're talking about? If so, yeah it's damn awesome!


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