Favre vs. Bledsoe


The Duke
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This is to settle something. To those tired of the topic, my apologies.

Compare the careers of Favre & Bledsoe. Considering their respective careers, how would you describe your assessment of them head to head?

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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Hostile said:
This is to settle something. To those tired of the topic, my apologies.

Compare the careers of Favre & Bledsoe. Considering their respective careers, how would you describe your assessment of them head to head?

Favre: Fan favorite, can-do kinda players. Exciting to watch, always seemed to find a way to win, easily the most explosive player on the field. Never much of a fan though, because of his recklessness - I still think he plays the same way, but he is no longer getting away with what he used to. Not because he has no players - it's just the way it happens. Can't deny his ability back in the day though. Just not my kind of player. During his best years, there was always a chance that you would win.

Bledsoe: I always liked him in NE, and even though I like Brady, I felt sorry for him. Then, in Buffalo, saw some things that I think had always been there, but were now just painfully obvious. He can put the rock anywhere, and usually makes good decisions - but while I feel you can always win a game with Favre, I don't feel that from Bledsoe. He seems to be a pass it all day kinda guy, but not one I feel is going to win in the most desparate situations. He is kind of Manning-esque to me. He did win me back a bit last season - but eventually he will need to do it at the end of the season as well. Right now, his career has, to me, been more about stats than about his ability to get wins.

Overall - Favre has a much bigger edge because of the winning. For years his team was a winner and contender - and to say it is because Bledsoe never had a team around him is asinine to me. Both guys never had a truly complete team, but Favre was the type of player who could take over his team and make them win. Bledsoe has never been that guy.

Maybe with the talent we are stock piling, Bledsoe's ability to post excellent statistics will translate into wins - but I need it to be proved to me.


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I agree Farve was the better player, but not "easily"

Bledsoe has as good a arm as anyone. he just never had Farve's mobility

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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HeavyHitta31 said:
I agree Farve was the better player, but not "easily"

Bledsoe has as good a arm as anyone. he just never had Farve's mobility

I'd go so far as to say that Bledsoe has a better arm. He doesn't throw as hard, but he is as accurate and can throw as deep as Favre.

I don't think it's physical talents that seperate them - I think it's mental makeup.


Everything I type is a lie. Except that. And that.
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Favre has had the far better career, but right now I'd rather have Bledsoe. I'll pass on Brett "I sorta kinda maybe wanna still play football" Favre.


Well-Known Member
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Favre has had the better career so far, but he's been done for 2 years now. I think Bledsoe still has something left.


The Duke
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SkinsandTerps said:
Favre easily the better of the two. And I am not a Brett Favre fan.
I agree, it isn't even close.

For Bledsoe to equal what Favre has done if Favre were to retire right now, Bledsoe would have to do the following in his next 37 games.

53,615 yards for Favre, 43,447 yards for Bledsoe. That's a difference of 10,168 yards.

Bledsoe for the next 37 games would have to average 274.8 yards passing per game.

396 TD passes for Favre, 244 for Bledsoe. That's a difference of 152 TDs.

Bledsoe would have to average 4.1 TD passes per game for the next 37 games to equal Favre. Uh, that's 65 per year.

To me, it isn't even close and this isn't even taking into consideration Favre has much better rushing success.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Why is this a question? Only the mentally insane would suggest that Bledsoe's career has been anything near Favres career.


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Hostile said:
I agree, it isn't even close.

For Bledsoe to equal what Favre has done if Favre were to retire right now, Bledsoe would have to do the following in his next 37 games.

53,615 yards for Favre, 43,447 yards for Bledsoe. That's a difference of 10,168 yards.

Bledsoe for the next 37 games would have to average 274.8 yards passing per game.

396 TD passes for Favre, 244 for Bledsoe. That's a difference of 152 TDs.

Bledsoe would have to average 4.1 TD passes per game for the next 37 games to equal Favre. Uh, that's 65 per year.

To me, it isn't even close and this isn't even taking into consideration Favre has much better rushing success.

Just to clarify, I was speaking from a physical standpoint, not a numbers standpoint. Obviously few have ever doen what Farve has done numbers wise.

I agree with CR, Bledsoe never had the same mental game Farve had.


The Duke
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HeavyHitta31 said:
Just to clarify, I was speaking from a physical standpoint, not a numbers standpoint. Obviously few have ever doen what Farve has done numbers wise.

I agree with CR, Bledsoe never had the same mental game Farve had.
Career vs. career. It was pretty clear.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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big dog cowboy said:
More one sided than I expected.

Make no mistake - all things equal with their current ability, I'll keep Bledsoe. I was pleasantly suprised by his play last year, and I think he can have some more success. Favre, on the other hand, is finished.

There are still other QBs in the league I would rather have though.


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Favre has led a team to a superbowl and won. Thats what counts. There really shouldn't be much else to say. Other than that, they are pretty much on par with each other, as far as ability goes.


Commanders Forever
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Crown Royal said:
Make no mistake - all things equal with their current ability, I'll keep Bledsoe. I was pleasantly suprised by his play last year, and I think he can have some more success. Favre, on the other hand, is finished.

There are still other QBs in the league I would rather have though.


Brett is a year removed from having a solid offensive line and a 30 TD season. I dont think Bledsoe has ever thrown for 30 in a season. Not to mention a playoff appearance.

Same as Bledsoe needs a solid line, as does Favre. With time Favre would probably still be able to take most teams apart.

Billy Bullocks

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No Desmond Howard, I would feel pretty safe saying that we consider Bledsoe better. Reggie White mauling the tackle in that super bowl.

Favre has gotten it done in the big dance. Id say based on the fact that Favre has a ring and Bledsoe only has one as the backup, so that ends the debate right there.


Federal Agent
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Hostile said:
Career vs. career. It was pretty clear.

Keep in mind who you were directing that post too.

"Hey, Rice, you run a 30 yard slant, I'll hit you when you make your cut!"