Federal Search Warrant Executed on Vick House

Vintage;1522232 said:
And OJ wasn't supposed to get off murder charges,

Yawn... every time one of you contrarians wants to play the fool, you haul out OJ as if he's the gold standard of our justice system when it comes to celebrities, rather than an aberration of that system...

Well, rather than go into a long spiel about how you're comparing apples and oranges here, I'll merely point out that there were NO witnesses to OJ's crime, and that's ultimately what got him off... in this case, there are reportedly SEVERAL witnesses to Vick's involvement...

Witnesses make this a VERY different scenario... but I suspect you know that already, making your comparison even more asinine...

You accuse me of not knowing the case? Of course I don't. I am not actually investigating it. But the "blood soaked" carpets have now become carpets with "some blood sprinkled" on or something like that.

I'll tell you what, just to show that I'm really a nice guy, I'm gonna help you stop making yourself look so profoundly foolish, by giving a nice, one stop site that pretty much sums up all that is publicly known about the Vick case to date... follow this link:


If you do, you'll read the following about that carpeting:

Mary Kay Mallonee, a reporter for the television station WAVY, has been investigating the Michael Vick dog-fighting story, and in a radio interview yesterday, she described Vick's property as "a huge operation" where investigators found blood-soaked carpeting

The "blood spatters" to which you refer were actually found on the WALLS...

Officials, working on a search warrant, found exercise equipment, supplements used to build strength in dogs, and blood spatters on a wall, according to court documents.

Either you didn't read the story closely enough, and got it garbled, or you willfully distorted what has been reported... I'd sure like to believe it was the former... read on about the bloody carpeting:

Goodwin, who has worked with authorities on numerous dog-fighting cases, said he was told that officers also found bloody strips of carpeting,

"Goodwin" is John Goodwin, an officer with the Humane Society of the United States, in charge of investigating dog fighting...

Authorities found a room resembling one used in dog fighting when they searched the home this week, an investigator on the case said.

Blood covered areas of the room, said Kathy Strouse, of the Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force.

Gee, that report makes it sound like there was more than just blood "spatters" on the wall, doesn't it?? But what would a woman who works for the Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force know, right??

And when it was first reported, there were allegations of all the dogs with scarring (or most with scarring). Now it has only become a couple.

No, that's just Poindexter trying to spin things again, trying to take the heat off of Vick, presumably because he sees this as a "racial thing"... what's contemptible is if you pay close attention to what he said, he said there was only one animal with RECENT scarring... and here's what Ms. Strouse had to say on the subject:

The animals removed include about 54 pit bulls, many of them badly scarred, said Strouse, animal control coordinator for Chesapeake.

Again, this is a woman with inside knowledge of what's going on in the investigation, who has been in on it right from the start, and who has some expertise in such matters... continuing in this vein, we have the official press release from the National Animal Fighting Task Force, dated April 27th, which reads in part:

The Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force (VAFTF) responded to assist Virginia State Police and Drug Task Force officers upon the execution of a search warrant on April 25, 2007 at the Smithfield, Virginia property of Michael Vick. Evidence seized included:

a number of injured American Pit Bull Terrier dogs

Next up, the report from the Virginia State Police on the raid, which read:

The State Police relayed what they found Wednesday to county Animal Control Officer James Smith, who listed the evidence for a magistrate to issue a search warrant for evidence of dog fighting, including:

* At least four treadmills or slat mills for conditioning.

* A scale with a hook on it to weigh dogs, which are often fought at an agreed-upon weight.

* Vitamins, dietary and red blood cell supplements to enhance the dogs' condition.

* A diuretic to stimulate urination after a fight.

* Drugs and antibiotics to treat wounds.

Smith wrote that the State Police found about 30 "pit bull type" dogs tied to heavy chains attached to car axles buried in the ground.

The setup allowed the animals to come close to one another without touching. Three dogs were heavily scarred to the face, head, ears, chest and front legs, he added.

Now, admittedly three isn't "many", but again, this Animal Control Officer only saw 30 of the 66 dogs that were apparently on the property...

My concerns are how much of this has been sensationalized by the media (because the carpet and the # of dogs have already backtracked; I wonder if more has been sensationalized)

There hasn't been any backtracking, merely sloppy investigative work on your part... take the time to go to the link provided, take 20 minutes or so to read what's on there, THEN you'll have a more accurate picture of the situation as we know it to this point...

Couldn't the same be said for the defense? I mean, Vick hasn't given his side of the case. Last I heard, his lawyers haven't yet begun to attack the evidence.

I'm betting that if Vick is ultimately indicted (and I strongly suspect he will be), his attorneys will never get around to attacking that evidence, because I'm confident they'll cut the best deal they can, and cop a plea...
Federal investigation not deterring Virginia officials' Vick investigation

RICHMOND, Va. -- The prosecutor who questioned why federal authorities would take an interest in a suspected dog-fighting case possibly involving Michael Vick sounded a conciliatory tone Friday and said there would be "parallel investigations."
Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney Gerald G. Poindexter said he, Sheriff Harold Brown and the rest of the team that has been investigating the case since 66 dogs were found on the property on April 25 still intend to meet soon to review their evidence.
"They launched a separate, independent federal investigation," Poindexter said of the government, which has had a representative involved in the local probe all along.
"We are just pursuing parallel investigations."
One day earlier, within hours of being told that a sealed federal search warrant was being executed at the house, Poindexter reacted much differently, suggesting that Vick's celebrity as an NFL quarterback was driving the government's interest.
"What is foreign to me is the federal government getting into a dog-fighting case," he said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press on Thursday.
"I know it's been done, but what's driving this? Is it this boy's celebrity? Would they have done this if it wasn't Michael Vick?"
Poindexter also said that while he was insulted that he wasn't told the government was interested in pursuing the case, "There's a larger thing here, and it has nothing to do with any breach of protocol. There's something awful going on here. I don't know if it's racial. I don't know what it is."
He said the notion that he felt he was having the case taken away a day earlier was a misunderstanding, and that he'll watch how the government pursues with interest.
"Obviously they can drown us out; they can't take it over," he said.
Meanwhile, Vick this week canceled his youth football camp at Christopher Newport University, citing a scheduling conflict. The camp was scheduled to start June 30, but an e-mail sent from the camp's Web site said all payments would be refunded promptly.
The camp's Web site had been taken down by Friday morning.
Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

:jerk: Poindexter prolly wants to discredit the government's case. I'd watch whose carpet a drag my butt across if i were Mr.Poindexter. Pardon the dog pun.
Vintage;1522234 said:
Its like a bad nightmare that keeps coming back.

I mean, I guess I could just put it all in "caps" that I am not defending Vick nor condoning dog fight.....

You could, and it still wouldn't make a difference, because you stand indicted with your own words...

You have already gone on record expressing your conviction that Vick will not be indicted... you have already attacked the credibility of the accusers, suggesting that they're all felons who have cut a deal with the government in return for getting off more easily on their crimes, with NO evidence that ANY of them has done any such thing...

In fact, let's look a little more closely at that garbage accusation... again, the source will be the same pet-abuse.com website I linked you to in my last post... it will tell us much about the accusers who are apparently coming forward; do pay attention, and prepare to feel foolish:

Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney Gerald G. Poindexter said he has heard from about a half-dozen people claiming to have information about Vick's involvement in dog fighting, but he does not know if their claims have proven to be reliable.

He "has heard from" six people... as in, THEY contacted HIM, of their own volition... does that sound like a bunch of criminals trying to cut a deal to you??

The search warrant was issued after an informant told Brinkman there were as many as 30 dogs carcasses buried on the property, and Poindexter said he is confident that evidence already seized from the home would be enough to hand down indictments.

Two notes here-- the search warrant referred to is the one that Poindexter refused to serve, not the one the feds served yesterday... and Brinkman is a Surry County deputy sheriff...

What's significant about this is the informant mentioned some 30 dogs buried on the property, and the feds reportedly found 36 carcasses yesterday... this sounds like this particular informant gave some pretty ACCURATE info to the law... if a Vick defense attorney were to try to impeach such an informant, the prosecution would undoubtedly point to the accuracy of the information provided in rebuttal...

On Wednesday, Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney Gerald G. Poindexter told ESPN that he recently received a call from a person whom he deemed credible, and that the informant gave him information regarding the ongoing investigation. Television station WAVY of Portsmouth, Va., reported Wednesday that informants have come forward who have said that they can link Vick to dog-fighting. "We have people who are volunteering to make those allegations," said Poindexter.

So, even Vick's butt buddy Poindexter has one informant that even HE deems "credible"... and he notes that people are VOLUNTEERING to make those allegations... not being coerced into making them, VOLUNTEERING...

Asked if there was evidence that placed Vick at dog fights, Poindexter said, "Yes."

No further commentary needed on this quote...

The Journal-Constitution reported that two people claiming to have information that might aid the investigation have contacted law enforcement authorities, and that Poindexter was performing due diligence on the background of one of the two. Both of the sources who spoke to ESPN.com reportedly said claims that people have possible information that might strengthen the case is consistent with their understanding of the progress being made.

Again, they contacted law enforcement... there was no coercion by the government involved, as you insinuated...

I could offer you a number of other examples from that same website, all of them pointing to VOLUNTARY cooperation from witnesses... now, it's on you to defend your assertion that all of the witnesses against Vick are criminals looking to cut a deal... you made it, now document your claims...

When you can't, that will again point to a predisposition on your part to want to find Vick innocent, IOW, you're "defending" him, by slinging mud without having any idea whether your accusations are true or not...

People can't differentiate between attacking something (be it a case, calling to see all the sides of an argument before making a conclusion) and defending the alleged person.

When you resort to baseless character assassination of the voluntary witnesses against Ron Mexico, you have crossed the line between "attacking something", into "defending the alleged person"...
Vintage;1522391 said:

ROTFLMAO... oh, J-RED said it, did he??

Well, that's different; now that I know that J-RED, that renowned expert on animal fighting, is skeptical, I'll safely ignore the opinion of all those EXPERTS cited over on pet-abuse.com...

Seriously, is that the best you could do, some jagoff blogger who won't even put his real name out there?? That alone demonstrates the comical weakness of your position...

Once again, let me encourage you to take yourself over to the link I provided, and inform yourself a bit more fully... unless, of course, you like coming off like a fool, in which case, carry on...
FuzzyLumpkins;1522407 said:
Ive always thought that Poindexter has been irresponsible and should have been saying 'no comment' instead of leaking to the press about his informants and whatnot

No doubt about it, Poindexter is a card-carrying putz... I find myself hoping that he's the worst Commonwealth's Attorney in Virginia, I'd hate to think the Old Dominion has other fools in such an important position...

Then again, it's his big mouth that has given us much of what we now know about this sordid little spectacle... so as he runs around appearing to all the world like he's trying to help ol' Vick, he's probably hurting him more...
fortdick;1522514 said:
Some training tools - Two Dachshunds and a Pekingese.

They killed those 36 pit bulls?? Man, must be some FIERCE weiner dogs... :eek:
5Stars;1522606 said:
I'm ashamed that a new mod would go over to that ES dump!

Take a shower, and give yourself an infraction!!


The older mods send the newbies out on such espionage missions, figuring if they're killed, at least they haven't wasted too much time training them...

The same theory is behind making the newbies go on the beer runs...
Big Dakota;1522945 said:
I'm betting the government will trot at least 2 eyewitness out that put him at fight scenes. Now these guys are most likely scumbags themselves and their credibility will be scrutinized. But that's my bet.

It has been reported that one of the informants is a guy who has testified in five other dogfighting cases, and all five of those cases wound up in conviction... he has been described by those close to the scene as "one hundred percent reliable"...
silverbear;1522985 said:
It has been reported that one of the informants is a guy who has testified in five other dogfighting cases, and all five of those cases wound up in conviction... he has been described by those close to the scene as "one hundred percent reliable"...

ThaI's interesting about the 5 for 5, i hadn't heard that.

IMHO i just don't see the govrnment giving Vick a plea deal. It looks like he's in their crosshairs. I would guess this goes to trial and they bring their best case to bear and try and get a conviction. What do you think?
Big Dakota;1522988 said:
ThaI's interesting about the 5 for 5, i hadn't heard that.

IMHO i just don't see the govrnment giving Vick a plea deal. It looks like he's in their crosshairs. I would guess this goes to trial and they bring their best case to bear and try and get a conviction. What do you think?

I think the prosecutors will be mindful of the added difficulty involved in getting a conviction when the defendant is a celebrity, and thus a little more open to a deal... all it takes is one Vick groupie on the jury to get a hung jury...

They might also figure that any conviction will get Vick a fairly severe suspsension by the NFL, which will hit him hard in the wallet, and of course nobody's gonna want to pay him to endorse their products any more... so even apart from the judicial system, a plea agreement would have severe ramifications for Vick's bottom line, and as such would be another form of punishment...

OTOH, there are a lot of people who absolutely despise those who fight dogs that way, so the feds might be pretty tough when it comes to such negotiations... the stronger they feel their case is, the harder the negotiations would be for Vick's defense team...

Wouldn't it be divine retribution if Vick had to turn informer on other dog fighters to save his butt??
silverbear;1522998 said:
I think the prosecutors will be mindful of the added difficulty involved in getting a conviction when the defendant is a celebrity, and thus a little more open to a deal... all it takes is one Vick groupie on the jury to get a hung jury...

They might also figure that any conviction will get Vick a fairly severe suspsension by the NFL, which will hit him hard in the wallet, and of course nobody's gonna want to pay him to endorse their products any more... so even apart from the judicial system, a plea agreement would have severe ramifications for Vick's bottom line, and as such would be another form of punishment...

OTOH, there are a lot of people who absolutely despise those who fight dogs that way, so the feds might be pretty tough when it comes to such negotiations... the stronger they feel their case is, the harder the negotiations would be for Vick's defense team...

Wouldn't it be divine retribution if Vick had to turn informer on other dog fighters to save his butt??

Man bites Dog Fighter?
silverbear;1522981 said:
They killed those 36 pit bulls?? Man, must be some FIERCE weiner dogs... :eek:

They were organized and attacked en masse!
silverbear;1522834 said:
"When an indictment doesn't ensue"... Vintage's words, not mine... not "IF" an indictment doesn't ensue, "WHEN" an indictment doesn't ensue...

If he doesn't think he's innocent, why the choice of words??

You know just because someone is not willing to judge someone based on news reports doesnt mean that youve made any sort of point. This is the United States not Taliban Afghanistan dear lord does presumed innocence mean anything to you?
There is an interesting report on the Michel Vick investigation by the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. Normally getting to their site requires registration but I got there somehow:


Va. attorney raises race issue
Poindexter asks what motivated Feds to step in

Published on: 06/08/07

Surry, Va. — As car after car — and one evidence collection truck belonging to the Virginia State Police — darted out of the fenced yard surrounding Michael Vick's property, the officers inside gave barely a glance to reporters waiting across the street.

Pulling the gate closed, though, one of the last men to leave Thursday night said investigators had done some digging and that he didn't expect to be back anytime soon.

"I hope I never see this place again," the man said, refusing to identify himself.

On a day when a search warrant a Surry County sheriff's deputy drew up expired unexecuted, federal law enforcement officials showed up with one of their own for the NFL star's property, indicating that they are taking over a slow-moving probe into possible dog fighting.

It was a development that left Gerald G. Poindexter, the commonwealth's attorney who would have been charged with prosecuting the case, dumbfounded — and more than a little insulted.

"What is foreign to me is the federal government getting into a dog-fighting case," Poindexter said in a telephone interview. "I know it's been done, but what's driving this? Is it this boy's celebrity? Would they have done this if it wasn't Michael Vick?"

Poindexter said he was "absolutely floored" when federal officials told him at just about the time the search began that they were moving in. He said he believes he and Sheriff Harold D. Brown handled the investigation properly and wonders how it was elevated to a federal case.

But it sure looked like one at the massive two-story house on Moonlight Road.

More than a dozen vehicles went to the home early in the afternoon and investigators searched inside before turning their attention to the area behind the house. That's where officials found dozens of dogs in late April — some in kennels, and some tied up with chains — and evidence that suggested someone at the home was involved in a dog-fighting operation.

With news helicopters circling overhead and confirming that investigators were digging with shovels, they were only seen removing a cardboard box and a large sheet of plywood.

State police assisted the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. attorney's office in executing the warrant, Virginia State Police Sgt. D.S. Carr said, declining to comment further.

Surry County officials had secured a search warrant May 25 based on an informant's information that as many as 30 dogs were buried on the property. The warrant never was executed because Poindexter had issues with the way it was worded. He said another was in the works.

No more.

"If they've made a judgment that we're not acting prudently and with dispatch based on what we have, they've not acting very wisely," Poindexter said.

Before the events of Thursday, Poindexter said the investigative team was planning to meet soon to go over the evidence it has collected, to assess its reliability and make sure it had all the experts needed to help make its next search most helpful to the investigation.

Now, the case has gotten bigger again, and it's somebody else's.

"There's a larger thing here, and it has nothing to do with any breach of protocol," Poindexter said, still trying to rationalize where the federal government fits in. "There's something awful going on here. I don't know if it's racial. I don't know what it is."

Vick and Poindexter are black.

Messages left at Brown's office were not returned, and a dispatcher said he left for the day at around 4 p.m. An after-hours call to Vick's attorney, Larry Woodward, was not returned.

It was during an April 25 drug raid on the home that authorities seized 66 dogs, including 55 pit bulls, and equipment that told investigators they'd uncovered a dog-fighting operation.

A search warrant affidavit said some of the dogs were tethered with "heavy logging-type chains" attached to car axles that allowed the dogs to get close to each other, but not to have contact, one of myriad findings on the property that suggested a dog-fighting operation.

Other items included a rape stand, used to hold non-receptive dogs in place for mating; an electric treadmill modified to be used by dogs; a "pry bar" used to open the clamped-down mouths of dogs; and a bloodied piece of carpeting the authorities believe was used in dog fights.

Poindexter said that during his own inspection of the property and its several outbuildings, he saw a floor in one building stained with what appeared to be spattered blood.

Vick, a registered dog breeder, has claimed he rarely visits the home and was unaware it could be involved in a criminal enterprise. He also blamed family members for taking advantage of his generosity early on, but has said since his lawyers have advised him to say nothing.

Vick's cousin, Davon Boddie, was living at the home at the time of the raids.

The importance here is a AP report on the "I hope I never see this place again" quote.
silverbear;1522998 said:
I think the prosecutors will be mindful of the added difficulty involved in getting a conviction when the defendant is a celebrity, and thus a little more open to a deal... all it takes is one Vick groupie on the jury to get a hung jury...

They might also figure that any conviction will get Vick a fairly severe suspsension by the NFL, which will hit him hard in the wallet, and of course nobody's gonna want to pay him to endorse their products any more... so even apart from the judicial system, a plea agreement would have severe ramifications for Vick's bottom line, and as such would be another form of punishment...

OTOH, there are a lot of people who absolutely despise those who fight dogs that way, so the feds might be pretty tough when it comes to such negotiations... the stronger they feel their case is, the harder the negotiations would be for Vick's defense team...

Wouldn't it be divine retribution if Vick had to turn informer on other dog fighters to save his butt??

unless the Agriculture people find some evidence of interstate commerce which i doubt they will this wont ever go to a federal grand jury.

NBCSports.com staff reportNearly three dozen dog carcasses were found Thursday during a search of the grounds of the Virginia property belonging to Michael Vick, ESPN Radio is reporting.Meanwhile, WVEC says two parallel investigations are underway into whether dogfighting occurred on the Surry (Va) property, Commonwealth's Attorney Gerald Poindexter told the station on Friday.Surry County is still considering charges in the case and Poindexter says it appears the U.S. Attorney's Office has an investigation of its own, after federal authorities conducted a search.Poindexter said he does not know what was found.Poindexter did call the search "a breach of protocol" and says he found about it around the same time federal authorities began scouring the grounds forInvestigators dig for evidence of dog fighting."I was somewhat bothered by it and upset," Poindexter said. "I didn't realize the U.S. Attorney's office had any interest in running an investigation."He said he and Surry Sheriff Harold Brown were preparing to file a search warrant of their own but will likely abandon those plans."What's the point in going back now?" Poindexter told the station.Meanwhile, the Falcons quarterback cancelled a planned football camp, which was scheduled for June 30-July 3.The cancellation was announced on the camp's Web site and cited "scheduling issues" as the reason, according to several reports.

And yet another article....


[FONT=Arial,Verdana]Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney says there is no federal takeover of the Vick Investigation[/FONT]
Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney says there is no federal takeover of the Vick Investigation

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.1'>if (document.layers) {document.write('<SCR' + 'IPT language=JavaScript1.1 SRC=/Global/ad.asp?type=single&cls1=News&src1=loc&spct1=100&sz1=wnsz_20&callType=script />'); document.close();}</SCRIPT>coreAdsCreate('wnsz_20', 'loc', '100');

Davon Boddie's drug arrest triggered the dogfighting allegations that have been nipping at the heels of Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick for the last seven weeks. Boddie, Vick's cousin, lived at Vick's Surry County mansion. Boddie was the subject of a search warrant in April that ultimately lead to another search yesterday-- this time by federal investigators. He denies the accusations, saying "Nah there's no dogs in the house, there's nothing like that man. Everything's a conspiracy..."
As it flew over the Vick property yesterday, Chopper 10 showed a state police truck with the words 'evidence collection'. But what evidence the feds collected is sealed and even Gerald Poindexter does not know.
The Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney no longer speaks with reporters on camera but today off camera he denied any notion federal investigators were taking over the case, saying there are now 'parallel investigations.'
Poindexter also says at this point he sees no need in searching Vick's property again, hoping he says that federal and Surry County investigators will share evidence. The evidence includes 66 dogs confiscated by Surry County in April and may include dog carcasses possibly found yesterday.
All federal agencies contacted will not even acknowledge an investigation. But Chopper 10 showed Department of Agriculture inspectors digging up something in the land behind Vick's home on Moonlight Road yesterday.
Chopper 10 also captured people with the USDA taking photos of an empty dog food bag.
Poindexter does question the motives of federal authorities saying, "I don't believe they would have come in, if it were not Michael Vick's property.
Poindexter says he also plans to present a case to a grand jury when it convenes at the end of July but whether that case will be against Michael Vick remains unclea

FuzzyLumpkins;1523336 said:
You know just because someone is not willing to judge someone based on news reports doesnt mean that youve made any sort of point. This is the United States not Taliban Afghanistan dear lord does presumed innocence mean anything to you?

Just let it go.

I already have. I am waiting to see what happens. Not everything has been released to the public in terms of evidence. We haven't heard Vick's take on it. I want to wait and see all of this unfold before I pass judgement. If others don't, that's there perogative; not mine.

I don't know whats going on in Surry County. I only know what the media has been telling me. I want to wait.

My prediction is that he won't get indicted or charged or even suspended. But that's just my prediction. Its just a prediction. Much like how I thought we would go 9-7 and not make the playoffs last year. Doesn't mean I don't like the Cowboys; it just means I didn't think we were that good before the season started. It doesn't mean I think Vick is innocent necessarily, it just means I don't think anything will come out of this - yet.

All I want is for the truth to come out. If Vick is involved, he needs to be punished. If he isn't, then I hope he has a great season and a great career.

I also don't want to see the investigation rushed, because thats when accidents happen. If Vick is involved, they need to make sure they do everything by the books and make sure everything is ready, etc, because Vick will have some great lawyers. Poindexter never stated why the search warrant was rejected other than "he didn't like the scope" of it or something like that.

Maybe he is already forseeing a future showdown with Vick and wants to be extra careful in how he proceeds so he can "nail him."

There is a lot we don't know. And what little we do know, comes from what has been told to us by the media.

Needless to say, I am skeptical of the media. I appreciate you reiterating what I've said all along, but its worthless.

Somehow, I am "defending" Vick or in "support of Vick."

The only interest I have in this case is seeing the truth eventually come out.
Davin Boddie, channeling Saeed al-Sahaf:


Boddie said the marijuana he carried on April 20 wasn't enough to merit a search warrant of his house. He's talked to his lawyer about it.

"I don't know where they get the right to do that," Boddie said. "They've got to look at these search warrants because I think my Fourth Amendment rights have been violated."

Fuzzy Lumpkins, channeling Saeed al-Sahaf:

unless the Agriculture people find some evidence of interstate commerce which i doubt they will this wont ever go to a federal grand jury.

The question isn't whether the "Agriculture Department" (which doesn't regulate interstate commerce, the Surface Transportation Board does) found any examples of interstate commerce, it's a question of whether any federal law enforcement agency found any evidence for a federal crime being committed.


If there were no evidence of federal crime, then a federal search warrant could not have been executed. The judge wouldn't have approved it.
FuzzyLumpkins;1523340 said:
unless the Agriculture people find some evidence of interstate commerce which i doubt they will this wont ever go to a federal grand jury.

dwmyers;1523392 said:
The question isn't whether the "Agriculture Department" found any examples of interstate commerce, it's a question of whether any federal law enforcement agency found any evidence for a federal crime being committed.


If there were no evidence of federal crime, then a federal search warrant could not have been executed. The judge wouldn't have approved it.


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