Vintage;1523377 said:
Just let it go.
I already have.
And yet, here you are, posting away on the subject... LOL...
I am waiting to see what happens. Not everything has been released to the public in terms of evidence.
Which given the amount of evidence we DO have, courtesy of Poindexter's big mouth mostly, paints a pretty bleak picture for Vick... it's pretty clear that the investigators who served that search warrant yesterday knew what they were looking for, and found pretty much what they expected...
We haven't heard Vick's take on it.
Of course we have-- Vick says he bought this 750 thousand dollar house for his COUSIN, set up a "dog breeding" operation there, then never, ever actually went there...
If you'll swallow that, you'll swallow anything...
I don't know whats going on in Surry County. I only know what the media has been telling me.
And a lot of what THEY know has come from the prosecutor who was supposed to be pursuing this investigation...
My prediction is that he won't get indicted or charged or even suspended.
So, you HAVE passed judgement... and just like that, another Vick defender loses the moral high ground that he claims is the basis for his "principled" stance...
I also don't want to see the investigation rushed, because thats when accidents happen.
Hey, neither do I, but for a rather different reason-- I want to see the feds build an airtight case against him... problem is, rather than rushing the investigation, Poindexter was doing everything in his power to STALL it... he had a search warrant, signed by a judge, and refused to execute it... claimed that the only reason he did so was because he was bothered by the "language" in it, but of course that's BS; if that was REALLY the case, he could have typed up a NEW search warrant, worded in what he saw as the correct way, and taken that over to the judge for his signature... which might have taken half a day, tops...
Instead, he let the search warrant EXPIRE more than week later, while telling the media exactly what the warrant was looking for... which tipped off the suspects, who could then remove the evidence in question... it's our good fortune that the suspects were either too scared or too stupid to do that... or maybe they were bright enough to realize that when the law DID arrive to search for those carcasses, all those fresh-dug holes would have been incriminating...
Maybe he is already forseeing a future showdown with Vick and wants to be extra careful in how he proceeds so he can "nail him."
Or maybe Vick has been paying Poindexter and that sheriff off to look the other way, and ol' Gerald is covering his own butt... telling the whole world what the original search warrant was looking for most assuredly was not being "extra careful"...
There is a lot we don't know.
There is also a lot we DO know, from which we can draw LOGICAL conclusions... but of course, every time I point those things we do know out to you, you choose not to address those facts... among other things, we know that:
1) There WAS a dog fighting operation on that property... there is ample evidence to prove that, beyond any REASONABLE doubt... the pharmaceuticals found on the property were not needed for legitimate, day to day canine care... there were scarred dogs on the property, and the corpses of WAY too many dogs for an operation that was licensed to have 50 dogs (even too many for the 65-70 dogs found there)... there was a room with blood on the walls, bloody carpet... the dogs were tied out with heavy logging chains, to buried car axles, in such a way as to keep them from being able to get at each other, which would not have been necessary if they were not trained to be fighting dogs... there were pry bars designed to open the jaws of pit bulls, and again, you won't find that on the property of folks who are breeding pits for sale, rather than for fighting...
I know a poster on another board, calls himself SkinnyPit, who has three pits as pets, and he does not have to keep them away from each other... he owns no such pry bars...
2) We know that Vick claims that he has never been on that property, that he spent three quarters of a million dollars to buy a house for his COUSIN... this is laughable on a number of levels; first, who spends that kind of money for a COUSIN?? And if they are going to buy a house for that COUSIN, most folks would then put the house in the COUSIN'S name... we also have the testimonial evidence from three different people that they have seen Vick at a nearby store, buying supplies for those dogs-- two employees of the store, and the owner of the store... they have said, on camera, that Vick was in that store REGULARLY...
As a further rebuttal of the claim that Vick had no way of knowing what was going on there (which is, when you think about it, a tacit admission by the owner of the property that something improper WAS going on there), there's the fact that he was the registered owner of a dog breeding operation on that property, licensed to have up to 50 dogs... he also pretty much had to be the guy bankrolling the "breeding operation"; if he had to buy a house for his COUSIN, how could that COUSIN afford to pay over 100 bucks a day to FEED those animals?? It strains credulity to the breaking point to believe that he owned a business with that kind of daily expenses, one rendered even more expensive (not to mention less profitable) by the astonishing number of dogs that have DIED on that property... most owners of a business would want to know why their inventory was disappearing at such a rapid rate, without any income to show for the disappearing inventory...
So, we have strong evidence that despite Vick's claims, he has been on that property, with some frequency... and we have heard any number of investigators, including the foremost Vick defender, Gerald Poindexter, who said that after visiting that property, they had no doubts whatsoever what was going on there...
3) We have reports of witnesses coming forward, who are apparently prepared to testify that Vick was indeed involved in the dog fighting business... we don't really know to what level he was involved, there are conflicting reports about that... we know that at least one of the informants has been an informant in dog fighting cases in Virginia in 5 prior cases, and has helped win convictions in all 5 cases, which lends him a degree of credibility... we also know that a search warrant was served yesterday, based on the testimony of one of the informants (which I'll admit could be the same guy, but could also be a second informant), looking for "nearly 30" dog carcasses, and in the execution of that warrant the authorities found "nearly 3 dozen" dog carcasses... again, this kind of accuracy in the details would lend that informant a degree of credibility...
4) We know that the president of the Humane Society of the United States has been quoted as saying they had been receiving reports of Vick's involvement in dog fighting for some time BEFORE the drug raid on that Surry County property... why would he say such a thing, if it wasn't true?? Do you figure he's just a Vick hater from way back??
There are probably other informative nuggets I should be including here, but I'll let these suffice for now... but to sum up real quick, we have learned that:
There was a dog fighting operation on that property... Vick owns that property, and owns a pit bull (and Presa Canario) breeding operation on that property...
Vick's alibi, in addition to being a tacit admission that there was a dog fighting property there, is INCREDIBLY weak...
Informants have come forward to incriminate Vick in this, and at least one or two of them have considerable credibility...
There have been reports of Vick's involvement in dog fighting that predate the raid on his property, he has been what the law calls a "person of interest" for the Humane Society for some time now...
From all of this, I conclude that Michael Vick is a piece of garbage, and up to his eyeballs in dog fighting for fun and profit...
Now, do you care to address any of the points I've raised, or are you going to continue to pretend that you're above passing judgement in this case, even as you do exactly that??
They are specific allegations, which I can if challenged document at great length, naming names of investigators, offering quotes from said investigators... or you can go read all about it for yourself, over at, which has a terrific summation of the facts as they've come out, at the following link: