he is new. that's what Jerry does. things fall apart under the old coach and he shakes coaching staff. he did it with garrett and before that wade and so on...this is his way of generating hope and then he markets the shiet out of it....
so what people feel is slight ray of hope, out with the old, in with the new....but nothing has really changed.....same culture. same players. same GM and eventually the new coaching staff witll end up just like the others.....
and I called it, said it mid season. this season was a disaster. Jerry felt the heat and anger and only couple of wins against crappy teams at the end of the season saved his arse. now he will sign a token FA this season to show we are changing. he won't go for top of the heap of FAs, probably second tier. and then bang the drum with signing FAs, spending money, blah blah...same old same old. EXACTLY the same thing happened when he hired MM. he signed McCoy, Dix, Poe, all second and third tier FAs at the time...none of them worked out because at that point of their careers they sucked.
he will do the same this year.