Felix vs Julius: I'm still not clear


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felix 08' 9.0
julius 07' 3.6
5.4 yds per carry more hmm.....


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CoCo;2319057 said:
So you contend that Felix is faster than Julius?

Do you think he plays faster than his 4.47 combine time because I don't consider 4.47 to be at all special?

Ever heard of football speed? (With pads on). Some players carry their pads differently as well.

Felix Jones is all around a better player than Julius. Not only as a running back, but on special teams. Julius contributed nothing on special teams.


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The extra gear and the ability to hit that extra gear in a split second. He might not be the fastest speed wise, but he can hit that top speed and maintain it, even when turning the corner, at unbelievable rate.

Even if you say that are equal in every other way (which I don't)...this is what makes Felix special and the better back.


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Joe Realist;2318931 said:
Here are some reasons why Felix Jones is better:

1.) better vision
2.) can get to the corner faster
3.) is stronger, does not go down when the wind blows
4.) can cut better and quicker
5.) better receiver

Julius has some speed but did not read blocks or decided to ignore them
I'd have to agree with all of the above.


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CoCo;2318957 said:
3)Felix may well be stronger but I don't think that's been much of a factor in his success to date. I really don't recall him breaking tackles. Maybe I'm not remembering well.

Go back and watch the Cleveland game. See his first carry as a pro where he pounds it up the middle for an 11 yard TD. Nice hole, but the last 3 yards across the goal-line is all Felix.


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CoCo;2319057 said:
So you contend that Felix is faster than Julius?

Do you think he plays faster than his 4.47 combine time because I don't consider 4.47 to be at all special?
His combine time is not a true representation of his speed. Someone had posted other timed 40s which were faster on another thread. I watched his 4.47 time during the combine and knew that he was faster after watching him pull away from LSU defenders while he was an Arkansas Razorback. His 4.47 speed is equal to that of Isaiah Stanback's '4.58' speed. In other words, they're both wrong and slower than each player's top gear.


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CoCo;2319057 said:
So you contend that Felix is faster than Julius?

Do you think he plays faster than his 4.47 combine time because I don't consider 4.47 to be at all special?

Felix looks as fast if not faster than Julius on the football field. Julius has the faster 40 time, but I don't think that difference in speed is displayed on the field in pads. Both look as if they have good enough flat line speed.

I was happy with Julius his rookie year. I was not ready to anoint him as the next great Dallas running back, but he had potential to do a good job. I thought he did a decent enough job in Dallas even though he did not build on his success his first season. After struggling with injuries his first couple of years he turned into a dependable back. He did not fumble and played okay. He was not Emmitt Smith, but he was not Troy Hambrick, either.

I said before the draft that if the worst thing to happen is that Dallas keeps Julius and does not draft a back then that is not too bad. Barber and Julius are a good tandem.

Barber and Felix are a better tandem. Perhaps it is because Felix can handle a lesser work load better. Julius needs more than just a handful of carries to be effective.

Going back to their college days, Felix looked like the better back than Julius. Felix did more and did it against better competition at Arkansas than Julius did at Notre Dame. Felix has not had as many opportunities as Julius in the NFL obviously, but he has already done very well in his limited touches. It is too early to tell how his career will turn out, but he is not being looked at as the next great Cowboys back. His job is to fill a specific role as a change of pace back. I think he does that better than Julius because I never saw Julius as a change of pace type back. Felix may be able to be a full time back, but for now he doesn't have to be.


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joseephuss;2319087 said:
Barber and Felix are a better tandem. Perhaps it is because Felix can handle a lesser work load better. Julius needs more than just a handful of carries to be effective.
Very well put. That's it in a nutshell.


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CoCo;2318911 said:
I'm as hopeful as the next guy regarding Felix' Cowboy future. I want to believe he'll be tremendously productive for years to come.

Of course we all remember Julius entree as a rookie too and the board was giddy over the guy just like with Felix now.

So what is it about Felix that makes us think his performances will continue whereas Julius just faded away. Do you consider him faster than Julius? Better moves? More decisive?

I'm particularly interested in what people think Julius would have done with Felix opportunities in 2008. To me, Felix does not look faster than Julius. We've debated Felix combine 4.47 but it seems Julius could easily match that IMO. Felix big plays, to me, have been because of speed primarily. Moves? Not really. Broken tackles? I don't think so. Great decisions? The holes seemed obvious.

What's the difference that will make Felix productivity lasting?

I think 40 times in shorts and t shirts may be one of the least meaningful measuring sticks out there. To me, the guy looks faster IN PADS, which is a requirement to play a football game, than anyone chasing him. He seems more instinctive in hitting holes, etc..... I don't see any comparison except the last name.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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CoCo;2318973 said:
How bout I ask this question a different way.

Who here, when the board was gaga over Julius early, was the voice of reason who said he would eventually be revealed as fools gold?

I'm told there were a couple folks. Honestly, I was never on board with both feet like many were. So if Julius fooled the masses before what makes you so sure that Felix fate isn't eventually the same.

And I'm not talking 2006 & 2007 Julius. Duh, anyone can see the difference in productivity there. I'm talking vintage Julius versus today's Felix.

This is a good question, CoCo.

I'm not surprised you had to ask the question a different way the second time so some of the geniuses here could get it.

The fact is, after Julius' rookie year, most thought that he would be the team's franchise back for the next 10 years. His Thanksgiving Day performance, especially, was impressive.

But I think back to early on in his rookie year when he took himself out of a game by tapping his helmet and received Parcells' wrath. Maybe that was a clue that something was missing with this guy.

I think Felix has the intangibles that Julius didn't have. He has a great mental makeup to go along with his obvious physical talent.


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If you are comparing Julius his first season and Felix right now, they both look/looked to be great running backs. Usually if you are getting that in your first year, they will only get better. Somewhere along the line, Julius stopped running w/ instincts. Was it Parcells that got in his head? Who knows. I just doubt Felix will do nothing, but improve. He seems like a real hard worker w/ a good head on his shoulders. On skill set, Felix looks to be a way better receiver. I also never saw Julius set up multiple guys in such quick succession like Felix did on that long Packers run. That was a thing of beauty. I never really had much confidence in Julius hitting the corner even though he probably is faster at the track.

Incidentally, I was sitting w/ a guy from Arkansas watching the Dallas game on Sunday. He watched Felix his whole career at Arkansas and was ecstatic when we picked him. I think in general the people who watched him in college week to week thought he was going to be a pretty good running back in the NFL.


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Felix seems to hit the hole faster than Julius did. JJ was constantly missing the hole and running up the OL's back.


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CoCo;2318911 said:
So what is it about Felix that makes us think his performances will continue whereas Julius just faded away. Do you consider him faster than Julius? Better moves? More decisive?

I'm particularly interested in what people think Julius would have done with Felix opportunities in 2008. To me, Felix does not look faster than Julius. We've debated Felix combine 4.47 but it seems Julius could easily match that IMO. Felix big plays, to me, have been because of speed primarily. Moves? Not really. Broken tackles? I don't think so. Great decisions? The holes seemed obvious.

I dont consider him faster than Julius. I think Julius has just as good of "moves".

However I do think he makes better decisions. I have yet to see him run straight into the OL back.

You say the holes seem obvious. Yes, they are. They were also obvious for Julius but he apparently was too dense to choose to run through them. Many times he could have used one of his Felix-esque moves to juke the safety and score but he chose not too.


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I nominate this thread as one of the silliest of this season, so far...And for what we've seen of late, THAT is really saying something


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Chief;2319168 said:
This is a good question, CoCo.

I'm not surprised you had to ask the question a different way the second time so some of the geniuses here could get it.

The fact is, after Julius' rookie year, most thought that he would be the team's franchise back for the next 10 years. His Thanksgiving Day performance, especially, was impressive.

But I think back to early on in his rookie year when he took himself out of a game by tapping his helmet and received Parcells' wrath. Maybe that was a clue that something was missing with this guy.

I think Felix has the intangibles that Julius didn't have. He has a great mental makeup to go along with his obvious physical talent.

Thanks for the intelligent response!! I was about to give up on reading this thread because everyone that posted before you failed to read the original post or just fail at reading all together.

I'm interested in what people think since I didn't get to watch Julius in his ROOKIE season. I really like Felix. But I'll save my man-crush feelings on him for another thread.


Vet Min Plus
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Yeah!!! I miss the guy who runs into piles!!! Bring him back now damnit!!!:rolleyes:


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Cali'sFinest;2319239 said:
Thanks for the intelligent response!! I was about to give up on reading this thread because everyone that posted before you failed to read the original post or just fail at reading all together.

I'm interested in what people think since I didn't get to watch Julius in his ROOKIE season. I really like Felix. But I'll save my man-crush feelings on him for another thread.

Forget you. My post was the best. In fact it was the best post ever.


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CoCo;2318973 said:
How bout I ask this question a different way.

Who here, when the board was gaga over Julius early, was the voice of reason who said he would eventually be revealed as fools gold?

I'm told there were a couple folks. Honestly, I was never on board with both feet like many were. So if Julius fooled the masses before what makes you so sure that Felix fate isn't eventually the same.

And I'm not talking 2006 & 2007 Julius. Duh, anyone can see the difference in productivity there. I'm talking vintage Julius versus today's Felix.

They're misunderstanding you on purpose. It's a perfectly legitimate question.

My best answer is that both players looked explosive early and the difference is that Julius changed his style somewhat and wasn't able to continue on the trajectory he was on early. A lot of players in the league show significant early promise and then don't or can't do what it takes to sustain it. Whether Felix can or not is anybody's guess.

Frankly, I really like the guy, but it's not clear to me what makes Felix such a good runner. He's got great vision and speed to the outside, and he runs with an economy of motion where he leans slightly and it's enough to make someone miss. He can change directions without losing much speed. But these are qualities I've seen in other backs who haven't turned out to be real game changers. Justin Fargas comes to mind.

Personally, I was sure Julius was on a path to superstardom as a rookie, and for now, I'm content to just jump up and down and shout when Felix puts it in the endzone every 4-5th time he touches the ball.