Felix vs Julius: I'm still not clear

Don Corleone

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Felix seems a lot more fluid and has a bit more burst. He also seems to have better vision.


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manimal;2319224 said:
I dont consider him faster than Julius. I think Julius has just as good of "moves".

However I do think he makes better decisions. I have yet to see him run straight into the OL back.

You say the holes seem obvious. Yes, they are. They were also obvious for Julius but he apparently was too dense to choose to run through them. Many times he could have used one of his Felix-esque moves to juke the safety and score but he chose not too.

Dense is a poor choice of words imo. Running the football has much more to do with instincts. Most of the great ones talk about the "Feel" or reacting without knowing how or why until the have watched the film.

Early in JJ's career he demonstrated some instincts but it wasn't cultivated so naturally it got diminished. Almost every time that Unk touches the ball with one defender to beat, I think he will win that battle. I didn't get the same feeling from JJ even when he was doing well.


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If you were really watching julius his rookie season you could see how limited he was. Even the highlight video one. It was easy to fall in love with some of his break away runs but he always tried to get there the same way. When the league caught up to him he got controlled.

I hope he does well in seattle, but my instincts say he won't.

Felix is very fluid and has a body control that Julius never will have.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Felix does have more ability as a running back, but the real answer is what Chief said: Mental makeup. Julius was always getting his feelings hurt or wondering what his role was or trying to figure out Bill.

Felix just plays.


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Julius is an effort back. And he's a good back. He has excellent track-speed and is an emotional football player. Julius is a "try" player, and if there was a huge hole he can find it and get to the second level and potentially do some damage.

Felix is a "try" player too. As in "try" to stop him. Felix is absolutely silky smooth in the Dorsett mold. He is effortless, and extremely quick. When he gets the corner his lean and speed are too much for most LB'ers to gauge. His open field speed is better than his 40 time suggests, but he can be run down- he's close to blazing: but he's not quite there. However... he rarely takes a misstep so defenders must not make a mistake if they have any chance to catch him.

As much as I love MB3 and I don't care who has better stats he's much better than Julius, Felix needs the football more than he's currently getting it.

Julius is a fine running back.

Felix is a special football player.


Kane Ala
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CoCo;2319057 said:
So you contend that Felix is faster than Julius?

Do you think he plays faster than his 4.47 combine time because I don't consider 4.47 to be at all special?

:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:


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The final answer to this question can only come after teams get more film and start game planning for him, but he does show things that give indications he will continue to be effective.

Emmitt always said when he lined up in formation he knew where the hole would be, as a result sometimes Emmitt would run up behind his linemen and let the hole develop then accelerate through. I see that in Felix and I never saw that in Julius, that is instinct and Julius never had it.

Julius could cut well but I saw more times than I can count, Julius run straight into the hole when a cut left or right would have put him into open field that's vision and Julius never had it. It appears at this point that Felix not only sees those cutbacks open but also the second level running lanes. Felix also appears to be much better at making people miss in the open field.

Felix is also stronger than I thought he would be and breaks arm tackles well, Breaking tackles was not a Julius strength. But most importantly Felix appears to have another trait almost all great backs have and that is the ability to adjust at the point of contact and soften the angle and force of the defensive players blow.

We'll see how Felix does but to me right now those are the things I see that seperate the two.


Kane Ala
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stealth;2319294 said:
If you were really watching julius his rookie season you could see how limited he was. Even the highlight video one. It was easy to fall in love with some of his break away runs but he always tried to get there the same way. When the league caught up to him he got controlled.

I hope he does well in seattle, but my instincts say he won't.

Felix is very fluid and has a body control that Julius never will have.

And I think that is the best answer. I hate the 40 time thing esp when people appear to believe that's the true label to his 'speed'.


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CoCo;2318973 said:
How bout I ask this question a different way.

Who here, when the board was gaga over Julius early, was the voice of reason who said he would eventually be revealed as fools gold?

I'm told there were a couple folks. Honestly, I was never on board with both feet like many were. So if Julius fooled the masses before what makes you so sure that Felix fate isn't eventually the same.

And I'm not talking 2006 & 2007 Julius. Duh, anyone can see the difference in productivity there. I'm talking vintage Julius versus today's Felix.

The people who were the voice of reason on Julius Jones knew that, in college, he was an up and down player. 1 week an off the chart performance, the next few weeks he would disappear.
Pretty much what he did with Dallas even when he was somewhat effective his first 2 seasons.
His bottom line is lack of consistent quality play. That points to not having it mentally as an athlete. (See Phil Mickleson as an example in another sport of a guy with great talent but can't put it all together on a regular basis.)
Felix Jones, on the other hand, finished his college career with an unreal YPC and also top 5 or 10 all-time NCAA kick return numbers. You don't do things like that without having that certain mental makeup to succeed.
FYI, I knew nothing about Julius when he came to Dallas. I thought he was the next coming at RB after a few games.
Can't remember who the poster was who had seen him play at ND but whomever that was pointed out his lack of consistency.


1st Round Pick
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And the #1 reason Felix is better.......................

*Drum Roll*


When you got the Barbarian you need someone who doesn't need as many carries as Julius does to get going.
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CoCo;2318957 said:
From your list, and I'm not trying to be critical, I don't know that we have enough evidence to conclude the above.

1) Better vision? Perhaps so. Let's see some more.

Uh, he's reading the field as well as (dare I say it?) Emmitt ever did. And that was Emmitt's game. Julius, even at his highligh-reel laden prime, wasn't as much reading the field as he was taking a wicked cut and running fast.
Felix is faster than Emmitt was (but of course he's not as hard to take down as 22 was), but I'll admit I'm not convinced that he's as fast as JuJo. It looks faster, I believe, because he's running at just about the optimal angle EVERY time. I'm not trying to be hyperbolic here... I think this kid has elite vision. What are you waiting to see before you agree?


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julius has great straight away speed but god forbid someone touches him, he just loses all sorts of momentum and sees to have a hard time getting up to full speed again.


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This is a actually a good thread and question posed.
My opinion is that it is mostly on vision, decisiveness and decision making.

Quicker cuts-when JJ is on, he is just as quick as Felix.
Reaching Top End - Edge to felix.
JJ when he is on, has a littler quicker feet (he can dance better).


Who Loves Ya Baby?
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CoCo;2318911 said:
I'm as hopeful as the next guy regarding Felix' Cowboy future. I want to believe he'll be tremendously productive for years to come.

Of course we all remember Julius entree as a rookie too and the board was giddy over the guy just like with Felix now.

So what is it about Felix that makes us think his performances will continue whereas Julius just faded away. Do you consider him faster than Julius? Better moves? More decisive?

I'm particularly interested in what people think Julius would have done with Felix opportunities in 2008. To me, Felix does not look faster than Julius. We've debated Felix combine 4.47 but it seems Julius could easily match that IMO. Felix big plays, to me, have been because of speed primarily. Moves? Not really. Broken tackles? I don't think so. Great decisions? The holes seemed obvious.

What's the difference that will make Felix productivity lasting?

Hmmm. You need to come out from under that rock if you really beleive this.


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CoCo;2318911 said:
I'm as hopeful as the next guy regarding Felix' Cowboy future. I want to believe he'll be tremendously productive for years to come.

Of course we all remember Julius entree as a rookie too and the board was giddy over the guy just like with Felix now.

So what is it about Felix that makes us think his performances will continue whereas Julius just faded away. Do you consider him faster than Julius? Better moves? More decisive?

I'm particularly interested in what people think Julius would have done with Felix opportunities in 2008. To me, Felix does not look faster than Julius. We've debated Felix combine 4.47 but it seems Julius could easily match that IMO. Felix big plays, to me, have been because of speed primarily. Moves? Not really. Broken tackles? I don't think so. Great decisions? The holes seemed obvious.

What's the difference that will make Felix productivity lasting?


Bob Sacamano

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the difference is that Julius did alot of his work running east-west, and changing direction in the backfield to get away from the defender

Felix does alot of his work running north-south


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Your answer, CoCo.

Last year against the Jets. First and goal from the three.

Ball snapped and Romo takes the ball back to Jones 7-yards deep.

The line parted between Gurode and Davis, with Gurode and everyone left blocking left. Davis and everyone right blocking right. The hole was from tackle to tackle.

The full back took on the only linebacker in the hole and dropped him to his knees to the left side of the hole.

There was nobody between Jones and the touchdown.

Julius ran forward and somehow ended up behind the fullback running into him. Now keep in mind the fullback and the linebacker, who is now on his knees, did not move laterally.

Jones extracated himself the the grip of the back of the fullback's jersey and proceeded to follow Davis through the truck-sized hole that no one occupied.

However, as he dashed by the linebacker who was genuflecting in front of the fullback, the linebacker reached out and arm tackled Jones for no gain.

The very next play Barber got the ball and there was not a lineman that could move the Jets off the line of scrimmage. Barber turned sideways and shoved his way between the Kosier and Flo for a TD.

Now there is no way we can ever prove that Felix would have not been attracted by some magnetic power that took hold of Julius, somewhat like the moon is attracted by the earth.

But after seeing Felix's first touchdown while shoving his way through the line, one can only suspect he will not be merely a satelite for the nearest offensive lineman, dashing out hopes while he crashes into same like an astroid from space.