A few years ago a female from a philly board invaded an old Cowboy board I use to frequent and this gal could go toe to toe with some of us. Naturally I thought it was a guy when they first started trolling our board because we never attracted female fans on my old board at least not to my knowledge. I was arguing with what I thought was a guy for several days then all of a sudden one day during a heated exchange this fan started calling me honey and sweetie and I'm thinking huh?
I'm not the type to throw the gay card but a few on the board saw the opening and started firing away. This fan laughed and said she was a female and that her sex was listed on her Philly profile. I was surprised because she knew football and could formulate a pretty good argument. She said she was an attorney so it wasn't real easy to pin her down on anything but eventually I caught her on a couple of comments she made so she decided to bail and go back to her own board.