One could say that it's also ******** to knowingly lie. If you didn't 'give a crap', you won't have commented.
First, it was impractical for a coach to wear a suit during games. The act of wearing a suit had been practiced for years, so it was, in fact, practical.
Secondly, coaching aids and accessories 'proved' that it is 'impractical' for a coach to wear a suit on the sidelines. While a coach
may feel cumbersome wearing a suit and (for example) carrying a headseat, it is far from impossible to do both at the same time--proving that it is indeed practical.
Finally, it is now '********' for a coach to wear a suit on the sidelines--which infers that there have been some legendary, hall of fame, dumbarse NFL coaches down through the years. A coach wearing a freaking kimono is doing something impractical and ********. A coach wearing a suit is someone simply making a gameday attire decision.