Finally a Measuring Stick


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I already stated my basis of belief in the previous full seasons coached by Garrett (and the record against teams with varying records). The record vs teams with ten wins or more is crappy, even against other pretenders, and virtually perfect vs teams with 6 wins or less.

It's a tale of a pretender masquerading as a legit contender. SB winning teams are sometimes about a ridiculous offense with an okay defense. Or a ridiculous defense with an okay offense. Huge amounts of elite draft capital poured into one side or the other with solid coaching.

Quit trying to sell the ANY team can get hot and win the SB.
2018 number 1 seed beat number 1 seed. 2017 1 seed beat 2 seed, 2016 1 seed beat 1 seed, 2015 1 seed beat 1 seed, 2014 1 seed beat 1 seed, 2013 4 seed beat 2 seed, 2012 4 seed beat 1 seed, 2011 6 seed beat 2 seed (Aaron Rodgers), 2010 1 seed beat 1 seed, 2009 2 seed beat 4 seed, 2008 5 seed beat 1 seed, 2007 3 seed beat 1 seed, 2006 6 seed beat 1 seed, 2005 2 seed beat 1seed, 2004 1 seed beat 3 seed, 2003 2 seed beat 1 seed, 2002 2 seed beat 1 seed, 2001 4 seed beat 1seed, 2000 1 seed beat 4 seed.

I think I'm spotting a pattern. The number 1 seed through 3 seed (ie, teams with best records) win the enormous bulk of SBs. The loser fan cries about any given Sunday. Nope, wrong. You as a fan want the the Cowboys to win the SB or be believed in by fans? Start by either winning the regular season or building a championship team more often. BTW, the teams that were lower seeds typically had the best defense or top 2-3 for the season. Which is why this game can alter my belief. Let's see how the defense performs. Can they hold the Saints to fewer than 17 points?

This post is merely an attempt to find something, anything to complain about. It's always we haven't faced anyone with you guys and then a stating of what the real test will be. Then the Cowboys beat that team, the goal posts are moved and the pointing to another real test. Then the Cowboys pass that too.

Now that the Cowboys are gettting ready to go to battle with a team that you you cou can't move the goal posts on and call them a pretender, you are already making a future excuse why winning against the "unbeatable" team doesn't matter.

Hey everyone is entitled to their opinion. That circular reasoning sounds great if you are the fan of another team. But if you are a Cowboys fan, that sort of win should give you confidence we can beat anyone.

But beating the Saints or anyone else won't matter to you because it is pretty much impossible for you to be a Cowboys fan, in spite of you telling yourself that you are a fan. Lol.


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Bro, if you think anyone that expects better performance from the team they cheer for is entitled after this long dearth of playoff success then yes you are an enabler or loser type of fan in my book. Just my two cents.

What happened 23 years ago is so far remote that it is irrelevant. None of the players or coaches that were here then are still here. That's a real tool bag argument. Seriously, you have to be better than that.


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Bro, if you think anyone that expects better performance from the team they cheer for is entitled after this long dearth of playoff success then yes you are an enabler or loser type of fan in my book. Just my two cents.
I don't define words; I just live by them. Your OP as well as your ensuing responses to defend your stance is a clear cut case of "entitled."

Now let's look at the words you levied on me and see if they fit me as well as "entitled" fits you.

  1. a person or thing that makes something possible.
    "the people who run these workshops are crime enablers"
    • a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another.
I don't know Jerry therefore I cannot by the very definition above be an enabler....and if I did know Jerry, I very seriously doubt he would listen to my opinion over the opinion of his current braintrust...nor should he.

  1. a person or thing that loses or has lost something, especially a game or contest.
    synonyms: defeated person, also-ran, runner-up
    "the loser still gets the silver medal"
    • a person who accepts defeat with good or bad grace, as specified.
      "we won fair and square—they should concede that and be good losers"
    • a person or thing that is put at a disadvantage by a particular situation or course of action.
      "children are the losers when politicians keep fiddling around with education"
If you say I'm a loser by merit of being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, I'm fine with that because that makes everyone reading this right now a loser...including you.

That said, I disagree. The ugly truth is if you don't learn to enjoy football for the journey and set aside your want for a specific destination, you will be a "loser" the majority of the time. That's what happens when you have 31 other teams interested in winning as well.

Just my...



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This post is merely an attempt to find something, anything to complain about. It's always we haven't faced anyone with you guys and then a stating of what the real test will be. Then the Cowboys beat that team, the goal posts are moved and the pointing to another real test. Then the Cowboys pass that too.

Now that the Cowboys are gettting ready to go to battle with a team that you you cou can't move the goal posts on and call them a pretender, you are already making a future excuse why winning against the "unbeatable" team doesn't matter.

Hey everyone is entitled to their opinion. That circular reasoning sounds great if you are the fan of another team. But if you are a Cowboys fan, that sort of win should give you confidence we can beat anyone.

But beating the Saints or anyone else won't matter to you because it is pretty much impossible for you to be a Cowboys fan, in spite of you telling yourself that you are a fan. Lol.

I mainly stated facts. I've already said that a victory over a team like this would likely give me evidence to believe that the team can hang with other contenders. That is called a change of mind. But, do you have the guts to change your mind and say that a clean and dominant defeat of the Cowboys means the team likely cannot compete with a real contender should they make the playoffs?

You can stick with the tried and true standard of any given Sunday as though it means much when separating the real contenders from pretenders in the playoffs. How about beating a team that will definitely end the season with at least 10 wins? The team has not played any team this season that is this hot and successful and healthy.

Which is why they get a definite vote of confidence from me should they win or keep it close all game. If the defense holds them to 17 points or fewer it would likely be very encouraging unless the Cowboys score 3 or less.


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I don't define words; I just live by them. Your OP as well as your ensuing responses to defend your stance is a clear cut case of "entitled."

Now let's look at the words you levied on me and see if they fit me as well as "entitled" fits you.

  1. a person or thing that makes something possible.
    "the people who run these workshops are crime enablers"
    • a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another.
I don't know Jerry therefore I cannot by the very definition above be an enabler....and if I did know Jerry, I very seriously doubt he would listen to my opinion over the opinion of his current braintrust...nor should he.

  1. a person or thing that loses or has lost something, especially a game or contest.
    synonyms: defeated person, also-ran, runner-up
    "the loser still gets the silver medal"
    • a person who accepts defeat with good or bad grace, as specified.
      "we won fair and square—they should concede that and be good losers"
    • a person or thing that is put at a disadvantage by a particular situation or course of action.
      "children are the losers when politicians keep fiddling around with education"
If you say I'm a loser by merit of being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, I'm fine with that because that makes everyone reading this right now a loser...including you.

That said, I disagree. The ugly truth is if you don't learn to enjoy football for the journey and set aside your want for a specific destination, you will be a "loser" the majority of the time. That's what happens when you have 31 other teams interested in winning as well.

Just my...


Whatever, just my perspective. If you are so worried about definitions then I'm sorry I ruffled your feathers. To me, you enable the product to further its course by removing expectations and just paying for "entertainment." You are a loser if you accept poor results in the highest level games (playoffs), and feel too much enjoyment in regular season wins (some enjoyment is cool with me, definitely felt good to beat Philly, Atlanta, and Washington).

I guess by the base definition you are correct that a consumer is "entitled" or due the product they are attempting to purchase. Well done. I feel zero scorn though as my counter argument is that a consumer that doesn't expect a quality product every so often doesn't realize they are a consumer (or refuses to acknowledge it and tries to label themselves as a fan only). Or that by being a really good fan (again by their own definitions) that makes them valuable in some way other than just self satisfaction (that is up to their own personal standards).


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Whatever, just my perspective. If you are so worried about definitions then I'm sorry I ruffled your feathers. To me, you enable the product to further its course by removing expectations and just paying for "entertainment." You are a loser if you accept poor results in the highest level games (playoffs), and feel too much enjoyment in regular season wins (some enjoyment is cool with me, definitely felt good to beat Philly, Atlanta, and Washington).

I guess by the base definition you are correct that a consumer is "entitled" or due the product they are attempting to purchase. Well done. I feel zero scorn though as my counter argument is that a consumer that doesn't expect a quality product every so often doesn't realize they are a consumer (or refuses to acknowledge it and tries to label themselves as a fan only). Or that by being a really good fan (again by their own definitions) that makes them valuable in some way other than just self satisfaction (that is up to their own personal standards).

No ruffled feathers here...believe it or not, I was trying to help you see a very important truth about being a fan of something you really have no control over as far as end-results are concerned. Outside of the 12th man at home games, we fans simply don't have an impact on results or the decisions that are made regarding the laundry we choose to follow. That also means, as far as being fans, we really can't be losers or enablers.

The truth is, as far as fans are concerned (you, me, and everyone who frequents this site) it is impossible for us to enable Jerry...Jerry does what he wants when he wants how he wants regardless of what we want. In a weird way you could say we are fans of the Dallas Jerry's, because he's the one common denominator over these last 23 years. Whether I agree with the results or the decisions he makes is not even a blip on his radar, so why does it matter what I think? The answer is, it doesn' doesn't matter at all.

That leaves us with one logical conclusion: You can either be a fan and enjoy the football watching experience or stop watching football. Again...those are the logical conclusions. Most (including you I suspect) will continue to allow themselves to be angered by things that in no way has a real impact on their life. If the Cowboys lose, the fans life remains the same. If the Cowboys win the Super Bowl, guess whose life goes on the same as it was the day before the Cowboys were champions? Everyone's...:thumbup:


Lightning Rod
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Full disclosure: I do not anticipate a win Thursday evening. I do not think that Dak can make enough plays in the passing game to keep up with a balanced offense with an elite QB (as long as both QBs are healthy throughout the game).

The story of this game should be how the Cowboys stack up against a legitimate contender that is playing hot and is relatively healthy. Beat the Saints and I will start believing the team can actually play with a real contender. I will even take a game where Dallas stays close the entire game and loses a close one (within one score), but all facets perform well especially on the Cowboys offense (particularly the passing game). Not a game where Dallas has to rally from a huge deficit and the Saints play prevent defense for hollow stats.

Lose by more than one score in a game clearly dominated by the Saints and that tells me the squad has topped out by beating other pretenders this season. The goal should and always will be to make the playoffs and look like a real threat to any team (and occasionally win the SB). Anything less is for losers and enablers.

remember the internet rule, it is only a test if we lose

if we win, it will be due to luck, them being due to lose etc


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No ruffled feathers here...believe it or not, I was trying to help you see a very important truth about being a fan of something you really have no control over as far as end-results are concerned. Outside of the 12th man at home games, we fans simply don't have an impact on results or the decisions that are made regarding the laundry we choose to follow. That also means, as far as being fans, we really can't be losers or enablers.

The truth is, as far as fans are concerned (you, me, and everyone who frequents this site) it is impossible for us to enable Jerry...Jerry does what he wants when he wants how he wants regardless of what we want. In a weird way you could say we are fans of the Dallas Jerry's, because he's the one common denominator over these last 23 years. Whether I agree with the results or the decisions he makes is not even a blip on his radar, so why does it matter what I think? The answer is, it doesn' doesn't matter at all.

That leaves us with one logical conclusion: You can either be a fan and enjoy the football watching experience or stop watching football. Again...those are the logical conclusions. Most (including you I suspect) will continue to allow themselves to be angered by things that in no way has a real impact on their life. If the Cowboys lose, the fans life remains the same. If the Cowboys win the Super Bowl, guess whose life goes on the same as it was the day before the Cowboys were champions? Everyone's...:thumbup:

You aren't instilling me with anything I don't already fully understand. If you think that consumers have no impact on the product manufacturer's decisions (Jerry and his sons eventually), I can understand why you think you make no difference.

You also don't understand how just about every single revolution starts and is eventually won. By those that refuse to accept status quo, and convincing others to do the same. Sorry you give yourself zero credit, you deserve better.


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an L to the Saints puts us right back to .500000

well, well, well ... the same ole mediocrity as always .

Its so nice making the playoffs twice every decade ... ahhh , the enjoyment .


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The chances are winning this game is very, very slim.

But if they do, I will be strutting around like a proud rooster.
I hear ya.

I've already heard from multiple friends/family members (who aren't Dallas fans), how badly we're gonna get beat Thursday. I would LOVE to feed them crow by the shovel load ;)


What's it going to be then, eh?
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This is a good thing.

At least in terms of being rational.

A blowout loss, a close defeat or a shocking victory will go a long way to impression.


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If you are okay with setting expectations with less than the standards I said, then you are saying the team is in a building year (possibly continuously since the results have been going for 20+ years ) or that you are okay with perennial mediocrity.

The team has a 3rd year QB who should be showing his skillset includes passing down the field routinely (at least 1-2 times per game) past 10 yards to a receiver that is running down field (not a comeback, stop, in or out route) in stride.

I have no issue with someone taking simple pleasure with a win in a regular season game. I have issues with fans that do not demand higher standards from the product and do what they can to enact change. And yes, consumers do control the product. In every industry, everywhere, the end.

Entitled is rich buddy. Anyone who has followed the team the past 23 years has earned the right to expect more. That is not entitled-it is realistic expectation.

That's simply not true in the NFL and particularly the Cowboys. The net worth continues to rise, regardless of the product on the field. The fans have demanded a better product for 2+ decades, there is not one Cowboy fan that is fine with decades of mediocrity. The NFL is one of the very few businesses that an owner can still thrive with a mediocre or substandard product. The fans of the Cowboys have even less power than fans of other teams, because the owner/GM doesn't have to answer to anyone, there are no financial repercussions for failed decisions. The only true recourse for a fan is to stop becoming fans and it would have to happen in such large numbers as to affect income. The Cowboys have one of, if not the largest fan bases, and our demands haven't affected the outcome or results. The Cowboys are not an isolated case, all fans demand higher standards for their teams.


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Full disclosure: I do not anticipate a win Thursday evening. I do not think that Dak can make enough plays in the passing game to keep up with a balanced offense with an elite QB (as long as both QBs are healthy throughout the game).

The story of this game should be how the Cowboys stack up against a legitimate contender that is playing hot and is relatively healthy. Beat the Saints and I will start believing the team can actually play with a real contender. I will even take a game where Dallas stays close the entire game and loses a close one (within one score), but all facets perform well especially on the Cowboys offense (particularly the passing game). Not a game where Dallas has to rally from a huge deficit and the Saints play prevent defense for hollow stats.

Lose by more than one score in a game clearly dominated by the Saints and that tells me the squad has topped out by beating other pretenders this season. The goal should and always will be to make the playoffs and look like a real threat to any team (and occasionally win the SB). Anything less is for losers and enablers.
I think we have a chance if we control and limit the Saints big plays. Their pass defense is ranked 30th in the league,so they can be had. we still need to play ball control, limit their possessions and limit their big plays....keep it close and make it a game in the 4th quarter....this is strength against strength...their offense against our defense and weakness against weakness, our offense against their defense.


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None of the players or coaches that were here then are still here. That's a real tool bag argument. Seriously, you have to be better than that.

Not true...Garrett has 3 SB rings he was there 23 years ago.


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You aren't instilling me with anything I don't already fully understand. If you think that consumers have no impact on the product manufacturer's decisions (Jerry and his sons eventually), I can understand why you think you make no difference.

You also don't understand how just about every single revolution starts and is eventually won. By those that refuse to accept status quo, and convincing others to do the same. Sorry you give yourself zero credit, you deserve better.

If you don't think I give myself credit you are very unfamiliar with my work .

Viva Revolution!



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I think I'm mostly anticipating the game so we can see how this defense plays against an offense like NO. If they can play with them, it gives us a cushion like we havent had in a while and will be a big help against these new offenses.

We also have a lot of young guys, most the defense is under contract next year outside of DLaw, and we can still add to S and DT in the offseason. If Gregory and Taco turn up next year with LVE improving, Jaylon, Chido, we can be one of the better defenses in the league.

I like the defense, and it can get better. Itll be interesting to watch. If the defense can play with them, we actually have a shot going forward if we can Jason this offseason.


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Its not nearly as big if a game for the Saints as it is for Dallas
But beating a 10-1 Saints team would be real nice
It can happen

Seeing that the only team Dallas has beaten with a winning record was a JAG team like the Skins,this would be extra sweet.