Chocolate Lab;2521052 said:
Have you ever seen the America's Game on the 70s Steelers teams? All the players -- not some, all -- talked about how incredibly bland, boring, and dull Chuck was. They all made fun of his motivational speeches that went over like lead balloons and how he was the worst story teller of all time.
Maybe if you didn't want people focusing on the PC aspect, you shouldn't have started the thread with "Seeing the PC yesterday sealed it for me."
One thing I do think is that Wade, like Parcells, is even more drained than usual on Mondays. IMO that's part of having 60+ year-old-coaches doing such an incredibly demanding job. It's also why I'm not so sure about Holmgren.
But speaking of him, who do you want? Firing someone just for the sake of firing someone never does any good unless you have someone better ready to go.
Here is where you and I might differ. I don't have to have a "name" in mind. I have a TYPE in mind. Then I would go and find that guy.
I want someone who is:
a. Energetic - tank is full and he is excited and ready for the job and wants it to be long term.
b. Strong - Note, I didn't say loud. I want a strong personality. Someone who won't be a lap dog for Jerry and who will tell Jerry at the outset what his boundaries are, or he won't take the job. (you can do that and still be completely respectful of the fact that Jerry owns the team, etc. etc. You have to sell Jerry on the idea that a coach can't be successful unless he has the final word, and unless he is SEEN to have the final word by his team. That is, players DO NOT go to Jerry directly, and Jerry DOES NOT come into the lockeroom except to OBSERVE. He doesn't come in to give speeches unless the coach asks him to.)
c. Demands Discipline - See Jimmy Johnson
d. Smart - Knows the game, relates to players well, yet isn't their buddy. Knows enough to know what he doesn't know, but won't settle for any coordinator who isn't excellent.
e. Won't settle for losing - Not satisfied with anything less than championships.
Now, that is not a complete list, but its a good start, and I would go find me that guy. Jerry has the money to make it happen, and if he is smart, with that new stadium coming, he WILL make it happen.
I still say that I would go after Nick Saban. Yes, yes, I know what happened in Miami and I don't care, that guy is a COACH.
Cowher would be a good choice.
But what I know for certain is NO MORE MEDIOCRITY, no more TIRED AND WORN OUT OLD GUYS. (And I'm not necessarily talking age.)
Go get a guy who can be with us for 10 years and has an insatiable desire to win and won't settle for less than excellence.