Fireside Chat

Thank you, Xelda.

No, it's not my work. Something I found on google. From the reaction it causes it just might be temporary; especially since CC's spidey senses are tingling again. Ha!
You've got Coach on his toes right off the bat. Don't stop!

Thanks Xelda, You've managed to bring up My no.1 pet hate.....the ridiculous number of collective nouns for animals.
What really annoys Me, is that after using the specialised noun for a particular animal type, You then immediately name the animal anyway......for instance "on safari We saw a congress of Baboons", You wouldn't just say "on safari We saw a congress", so what exactly is the point of giving Baboons a personalized collective noun?
You could trim the number of collective nouns for animals down to about 6 and it would make no difference at all, except to simplify things.

p.s I looked it up and it's a Bolus of Rowdys, Mah bahd.
I've always found it confusing and an intentional trap for folks trying to respond correctly. A congress of Baboons sounds appropriate and terrifying at the same time. They're probably making sure they have top notch life time health insurance, pass a vote for another raise and laws to put them on the endangered species list. A Bolus of Rowdys you say? Then a Bolus it is. How can we save ksk from being grouped with Boluses? He deserves better than that, dang it!
You've got Coach on his toes right off the bat. Don't stop!

I've always found it confusing and an intentional trap for folks trying to respond correctly. A congress of Baboons sounds appropriate and terrifying at the same time. They're probably making sure they have top notch life time health insurance, pass a vote for another raise and laws to put them on the endangered species list. A Bolus of Rowdys you say? Then a Bolus it is. How can we save ksk from being grouped with Boluses? He deserves better than that, dang it!
I agree wholeheartedly.
I disagree wholeheartedly.
I chose Baboons because I thought Anybody who didn't know their collective noun might find it amusing.
You mean the Admin-Ratchet from the old country?
No, Agnes is the stealth censor. She and I played a game of cat and mouse to the death. I tried using every bit of chicanery I could muster, misspelling, spacing, etc but she dogged me like the posse in Butch and the Sundance Kid. And she is smug in her belief she won the war but I will give no sword up until the last battle is fought.

I blame my parents. When I was young, they played that "use your words" ploy on me and then would punish me when I did. I said "hell, these are my words! Ya want me to use someone else's, give me a list".

People feel slighted when someone cusses around them because they see it as a lack of respect for them. To hell with that, it's a lack of respect for the language. I love it when someone replaces a cuss word with a cutesy word like "*****" for, well, we all know what that means and what do our minds go to? Please, save me a trip and just use the word, I don't need any more struggles to find meaning.

CC's Great Awakening Moment About the Fairer Sex, aka GAMAFS (and my education in that process will never end, just fascinating creatures, fascinating), was at the ripe young age of 13 when some buds and I crashed the camp out of some girls we knew and eaves dropped before we strolled on in. Holy Mother of God, strike me deaf cuz I never heard such wonderful cussing. Later on when I overheard my wife's sorority sisters, I harkened back to those days and one of her sisters is in my Cussing HOF. Were I not already head over heels, I might have married her because I would have never had to ask her to talk dirty to me.
No, Agnes is the stealth censor. She and I played a game of cat and mouse to the death. I tried using every bit of chicanery I could muster, misspelling, spacing, etc but she dogged me like the posse in Butch and the Sundance Kid. And she is smug in her belief she won the war but I will give no sword up until the last battle is fought.

I blame my parents. When I was young, they played that "use your words" ploy on me and then would punish me when I did. I said "hell, these are my words! Ya want me to use someone else's, give me a list".

People feel slighted when someone cusses around them because they see it as a lack of respect for them. To hell with that, it's a lack of respect for the language. I love it when someone replaces a cuss word with a cutesy word like "*****" for, well, we all know what that means and what do our minds go to? Please, save me a trip and just use the word, I don't need any more struggles to find meaning.

CC's Great Awakening Moment About the Fairer Sex, aka GAMAFS (and my education in that process will never end, just fascinating creatures, fascinating), was at the ripe young age of 13 when some buds and I crashed the camp out of some girls we knew and eaves dropped before we strolled on in. Holy Mother of God, strike me deaf cuz I never heard such wonderful cussing. Later on when I overheard my wife's sorority sisters, I harkened back to those days and one of her sisters is in my Cussing HOF. Were I not already head over heels, I might have married her because I would have never had to ask her to talk dirty to me.
What a load of old Aardvarks.
No, Agnes is the stealth censor. She and I played a game of cat and mouse to the death. I tried using every bit of chicanery I could muster, misspelling, spacing, etc but she dogged me like the posse in Butch and the Sundance Kid. And she is smug in her belief she won the war but I will give no sword up until the last battle is fought.

I blame my parents. When I was young, they played that "use your words" ploy on me and then would punish me when I did. I said "hell, these are my words! Ya want me to use someone else's, give me a list".

People feel slighted when someone cusses around them because they see it as a lack of respect for them. To hell with that, it's a lack of respect for the language. I love it when someone replaces a cuss word with a cutesy word like "*****" for, well, we all know what that means and what do our minds go to? Please, save me a trip and just use the word, I don't need any more struggles to find meaning.

CC's Great Awakening Moment About the Fairer Sex, aka GAMAFS (and my education in that process will never end, just fascinating creatures, fascinating), was at the ripe young age of 13 when some buds and I crashed the camp out of some girls we knew and eaves dropped before we strolled on in. Holy Mother of God, strike me deaf cuz I never heard such wonderful cussing. Later on when I overheard my wife's sorority sisters, I harkened back to those days and one of her sisters is in my Cussing HOF. Were I not already head over heels, I might have married her because I would have never had to ask her to talk dirty to me.
I love cuss words. They're descriptive and colorful. Witty and fun. I hate censorship, hate it! But the soft and comfy world we live in needs to keep people safe from the bad man that says hurt words. Seriously, my father would have had a breakdown had he been alive to witness safe spaces and cry closets. It's dangerously close to me having a meltdown.

So anyway, I was wondering because I could just type an entire page of ********** and it would be fun to try and guess what I'm saying. But didn't want to risk getting banned just for have a little fun. In fact, if I was smart I would have made my user name a row of ********'s
I love cuss words. They're descriptive and colorful. Witty and fun. I hate censorship, hate it! But the soft and comfy world we live in needs to keep people safe from the bad man that says hurt words. Seriously, my father would have had a breakdown had he been alive to witness safe spaces and cry closets. It's dangerously close to me having a meltdown.

So anyway, I was wondering because I could just type an entire page of ********** and it would be fun to try and guess what I'm saying. But didn't want to risk getting banned just for have a little fun. In fact, if I was smart I would have made my user name a row of ********'s
My problem is if the poster miscounted the *'s. I am committed to discovering the word and the context of the sentence works sometimes but when it doesn't, the poster has to be dead on with the *'s. In fact, they advise to just type it and let the system take care of it and not mask cuss words with strategically placed *'s.

My wife used to love to say "ya know, ya old ******, cussing is just a sign of ignorance of the proper word to use". I'd just reply "**** that".

But to your point, society has a bug up it's butt about everything these days. Politically correct? There ain't nuthin' good that comes with the word political in it. And if I use the proper cuss word that applies to the situation, I consider myself correct.
My problem is if the poster miscounted the *'s. I am committed to discovering the word and the context of the sentence works sometimes but when it doesn't, the poster has to be dead on with the *'s. In fact, they advise to just type it and let the system take care of it and not mask cuss words with strategically placed *'s.

My wife used to love to say "ya know, ya old ******, cussing is just a sign of ignorance of the proper word to use". I'd just reply "**** that".

But to your point, society has a bug up it's butt about everything these days. Politically correct? There ain't nuthin' good that comes with the word political in it. And if I use the proper cuss word that applies to the situation, I consider myself correct.
******* A right!
Ya see, you British chaps have your own little nomenclature and have cutesy names like "bum", "cheeky" and "bollocks". But I bet your women are as nasty as ours. God luv'em.
Bermondsey Gals are in a league of Their own, sadly it's a league with no promotion or relegation.
They're the female equivalent of the Cleveland Browns.
I love cuss words. They're descriptive and colorful. Witty and fun. I hate censorship, hate it! But the soft and comfy world we live in needs to keep people safe from the bad man that says hurt words. Seriously, my father would have had a breakdown had he been alive to witness safe spaces and cry closets. It's dangerously close to me having a meltdown.

So anyway, I was wondering because I could just type an entire page of ********** and it would be fun to try and guess what I'm saying. But didn't want to risk getting banned just for have a little fun. In fact, if I was smart I would have made my user name a row of ********'s
Now that's a ramble. I hate it when you drink!:lmao2:
Ya see, you British chaps have your own little nomenclature and have cutesy names like "bum", "cheeky" and "bollocks". But I bet your women are as nasty as ours. God luv'em.
COACH!!!! Are you calling us nasty? After all the care, concern and "likes" we've given you! How could you? You're just being a sheet head.
Thought I'd better pop back in and say we still love you, Coach even if you did call us nasty.

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