Fireside Chat

About time you showed up, where's your doctor's note?

Now Juggsy is going to have to add to his list of the refugees that made it over and the fallen. Had you on the fallen list and am glad you could join our little soiree. We brought our sense of humor with us because we didn't know what they could supply but we've discovered we are not the only odd ducks on the pond.

Hi, CC. Thanks! I wasn't fallen just M.I.A. I've been lurking in the background in stealth mode. I thought it was time to make the jump.

Looking forward to being a part of the bunch.
Between those extendo-arms, Runny's guillotined head, a gaggle of grinning Rowdys and Your epic description of Yourself in a wet and clinging sheer robe, this forum can be disturbing
Is it a gaggle of Rowdys or herd of Rowdys? What about flock? Didn't Flock of Rowdys have a popular song once?
Is it a gaggle of Rowdys or herd of Rowdys? What about flock? Didn't Flock of Rowdys have a popular song once?
Thanks Xelda, You've managed to bring up My no.1 pet hate.....the ridiculous number of collective nouns for animals.
What really annoys Me, is that after using the specialised noun for a particular animal type, You then immediately name the animal anyway......for instance "on safari We saw a congress of Baboons", You wouldn't just say "on safari We saw a congress", so what exactly is the point of giving Baboons a personalized collective noun?
You could trim the number of collective nouns for animals down to about 6 and it would make no difference at all, except to simplify things.

p.s I looked it up and it's a Bolus of Rowdys, Mah bahd.

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