Fireside Chat

A yogurt!
Boys and girls, it sucks going through something and you cant talk to anyone about it for fear of being judged. Although I wouldn't blame someone for judging.
Boys and girls, it sucks going through something and you cant talk to anyone about it for fear of being judged. Although I wouldn't blame someone for judging.
You weren't actually happy about this last Super Bowl outcome, were you? No, please! Don't tell us. Find a friend you trust and talk to them in private unless they are blatant fans of the team that shall not be named. No, not that one. The other one. Yeah, that one.
I've been on this forum for 6 months now and quite a few former members have been here a lot longer, but has any of you other former members been ignored on here yet?
Juggsy, there are some that resent the "intrusion" of the refugees here and not only have I sensed that I was being ignored, I have had some take an instant dislike to me. I chalked that up to probably being members from that didn't like me there but I don't know.

Ya know what, my friend, screw them and the horse they rode in on. There are others that have been more than accommodating and Idgit practically tried to push us out of the nest on our first trip in here.

I believe the gen pop out there more closely resembles the NEWS section than our old beloved defunct DC Forum based on what I was told at our old site. There is still a fun bunch here and they have been all open arms from what I've experienced because ya just can't have too much fun. But they also have their "own thing" that they've had as long as we had ours.

I do miss our old crew and even the ones I had run ins with are missed. That was "our thing" and we've just got to do "our thing" here among the refugees and those that welcome us. I do think in time the others will be OK but I can imagine a huge influx of members coming in on would have put some members off a little.

But, yes, I get exactly what you're talking about but it's out there in gen pop, not in the fun sections. I try to limit my time out in gen pop. I joked around out there and caught a benching and that never happened on Some do not have a sense of humor. I agree mine might be a little different but damn, I was just joking around.

If the Off-Topic Zone wasn't here, I doubt I would be. That's where most of my friends hang and I'd much rather be with them. If we ignore you in here, it's not because we don't like you. We're just jacking with your head and making you smell your armpits and breath,
I'm giving my mailbox to Don, just in case.

Did you see what he did out in gen pop? Started a thread that he'd been in a coma and had posters all worried about him, including me. I sent him a PM and still don't know if he was just joking. I think he did have a stay in the hospital for something. Probably having that 2 by 4 removed from his rectum that Nurse Ratched put there.

Did you see what he did out in gen pop? Started a thread that he'd been in a coma and had posters all worried about him, including me. I sent him a PM and still don't know if he was just joking. I think he did have a stay in the hospital for something. Probably having that 2 by 4 removed from his rectum that Nurse Ratched put there.
So he's here again? Good, it's not the same without him!
So he's here again? Good, it's not the same without him!
I think he's still here. And you're right, Don is a necessity. Some of my best laughs were because of him and not just when he was being funny.

Ya know something I've noticed here, Runny? None of our old group seems to spend near the time they did on the old forum, especially in gen pop.

I don't know if that's on purpose but this doesn't feel the same and I don't know if it ever will. I am trying to make the best of it but I get Juggsy's comment and I ask myself "do I feel better or worse:" after being out in gen pop.

And I don't think the members out there are being rude, they just have their own thing going and it's not easy to be a part of it. Fortunately for me, I can carry on a conversation with myself, even argue but I always stop short of personal insults and I've got all the dirt on me. I could really hurt my feelings.

Bottom line is this is the best we've got and we need to make the best of it. Look for what's here and not what's missing.
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I think he's still here. And you're right, Don is a necessity. Some of my best laughs were because of him and not just when he was being funny.

Ya know something I've noticed here, Runny? None of our old group seems to spend near the time they did on the old forum, especially in gen pop.

I don't know if that's on purpose but this doesn't feel the same and I don't know if it ever will. I am trying to make the best of it but I get Juggsy's comment and I ask myself "do I feel better or worse:" after being out in gen pop.

And I don't think the members out there are being rude, they just have their own thing going and it's not easy to be a part of it. Fortunately for me, I can carry on a conversation with myself, even argue but I always stop short of personal insults and I've got all the dirt on me. I could really hurt my feelings.

Bottom line is this is the best we've got and we need to make the best of it. Look for what's here and not what's missing.
You ain't lying.

I think most of the old crew is either arguing with Gregg, or they're just not interested in getting to know a bunch of new people. Maybe we'll see more of them when the season starts, whether they're more interested, or we go to a more common forum.

By and large, the folks here seem pretty cool, and I just do what I do. If they dig it, cool. If they don't, cool. I'm still doing what I do, and I know you have the same philosophy.
I've been on this forum for 6 months now and quite a few former members have been here a lot longer, but has any of you other former members been ignored on here yet?
I came the day after you did, Juggs! I can think of one that might be ignoring me after I chewed on him for insinuating Runny might be a homosexual. That's like calling CouchCoach a teetotaler or Londonboy a Frenchman or DABZ the #1 Eagles fan on our site. A line was crossed and I was ready to take names and type insults.

While I'm at it, Is CapnB ok? I don't think he has me on ignore yet.
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