Fireside Chat

You don't get Monty Python??? I don't even know you anymore!

I refuse to ever watch Titanic, because I hate the fact that they turned one of the worst tragedies in our history into a love story......starring that cocky little puke, DiCrapio, no less!

As for the movie I hate: Beaches - My ex made me watch it with her, because it was her favorite movie. 45 minutes before the end, she starts crying, thinking about (spoiler alert!) the Bette Midler's friend dying at the end. What a piece of crap.
I'm sorry about Monty Python, Runny. Maybe it was just one bad experience or the humor escaped me.
Big Bang Theory is boring and cliched.
Married With Childred was VERY overrated (overacting, bad jokes, cliches galore, etc.)
And see, I absolutely love Married w/ Chilluns.

BTW, the part in parentheses describes all sitcoms!!!!!
I'm sorry about Monty Python, Runny. Maybe it was just one bad experience or the humor escaped me.
Although I do see some of the humor in it, I'm also not a huge Monty Python fan.
And see, I absolutely love Married w/ Chilluns.

BTW, the part in parentheses describes all sitcoms!!!!!

Not all sitcoms are created equal! Frazier was infinitely smarter than Married With Children. Watch Raising Hope sometime. Very clever compared to MWC.
Not all sitcoms are created equal! Frazier was infinitely smarter than Married With Children. Watch Raising Hope sometime. Very clever compared to MWC.
Absolutely!!!! And yet, Frazier was also filled w/ overacting, bad jokes and cliches!!!!!

Hey, I'm not against anyone's choices for sitcoms. It really comes down to which silliness you prefer. My two greatest all time were MASH and Cheers. Not sure I have a close 3rd.
Absolutely!!!! And yet, Frazier was also filled w/ overacting, bad jokes and cliches!!!!!

Hey, I'm not against anyone's choices for sitcoms. It really comes down to which silliness you prefer. My two greatest all time were MASH and Cheers. Not sure I have a close 3rd.

Sure, all sitcoms feature overacting, bad jokes and cliches. MWC just had more!
Anyone see Glitter with Mariah Carey? Holy hell what a nightmare. My ex made me watch it. It was more painful than a root canal. For christ sakes, she looked like the cowardly lion and couldn't act.
Titanic was another bombshell of garbage. You mean to tell me you wouldn't share the damn raft? What a selfish (you know what).
I'd rather watch concrete dry, and I have.
Showgirls was another crap acting extravaganza. Though boobs trump bad acting and story telling 99.9% of the time. That .1% is floating somewhere with all the other .1%'s for antibacterial soap.
Anyone see Glitter with Mariah Carey? Holy hell what a nightmare. My ex made me watch it. It was more painful than a root canal. For christ sakes, she looked like the cowardly lion and couldn't act.
Titanic was another bombshell of garbage. You mean to tell me you wouldn't share the damn raft? What a selfish (you know what).
I'd rather watch concrete dry, and I have.
Showgirls was another crap acting extravaganza. Though boobs trump bad acting and story telling 99.9% of the time. That .1% is floating somewhere with all the other .1%'s for antibacterial soap.
I was hearing how incredibly bad Glitter was before anyone I knew even saw it....Not sure if anyone I know (other than you) has seen it still!
Now the opposite: My guilty pleasures: (That means stuff we're not supposed to like): Figure skating. Air Supply. Musicals. Love stories(Only good ones).

How about y'all, what are some things you shouldn't like, but do?
When I get past the shock of Air Supply and regain my composure, I will be better able to participate.
I gotta say I did like La La Land and didn't think I would but just the trailers for The Greatest Showman and Les Miserables put me into a catatonic state. Otis too, he dropped the beer and became a cat with tonic.
I gotta say I did like La La Land and didn't think I would but just the trailers for The Greatest Showman and Les Miserables put me into a catatonic state. Otis too, he dropped the beer and became a cat with tonic.
Oof. How long have you been waiting to use that one?
For a guy that loves humor as much as I do, sitcoms bore the hell out of me. I don't like canned laughter or even live laughter because that's a set up with plants in the audience to get a chain reaction. The last one I liked was Cheers but they ran out of steam with the same writers that did Taxi, which was very funny to me.

My wife and I tried Friends and Seinfeld and never even smiled so I never got it and the Big Bang is a complete dud to me. But I have seldom been drawn to mass appeal TV except for MASH and that improved 100% when they removed the laugh track. But MASH was the master of bittersweet and the best thing I have ever seen to evoke emotion, so well written with a magical cast.

What I find odd is that I was a TV sitcom junkie as a kid. Andy Griffith, Dick Van Dyke, Lucy and even Mr. Ed and December Bride were staples and I was completely hooked on the Beverly Hillbillies. I do think my favorite off all time was Dick Van Dyke after I found out how hammered he was in the filming of some of the episodes and think they should package just those as The Drunk Dick Van Dyke Episodes/ The Happy Hour Pack.

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