Fisher: Cowboys Leadership Working With Jones On A Unified Anthem

Show me examples of where this is a case of institutional racism that is prevalent today. Just because you say it's so, doesn't mean it is.

As much as I hate the way the Filando Castile situation went down, he wasn't killed because he was black. He was killed because he didn't pay attention to the officer telling for him to not reach for it 4 different times. The officer was actually hispanic and obviously found innocent in front of a jury.

As much as I hate the way Eric Garner's situation went down, he wasn't killed because he was black. He was killed because an officer was too impulsive and did a poor job.

Nobody is denying that there are no racists. And nobody here is for police brutality. But individual cases will always happen. Just like there can be black officers that are racists against white people and do illegal things to white people.

But as far as systemic and institutional racism, it's not prevalent. And until you can show me examples of it you've proved nothing other than you desperately revert to a 'white privilege' argument anytime you are losing an argument.

I responded with clear-cut examples of racial profiling backed up by statistics.

No reply? LOL. Your silence is deafening. Glad you learned something.
Ben Roethlisberger is expressing that he has serious regrets about yesterday. Teammates are made at Villanueva, and Roethlisberger said he had trouble sleeping because he stayed in the locker room. Karma won in Chicago.

Football is slowly dying. Life will be just fine when it does.

I guarantee many will have regrets. Once you show disrespect to the flag, our servicemen, and our country, you can't take it back. That's one of my main issues with these players. They say they don't mean any disrespect but then they do the most disrespectful thing you can do. Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Should we let racists off the hook if they preface their hate with "I don't mean to be racist but..."?
A tragedy to be sure, but at no point was there any indication or evidence that had it been a white child in an identical situation the outcome would have been different.

You may be right, I don't think either of us know definitely, however, I would say that police on a whole, not on an individual basis, view blacks and latinos as a threat more so than other races, so I would not be so quick to dismiss the idea that race played a factor. I do not at all think the cop was racist and saw this as an opportunity to kill a young minority kid, but I do think race factored into the "risk" and lead to the quick shooting.

The police (one with a history of mental illness) thought he had a real gun

And someone should have been held criminally responsible. He was gunned down in mere seconds, when no one else was in the park, thus there was no real risk of someone getting hurt.

a toy which in fact DID look real, and he DID reach for it. Ultimately, the decision was to wait and see if he shot at them or do what they did.

fwiw, one of the people who called 911, said it was probably a toy, but wanted to make sure. and we've seen other situations with cops showing a near infinite amount of patience compared to this. How long was that government building in Oregon occupied with armed militants? How long did they move about down town? How many armed militants had actually guns pointed at FBI agents in that Clive Bundy situation from 2014. There were many ways that this situation could have gone that did not put the officers at risk that leave this kid a live.
Quick google search found this....

Black motorists in Maryland are stopped and searched by police at higher rates than their white counterparts, despite being less likely in many jurisdictions to be found with illicit drugs or other contraband, according to statewide traffic stop data.

In Baltimore County, black drivers were targeted in 50 percent of reported traffic stops by county police and 53 percent of vehicle searches between 2013 and this year, according to data from the Maryland Statistical Analysis Center, despite black people making up just 27 percent of the county's population.

In Anne Arundel County, black motorists accounted for 29 percent of stops and 35 percent of searches. Black people make up just 16 percent of the population in Arundel.

In Howard County, black drivers were targeted in 37 percent of stops and 43 percent of searches, despite black people making up just 18 percent of the population. After being pulled over in Howard for seat belt violations — one of the most common offenses tracked — black motorists were 87 percent more likely than white motorists to be searched.

Once again, the study is incomplete, misleading and inaccurate.

According to the State of Maryland crime statistics, blacks made up for 62% of the drug violation arrests in the state. The percentage of the population that is black in the state is 27%. Thus, I can't reconcile the study's claim that in 'many jurisdictions blacks are less likely to be found with drugs than whites' when from a state perspective it is completely lopsided. Downloads/Crime in Maryland 2013UCR.pdf

The study also does not discuss as to why they were possibly pulled over. It could be for moving violations, not having a registration sticker on their license plate, having a taillight out, etc. It also doesn't include as to why they could possibly be pulled over such as 68% of weapons charges (illegal guns, possession, etc) come from blacks in Maryland.

That could certainly prompt a police officer to decide to ask if they can search the vehicle.

care to prove that whopper? facts are verifiable. all you have here is an assertion without basis.


Source: FBI Supplementary Homicide Reports, US Census. Note: Not all agencies submit supplementary homicide data for each year.

Source: FBI Supplementary Homicide Reports, US Census. Note: Not all agencies submit supplementary homicide data for each year.

This is the whopper I was talking about:

Given that AA also commit violent crimes at a multiplier much higher than that, your statistic is effectively meaningless. Statistically, AA who commit crimes are killed at a LOWER RATE than whites who commit crimes.

Murder rates in the ghetto are high. That has not changed.
Once again, the study is incomplete, misleading and inaccurate.

According to the State of Maryland crime statistics, blacks made up for 62% of the drug violation arrests in the state. The percentage of the population that is black in the state is 27%. Thus, I can't reconcile the study's claim that in 'many jurisdictions blacks are less likely to be found with drugs than whites' when from a state perspective it is completely lopsided. Downloads/Crime in Maryland 2013UCR.pdf

The study also does not discuss as to why they were possibly pulled over. It could be for moving violations, not having a registration sticker on their license plate, having a taillight out, etc. It also doesn't include as to why they could possibly be pulled over such as 68% of weapons charges (illegal guns, possession, etc) come from blacks in Maryland.

That could certainly prompt a police officer to decide to ask if they can search the vehicle.


not when they are 4 times more likely to be stopped its not.
Once again, the study is incomplete, misleading and inaccurate.

According to the State of Maryland crime statistics, blacks made up for 62% of the drug violation arrests in the state. The percentage of the population that is black in the state is 27%. Thus, I can't reconcile the study's claim that in 'many jurisdictions blacks are less likely to be found with drugs than whites' when from a state perspective it is completely lopsided. Downloads/Crime in Maryland 2013UCR.pdf

The study also does not discuss as to why they were possibly pulled over. It could be for moving violations, not having a registration sticker on their license plate, having a taillight out, etc. It also doesn't include as to why they could possibly be pulled over such as 68% of weapons charges (illegal guns, possession, etc) come from blacks in Maryland.

That could certainly prompt a police officer to decide to ask if they can search the vehicle.

LOL! Right. You don't even know the source of the study I posted, but it's "misleading" and "inaccurate."

Why would statistics on blacks being arrested more (a socio-economic issue) have ANYTHING to do with why they're being pulled over by cops more? That's what racial profiling IS.

Your speculation that blacks may just be generally worse drivers or more likely to DESERVE to be pulled over is as overtly racist as it gets. You should be ashamed of yourself, but I know you're not.
This is the whopper I was talking about:

Murder rates in the ghetto are high. That has not changed.

I know you're a man of logic Fuzzy. The data speaks for itself. It's unsettling, but clearly shows the issue is more the astronomic crime rates among black population. Not racist police officers.

I was shocked when I investigated this a few years back, but the more data you find it seemingly gets worse.

There is definitely an epidemic of young black men being murdered, and it's at the hands of other young black men, not cops.

Gang violence turns inner cities into war zones.

Until social justice activists acknowledge this and begin to work towards a change in these communities, kids will continue to die and no change will take place
I know you're a man of logic Fuzzy. The data speaks for itself. It's unsettling, but clearly shows the issue is more the astronomic crime rates among black population. Not racist police officers.

I was shocked when I investigated this a few years back, but the more data you find it seemingly gets worse.

There is definitely an epidemic of young black men being murdered, and it's at the hands of other young black men, not cops.

Gang violence turns inner cities into war zones.

Until social justice activists acknowledge this and begin to work towards a change in these communities, kids will continue to die and no change will take place

Sure and given that logic I know that raw demographic stats without context are misleading. Once you normalize for socioeconomic factors those disparities go away.

Fact of the matter is that minorities are not only much more likely to be poor but they are much more likely to be caught in a cycle of poverty. Minorities don't scare me. Poor neighborhoods do though.
Therein lies the problem. They're protesting something that is unfounded and it's now more likely to reach the other end of the spectrum. And it's making a harmful accusation that is based on nothing.

The vast majority of people that are against the anthem protests are also against racial inequality and police brutality. But they know that exists on a small level if at any level at all.

On the other hand, those that blindly support these protests want us to believe that Mike Brown was unjustly murdered despite evidence to the contrary. We have posters here that have stated that because you resist arrest your life shouldn't be in danger as well as posters here complaining that law enforcement has different rights than everyday citizens do.

Every claim of 'racial inequality' has been completely invalid as most of them are with regards to institutional racism that occurred over 40 years ago. Thus by these bogus protests we are seeing people that are now wanting to institute things against white people that violate our rights and are unequal based on the color of a person's skin. Much like the chapter president of a BLM group that claimed that white people should put black people in their will and give up their houses if they don't have a family or those that cry foul over 'cultural appropriation' and 'micro aggressions.'

Or the fact that it was perceived as 'okay' to condemn the White Nationalists for marching with torches in Charlottesville in their protest against the government for tearing down the Lee statue...but, it's not okay to show the same criticism to the NFL and its players for protesting the country.

Both groups have done the same thing...they have disrespected the country and I have no problem vigorously criticizing them for doing so.


I don't pay much attention to user names, but I've taken note of yours, and always found you to be a really thoughtful and intelligent poster. Extremely surprised at your take. Disappointing
The president did not come down harder on nfl players than white supremacists.

He simply refused to side with the anarchists and communists who marched against white supremacists. A sentiment I share, as both groups of people there were hateful anti-American zealots.

he absolutely did. irrefutably. and lol @ hateful anti-American zealots. jesus
LOL "if any level at all"???? Wow.

Yeah, racism in this country is just about dead. No such thing as racial profiling from police officers, and nobody ever gets harassed or beaten by cops for being black.

The epitome of white privilege.

dude let it go. systemic racism is a thing of the past. Apparently 40 years ago.
Stupid President. Stupid Electorate.

You're in the land of the free and the home of the stupid. We elected a gameshow host to run the free world. It's not stupid, it's fact.
Many of us voted for the only candidate we felt was possible. A game show host or another Clinton liar. Tough call.
Sure and given that logic I know that raw demographic stats without context are misleading. Once you normalize for socioeconomic factors those disparities go away.

Fact of the matter is that minorities are not only much more likely to be poor but they are much more likely to be caught in a cycle of poverty. Minorities don't scare me. Poor neighborhoods do though.

For sure, the issue is there's a much larger proportion of the black population that lives in impoverished areas than their white counterparts.

That's a huge issue in America, and one I fully support in trying to rectify. I don't know what motivations someone could have to want to keep people in poverty.

But that's a different argument.

What this anthem protest is about is the perceived 'epidemic' of cops shooting black men. But when you standardize for crime rates, a white criminal is actually more likely to be shot.

It's simply the result of an alarming disparity in violent crime within black populations. That's the issue, not racist cops. The cops are going to respond to where violent crime happens. Shootings are rare, but will always be a possibility in those situations. Unfortunately, it's more often than not an impoverished black community where these violent crimes occur.

That's the issue many people have with the movement. It's wrongly focusing on cops, and not paying any mind to the poverty and crime epidemic in black communities that's without a doubt the key factor. Diverting resources and attention from that issue accomplishes little.
I guarantee many will have regrets. Once you show disrespect to the flag, our servicemen, and our country, you can't take it back. That's one of my main issues with these players. They say they don't mean any disrespect but then they do the most disrespectful thing you can do. Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Should we let racists off the hook if they preface their hate with "I don't mean to be racist but..."?

no. we should stop allowing perception to dictate intent, or conflating divergent issues.
I responded with clear-cut examples of racial profiling backed up by statistics.

No reply? LOL. Your silence is deafening. Glad you learned something.

there are so many much more fitting and substantive examples though. it's just a fools errand to even provide them.
The irony is just so rich that this guy talks about drilling down into data, and yet is completely naïve to systemic/institutionalized racism? it's laughable. well... I don't know if cryable is a word lol

I'm just glad that my son is fair skinned
Unarmed African Americans being killed by the police. Please do unplug if it hurts your feelings.
It's all personal perspective and values. Police in many areas, White and black, need to be retrained. However, I'd love to have seen players take the kickoff or first snap, have both teams lock arms together or kneel, any form of protest to make a statement. There are many powerful options that might make the point in front of a national audience without tying it to the flag, the anthem, or any symbol of freedom and generations who have given their lives for what those symbols represent. I fear this particular protest divides much more than it unifies, creates more misunderstanding than getting the point across.

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