Fisher: Schottenheimer over Deion is Stephen's idea

And again I would argue that if Stephen would hire a GM that same common sense would prevent him from acting as the Director of Personnel all these years.

Why would he suddenly realize he's not qualified?

It's not happening.

They may not even get middling results with his approach though-which Jerry was capable of. This could be worse than the Campo era. That type of failure is something neither have dealt with except early Jimmy years.

And that shakes anyone up-even the most stubborn of idiots. I think the complete rebuild is quickly approaching-though not voluntarily.
Only if you want it to be. Deion isn't worth getting worked up for. Most around here laughed and mocked the Deion idea, now they're upset. Lol!
Ahh yes, the old "stop crying before I give you something to cry about" school of business management.
So there you go. You have Stephen and Dak tag teaming Jerry into making this decision. That's the reality of what's going on here.
If Fisher says so, it must be true. I'm sure Dak didn't want McCarthy or either Detroit coach or Deon; he probably wanted Schottenheimer all along, that sneaky bum. :)
Only if you want it to be. Deion isn't worth getting worked up for. Most around here laughed and mocked the Deion idea, now they're upset. Lol!
yeah that's how poorly schotty is viewed as a hc candidate.
He’s El Cheapo. He’s still to this day brings up Branden Carr…..that contract was only 50 million! Lol. The guy never missed a game….
I get the Carr lament b/c he never lived up to his contract. 50M made Carr one of the highest paid DBs in the league and he was never elite. I don't even think he made a pro bowl in Dallas. He was solid but we overpaid for him.

That is no excuse to throw in the towel and give up on free agency when Philly and Washington are lapping us in the talent acquisition department.
It is....but, do we actually know he'll be horrible, or is it because JJ is talking to him?
of course not. can't predict the future, but we have more than enough information to form an opinion. he's uninspiring at absolute best. think we'd be lucky to achieve status quo with him at the helm, and lord knows that's not what we need or want.
....Stephen might be onto something. Realizing Deion is all glitz and hyperbole.

Shotty might be what this team needs. Down to earth player, who can offer Grit the team needs.

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