Florio: Dak to skip Cowboys' virtual offseason

Little Jr

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There's a big difference between now and 2008. The league cannot play games right now, so it has very little income. The chances of a full season with full revenues is very slim.
That comment wasnt about this year specific. It was about someone saying this year is why you cant look at future years of the cap because you never know. That not true. In the 26 year of the cap, teams could look at future years in the cap and determine what it would be. You cant take this one year and say this is why you cant look at future cap years and determine what it will be. This year isnt a rule, its and exception and a really big one at that. Teams cant go into contract talks and say, well we might have a world pandemic 2 years from now so we have to take that into consideration. Just not logical. But as of right now, the cap will be affected by what is going on. Again, my comment was for someone who said THIS is why you cant look at future cap. I say 1 time in 26 years shows you can look at future cap and determine what it will be


"We Are Penn State"
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Sign Cam and be done with it. Let Miami have money hungry Prescott.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Dak doesn't have a contract.......nice try Florio

He doesn’t have a contract but he is locked up on the franchise tag and with a new head coach and system he needs to participate. With the kind of money he’s looking for the last thing he can afford is a down year. He needs to be well prepared unless he plans on sitting out the season and losing $31M.


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Fair points . Am just wondering the cost / benefit analysis with Dak . Demanding 35+ mil for 4 + years . Seems as a big risk with an average QB whom we don’t think can lead this team to a super bowl .

I am stuck on Dak's potentiality whether he can become post season dominant or elite. I think the latest offer and contractual years is a generous and fair one. And if we have an NFL season I would be quite excited about what this almost completely turned over coaching staff can do not only for Prescott but other key players and our 3 units. Never have I seen the level of dysfunction in a Cowboys coaching staff across all units as in 2019 with Moore possibly being the only exception. And it likely is not all on that coaching staff but general management/ownership as well. I guess blaming whomever or lamenting about it won't do any of us any good. Keep your fingers crossed that this coaching staff led by Mike McCarthy will bring this team to another level.


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Who is the "we"? Apparently the Cowboys think Dak can lead the team to the super bowl, therefore this isn't a logical argument for them. Fans are mixed on it, but clearly some fans think Dak can QB as SB winning team, so even among fans this logic only applies to a certain %.

Of course, we really don't know what Dak is "demanding", but $35 million/year for 4 years seems at least in the ballpark of where the market for QBs at Dak's level is trending.
“We” was meant the fans . Obviously some think Dak is better than others. Jerry either believes Dak is a super bowl caliber QB or he is just keen on keeping the bus driver he has and hope the team with its new coach and new players can carry the cowboys to a super bowl . I have never seen such a mediocre QB generate so much controversy for so long . I think this would not have been an issue if Dak took a team friendly deal .


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I am stuck on Dak's potentiality whether he can become post season dominant or elite. I think the latest offer and contractual years is a generous and fair one. And if we have an NFL season I would be quite excited about what this almost completely turned over coaching staff can do not only for Prescott but other key players and our 3 units. Never have I seen the level of dysfunction in a Cowboys coaching staff across all units as in 2019 with Moore possibly being the only exception. And it likely is not all on that coaching staff but general management/ownership as well. I guess blaming whomever or lamenting about it won't do any of us any good. Keep your fingers crossed that this coaching staff led by Mike McCarthy will bring this team to another level.
Absolutely true . If Dak is the QB , I believe it will be on MM and staff to steer the team to the playoffs/ super bowl . I just hope Dak’s deal does not kill all the cap space needed to fix the defense and other parts .


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Exactly...……..a lot of posters here seem to think that if you tag a player, he is under contract to you.


The tag simply keeps Dak from negotiating with another team, that is it. And Dak has decided not to sign the tag yet, which is his right under the CBA, and thus he is considered without a contract. He currently is NOT a member of the Dallas Cowboys.

So all these posts that the team needs to trade him to Cinci or some other wasteland team "to teach him a lesson" are laughable. You cannot trade a player that is not under contract to your team. You cannot fine a player for missing meetings, OTAs, training camp, even preseason games if they are not under contract.

Dak is currently NOT a member of the Dallas Cowboys, they just have his rights but he is not contractually obligated to Dallas in any way.
But they can make him sit out a year, be an expensive dirty trick. I've lost a lot of respect for Dak because of this contract crap.


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There's a big difference between now and 2008. The league cannot play games right now, so it has very little income. The chances of a full season with full revenues is very slim.

Plus it's quite possible they could be playing with no fans in the stands.


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That sword cuts both ways Beast, if he's not contractually obligated to Dallas, then Dallas is not contractually obligated to Dak. No work, no contract, no paycheck. And he can't go anywhere else.
If I was the Dallas Cowboys right now, I'd start interviewing QBs for the draft, see if we could draft a QB that wants to work.
See if Dak wakes up.
Ask him if he wants to be the starter or the backup. :muttley:

That's true my friend, Dallas is not contractually obligated to Dak either. However, here is the kicker. The entire franchise tag amount of $32 million counts on Dallas's cap, RIGHT NOW.

Doesn't matter if Dak has not signed the tender or not, the full amount counts on the cap. So yeah, Dallas is not paying Dak a single penny right now, but they have $32 million less to work with.


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So basically if Dallas wants to trade him, Dak has to agree he will sign the tender for the trade to occur.

Exactly...…………..that's 100% correct.

Dak would have to sign the tender or just agree to a new contract with the team trading for him for that to occur. obviously all worked out pre-trade.

You cant just trade Dak to Cinci "to teach him a lesson" as another poster said, the CBA doesn't allow teams to do stuff like that.


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That's true my friend, Dallas is not contractually obligated to Dak either. However, here is the kicker. The entire franchise tag amount of $32 million counts on Dallas's cap, RIGHT NOW.

Doesn't matter if Dak has not signed the tender or not, the full amount counts on the cap. So yeah, Dallas is not paying Dak a single penny right now, but they have $32 million less to work with.

I asked about that earlier and somebody said there was no cap hit if he doesn't sign. :confused:
If they're already subjected to the cap hit, then it sounds like they painted themselves into a corner.
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total BS position player money and qb money are two different things. The QB is like an executive within the ranks. They are supposed to behave in a different way than the rest of the players. Dak is acting like a WR, not a QB. Its all good for me because I never thought he was worth the kind of money he is asking for. So go ahead and hold out Dak..... the front office is not caving on this and it makes me happy to not see the cap destroyed over a second tier qb.

You realize Dallas would gain tremendous cap room by signing Dak, right.

His entire franchise tag of $32 million is applied in full to this year's cap. Under a new contract, Dak's cap hit would not be anywhere near that much.

Now you might not think he is worth that much, but apparently Dallas does or else they could just pull the tag at any time. They also could have used the non-exclusive tag which is $27 million and saved $5 milllion......but again, they did not.

Now ask yourself why. See, this is what posters dont get. Nobody is forcing the Cowboys to pay Dak a single penny. If they think he is not worth what he is asking, why didnt they just let him walk like they did Byron Jones? And if media reports are to be believed, its not the money per year that Dallas is balking at, its the years. Dallas wants a 5-6 year deal and Dak wants a 3-4 year deal. That is the issue, not the money per year.


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I understand ever word you said and even though its the truth, Dak is not good enough to go down this path. Its full of stones and he doesn't have any shoes on.

Dallas can pull the tag at any time and instantly gain $32 million in cap space...………….at any time they can do this...…...but they have not.

So what does that tell you?


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I asked about that earlier and somebody said there was no cap hit if he doesn't sign. :confused:
If they're already subjected to the cap hit, then it sounds like they painted themselves into a corner.

The franchise tag for QBs has been adjusted, so that is the good news. Its not $32 million per year, its actually $28,728,536.

That is what Dak is currently counting against Dallas's salary cap right now...…...that's approximately 13.19% of the total cap.



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So from a team perspective always best to have a player signed under contract so that they can trade them at any point.


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It will be interesting if a contract or tender hasn't been signed before the draft. Dangerous game to play by Prescott because you never know how it will work out in the draft. I can see Tua dropping out of the top ten due to his injury history, if Hurts is available when the Cowboys pick in the second round will they pull the trigger?

Prescott wouldn't have an easy night that's for sure!


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Dallas can pull the tag at any time and instantly gain $32 million in cap space...………….at any time they can do this...…...but they have not.

So what does that tell you?

They dont need to pull the tag right now, so why would they. GM 101 says that you keep the rights to as many players as you possibly can - you only release a player if you have to. Doesnt cost us any money unsigned.


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Id rather lose and draft potential then be stuck with a player like Cousins.
Thats the thing! Dak and Cousins are just good enough to prevent a team from getting a top tier QB in the draft.