For all of the doubters and bandwagon jumpers


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I tried to explain that to him once and he told me that if you don’t like the product you’re not a fan of it.
Well some truth in that lol.
maybe we are not fans at the present, but we have been in the past.
I dont like the product, or how it is made, or how it is managed, but I want to like it , so I am hoping the product ,made,managed all changes soon,so then
I can like it again.


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...Stay off !!!! :angry:

The Dallas Cowboys don't need any fake fans! ✭

For starters let me apologize to all the fellow fans I criticized claiming the boys could beat the Rams, you were right I was wrong. Kudos.
But calling me a bandwagon fan.
Not today brother, not ever. I’ve stayed loyal to this team since the 70’s.
I’ve seen it all and yes I’ve seen them pull off some unexpected and thoroughly dominant wins and games like this one over those years.
Know what? Since 95 all those big wins and hope and promise ended the same way... in failure and a wait till next year attitude.

So pardon me if I say “hooray” but this team has done nothing yet because unless this team can replicate what we saw last night for the next several weeks, this win will also fade into a memory...

Great win! Absolutely!
Are they going to get into the championship game and win another SB?
Hell no!
Not this team and not with this coaching staff and Jerrah calling the shots.

I and many on this site have seen this before... the chest thumping and fist waving defiance to the football gods and the NFL. However, every time it’s always momentary and a glimpse of what could be...

Gone are the days when this team was expected to make the playoffs.
When death, taxes and the cowboys making the playoffs were seemingly the only constants.

Yes today’s NFL is not the same as the Game of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s and yes I stayed loyal watching them go 1-15.

However, I knew then that change was in the wind and better days were coming, because we all were given hope... not the last 20 years of the same old Jerrah speeches and @@@@ poor performances mainly because of one mans ego.

So enjoy this win and call me a bandwagon fan all you like, but get your self prepared for a dose of reality in the next several weeks.

Funny thing, for a “bandwagon fan”, I truly hope I am wrong and this will be the year but it takes more of what we saw yesterday, week in week out.

Simply put.... Consistency

Not strutting into the Linc next week thinking the Eagles are going to roll over simply because of one game.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You are why Jerry lives to screw up another day. Decade after decade.


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Well some truth in that lol.
maybe we are not fans at the present, but we have been in the past.
I dont like the product, or how it is made, or how it is managed, but I want to like it , so I am hoping the product ,made,managed all changes soon,so then
I can like it again.

However, you can hope for wins even if you think they'll lose. But liking a product, then deciding you don't like it and switch brands only to switch back when the product gets good again, THAT's bandwagoning. Sticking with that product through thick and thin, even if there are parts you dislike about to the opposite of for some fan police to claim otherwise? Ridiculous and unhelpful. Having doubts isn't bandwagoning. Some idiots need to learn that.

America's Cowboy

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However, you can hope for wins even if you think they'll lose. But liking a product, then deciding you don't like it and switch brands only to switch back when the product gets good again, THAT's bandwagoning. Sticking with that product through thick and thin, even if there are parts you dislike about to the opposite of for some fan police to claim otherwise? Ridiculous and unhelpful. Having doubts isn't bandwagoning. Some idiots need to learn that.
Read the title again, Monkey. "For doubters and bandwagon jumpers". Yes, they have a difference, BUT they have 1 thing in common about this team...they DON'T BELIEVE this team can win the division and make the playoffs. That is what this thread is addressing. For weeks now, many have given up on this team even though it still has a chance to reach the big dance.


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Read the title again, Monkey. "For doubters and bandwagoners". Yes, they have a difference, BUT they have 1 thing in common about this team...they DON'T BELIEVE this team can win the division and make the playoffs. That is what this thread is addressing. For weeks now, many have given up on this team even though it still has a chance to reach the big dance.

Doubters are doubters for a reason. Their doubt doesn't exist in a vacuum, man. :) Then again, a lot of the doubters know this team can beat anyone, if they decide to show and play. The problem is that they often don''s that bipolar Cowboys issues. Which Cowboys will show. When it matters most, usually the bad Cowboys decide to show. This game, while important and a good start, wasn't as important as next week's. Hopefully the Cowboys from this game show next week...and the following week. Why blame guys for doubting the Cowboys when the Cowboys have let us all down time and again? It's one thing to get beat by a better team, but often it's because the Cowboys just don't seem to be ready or willing to put it all out there.

Doubters are doubters because they pour their love and passion into the team only to have the team play like they did for the 3 games before the Rams game. If the Cowboys played like they did against the Rams but lost to teams by getting outplayed, that's a different scenario than the losses we've seen.

I think you're referring more to the doubters that are saying that they want the Cowboys to lose out? All you're seeing is them calling for the Cowboys to lose without giving a thought to WHY they want them to lose out.... to institute change.. to try to force Jerry's hand in making some changes...for the good of the team in the long-term at the cost of what they believe is a failed season now. There's justification for why they think it's a failed season.

All that being said, I hope the Cowboys win out. I hope they make it to and win the SB...but I don't believe this coaching staff is capable of winning deep into the playoffs. I think it will fail this team time and again....doesn't mean I don't hope they win though.


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showing you've been here, they talk big crap all week then hide when good things happen, go find your hole and crawl back in it
Talking about yourself again chief. Some of us know this team and aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. Some of you like to delude yourself into thinking it's more than it is. I ain't gonna go anywhere.

You,AC,and rockport. Wave your pompoms. And try call us prudent fans out.

When we lose and we will. You're just gonna go find more excuses as to way you keep on believing this team will win it all.


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As a diehard loyal Cowboy fan Im gonna sit back and enjoy this win. I still have my doubts about this team but im taking this week off from criticizing this team.


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I criticize them, too, when they do wrong, but I don't give up on them or jump off their bandwagon like you and so many have done when there still is a chance to win the division and make the playoffs. You negative Nancies jumped off weeks ago. That's the differ.

lol what bandwagon are you speaking of?? You do realize bandwagons are created when teams win the Super Bowl??? Tell me the last time this team has one the super bowl? And yet negative Nancy’s like myself as you claim are still here week after week. I’m happy they won yesterday and at the same time pissed because we all know they have that type of football in them and yet here they are 7-7. And just because I don’t believe that this coach can bring this team anywhere is not being negative. I’m going by 14 games this year and 9 years as proof. Doesn’t mean I stop rooting for this team I just don’t believe Garrett is going to get anything done. If that’s being a band wagon jumper to you then I could care less what you think.


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One game changes the trajectory of the entire season. Hahahaha.

What's funny is the OP was even throwing his hands up as this team spit the bit the last few weeks, but now he's back on board.

LOL. Dork.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The way this team has played the last month ......... Only an idiot would not be a doubter.

I still do not have faith this coaching staff can do what needs to be done week end and week out.


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However, you can hope for wins even if you think they'll lose. But liking a product, then deciding you don't like it and switch brands only to switch back when the product gets good again, THAT's bandwagoning. Sticking with that product through thick and thin, even if there are parts you dislike about to the opposite of for some fan police to claim otherwise? Ridiculous and unhelpful. Having doubts isn't bandwagoning. Some idiots need to learn that.
That is a good counterpoint ! I agree, as I dont like the product, yet I stick with it . Or I like the basic product, just want it to change to be more like it was in the past.