For all the criticism Dak Prescott gets


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Go ask Eagirls fans who actually watch him play and then back what they say up with stats. Otherwise your opinion is invalid. You barely even watch Dak play. Can’t even trust your opinion on him.

This isn't an argument - it's like hopping in here and asking for your eye test on Dak. Bias is there. I'm going with 3 unbiased sites that look deep into the data and even give context.

Wentz beat Dak when it comes to individual performance. "Go ask anonymous users on the internet" is not an argument.

You lose as always. NEXT!


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Yet despite what you say he has been to the pro bowl twice in his first 3 years, won rookie of the year, made the playoffs twice and never had a losing season. So the facts would indicate that your side of the argument is overly exaggerated and the pro Dak fans are more on par with reality.
- First pro bowl yes (some would say one year wonder due to Zeke) second come on even you should not acknowledge it. You need the reality check
All you can really say about the kid is that he has missed some wide open receivers and has struggled at times with his pocket awareness and getting rid of the ball.
-So you agree he has big problems but then like Dak blind fanatics you go and make excuses for him (point of my original post) and attack someone who disagrees with your view.
The former you could say about any QB in the NFL -Not for 6 to 10 game stretch's and keep his starting job and the later about most young QB's that come into this league.- It's not said about great young QB's going into their 4th year.starting-
. Yet you use them as a rallying cry for your hatred. It simply shows a lack of understanding about the QB position and maturation of young QB's in the NFL.
I do not and did not say anything hateful about Dak and if saying Dak is a average QB is hateful then you have a problem. You seem to have a total lack of understanding of the QB position. Dak has kept his starting job because of a conscious decision of the front office not to have a open QB competition (Dak's job by default)
You cant attack his leadership,never did but that doesn't by it self win championships chemistry with his players you or I know nothing about his chemistry with other players, toughness You will be the first to call the coaches stupid when he gets hurt on a run you say he should do so much more as a duel threat QB it will be added to the litany of excuses you already make , work ethic you and I know nothing of his work ethic but we do know he likes the clubs and toys, dual threat capabilities
-another excuse waiting for you already covered
and his accuracy Yet you said and agree he has accuracy problems what gives. You have no problem with his accuracy being substandard for you it's part of his magical game.
and QB skills down the stretch in clutch moments if you have trouble scoring in the first 3 quarters down the stretch becomes common place and is really sad . The kid rises to the occasion and has led the league in 4th quarter and OT comebacks since he has entered the NFL most. Which in reality is the most important stat.
Really, all you are left to babble again sad attack about is some errant passes and need for improved mechanics . who needs correct mechanics and accuracy when you have so much more to offer Nothing but bitter fodder from a Dak hating troll it is too bad you can not see Dak for what he is and not what your fantasy wants to make him, .
Having a view that doesn't agree with your fantasy doesn't make Dak great. Can he become great no one knows but to this point(3 full years as a starter) there is nothing to say he will be other than what he was in college, average. Hopefully he will improve as at this point the FO has backed themselves into a corner and average is better that QB hell this team has seen before. Take off those blind love glasses and look at Dak with all his faults, stop blaming everyone else but Dak for his short comings. Maybe he will actually work hard this off season and show much improvement, You have anointed Dak's greatness I for one need to be shown it and at this point the jury is still out. I feel really sorry for you , wishing Dak is great will not make it so and at some point unless Dak changes dramatically you will understand this. I for one hope he can improve but after 3 years I have my justifiable doubts.


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Go to 1:23 in this video.

HOF Troy Aikman even admitted this is a very poor throw and “more times than not that be will be intercepted”.

Ironically, Dak did the same exact thing when we played the Seahawks in week 3.

Dez did play poorly, but to say a receiver that touches the ball 3 times and thrown to 6, was the main reason we lost is asinine and proves exactly what I mean about Dak stans.

When the team wins, Dak led the teams to those wins (“Omg look at how many wins he has in 3 seasons!!!”), but when the team loses, its always someone else’s fault.

thanks for the post, what I do not understand is blind support of any one on the team, I do not know any fans that would not love for Dak to be great, but point out any fault you become a hater or worse. Dak has had some great throws but what many seem blinded too is the great number of poorly thrown, misjudged inaccurate throws he does throw with regularity. With me I really detest it when if the team wins it only due to Dak, when they loose it is everyone's fault from the coaches to the lack of skills of every other player. The mind set of those who blindly adore Dak will not change and they are entitled to that view. Those who view the total package Dak brings to the table understand the game and what is needed to be a champion.

America's Cowboy

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I never said there weren’t mistakes, did I? You’re a joke. People like you, who put words in others mouths and completely make things up should be banned. BTW, get a new name/avatar, you’re a disgrace.
Ban yourself. You're the one with the personal attacks, which is against forum rules. I'm simply stating facts which you obviously can't handle.

I was hoping to talk football. Looks like you're just here to be a cheerleader only for those you like and a basher for those you don't. Meh.

America's Cowboy

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Can you admit that at times he misses badly, really badly? He puts the ball a yard behind or in the ground or a foot above the hands of an open receiver. I admit that he also has some really nice throws into tight windows. He has the physical ability. I'm sticking with my belief that it is mental thing and he should be working with a Sports Psychologist.
I agree wholeheartedly. No argument here. Yes, Dak can improve on some of his bad throws, you know the kinds that all QBs make from time to time. But overall, he's done a pretty good job considering the circumstances. No room for relaxing. Dak needs to keep improving.


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Haven't people realized by now that his worst year (his 2nd), he had one of the worst receiving units in the NFL? An aging Jason Witten, a washed out Dez Bryant, decent Terrence Williams, Cole Beasley, Brice Butler, and Noah Brown. One of the most weaksauce receiving units I can think of. That list of names has no flash at all.

It shouldn't be any surprise why his sophomore campaign was a failure. The majority of the criticism he gets is for his 2nd year (or that 16 game streak from Atlanta 2017 game 9 through Tennessee 2018 game 8). After the Cooper trade, he starts putting up highlights and has his team back in good looking shape. I'm just really shocked Cowboys fans don't seem to recognize what clearly dragged us down in '17.....

I haven't used the term weaksauce in awhile! Forgot about it! Thanks for the reminder. :laugh:

Back to topic, my opinion of Dak has seemed to waver a bit over the last 2 seasons. I don't hate on the guy, and well, we certainly didn't do him any favors with lack of weapons for a stretch. Not to mention the Oline was a rotating circus last season. All points covered well in this thread already. I would like to see a healthy, solid Oline with all our offensive weapons for a season and see how he does. He is talented and is helluva an athlete but he does have some things to work on. Certainly he can grow into the position.


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Having a view that doesn't agree with your fantasy doesn't make Dak great. Can he become great no one knows but to this point(3 full years as a starter) there is nothing to say he will be other than what he was in college, average. Hopefully he will improve as at this point the FO has backed themselves into a corner and average is better that QB hell this team has seen before. Take off those blind love glasses and look at Dak with all his faults, stop blaming everyone else but Dak for his short comings. Maybe he will actually work hard this off season and show much improvement, You have anointed Dak's greatness I for one need to be shown it and at this point the jury is still out. I feel really sorry for you , wishing Dak is great will not make it so and at some point unless Dak changes dramatically you will understand this. I for one hope he can improve but after 3 years I have my justifiable doubts.

Ill Ive said about Dak is he is a great YOUNG QB that we are lucky to have found in the 4th round. There are things he is ALREADY GREAT at. Other things he needs to work on. Par for the course for most young QB's.

The ONLY doubt you should have about Dak after his incredible first 3 years is how good can he really be? How much more will he improve in the pocket.

Its VERY VERY easy for someone like me to see that he will get much better in that regard. Its also VERY VERY easy for me to see he will never be a Tom Brady or even a Romo on a regular basis as a pocket passer.


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Ban yourself. You're the one with the personal attacks, which is against forum rules. I'm simply stating facts which you obviously can't handle.

I was hoping to talk football. Looks like you're just here to be a cheerleader only for those you like and a basher for those you don't. Meh.
I didn’t realize your opinions of every player were so unbiased. Lol, calling me a cheerleader?! You might want to think twice about calling out other people for “cheerleading” before you make your love affair with Romo public.


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This isn't an argument - it's like hopping in here and asking for your eye test on Dak. Bias is there. I'm going with 3 unbiased sites that look deep into the data and even give context.

Wentz beat Dak when it comes to individual performance. "Go ask anonymous users on the internet" is not an argument.

You lose as always. NEXT!
I told you to ask people who actually watch him play. You are disagreeing with the eye test because or some bias think a Eagirls fan would have with their own player.


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I told you to ask people who actually watch him play. You are disagreeing with the eye test because or some bias think a Eagirls fan would have with their own player.

Those...are still anonymous people on the internet. I am linking you to a site made up of people who do this stuff for a living - thus, the bias is left at the door.

Everyone on this forum watching Dak play every week during the football season, yet there are various opinions on him. Why? Because of biases and people who lack understanding of the game. It's absolutely no difference with Eagles fans or football fans in general.

I cited sources, you're telling me to go talk to random anonymous Eagles fans. Do better, this ain't it chief.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
thanks for the post, what I do not understand is blind support of any one on the team, I do not know any fans that would not love for Dak to be great, but point out any fault you become a hater or worse. Dak has had some great throws but what many seem blinded too is the great number of poorly thrown, misjudged inaccurate throws he does throw with regularity. With me I really detest it when if the team wins it only due to Dak, when they loose it is everyone's fault from the coaches to the lack of skills of every other player. The mind set of those who blindly adore Dak will not change and they are entitled to that view. Those who view the total package Dak brings to the table understand the game and what is needed to be a champion.
Well stated, I don't know why sides have to be chosen just as it was with Romo and any post someone makes puts them in one of the camps.

We could do better than Dak and we could do worse and I do not think Staubach or Aikman were the best QB's in the league when they played but their teams were among the best and I think Dak is capable of that. When we talk about game managers and QB's that executed the offense, isn't that Aikman? Put the same talent around Prescott and let's see what he can do.


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Ill Ive said about Dak is he is a great YOUNG QB that we are lucky to have found in the 4th round. There are things he is ALREADY GREAT at. Other things he needs to work on. Par for the course for most young QB's.

The ONLY doubt you should have about Dak after his incredible first 3 years is how good can he really be? How much more will he improve in the pocket.

Its VERY VERY easy for someone like me to see that he will get much better in that regard. Its also VERY VERY easy for me to see he will never be a Tom Brady or even a Romo on a regular basis as a pocket passer.
We are very lucky to find him in the 4 the round and he is a bargain at his current salary. But are you ok if he gets 128 mil and we can't keep Jaylon Smith and Awuzie and lose one oline players and Zeke is gone.


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It's almost like clockwork when an NFL QB finally gets his big payday the rest of the team begins to erode! It would be one thing if I thought Dak could make up the difference by making players around him better but he doesnt do that.


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Well stated, I don't know why sides have to be chosen just as it was with Romo and any post someone makes puts them in one of the camps.

We could do better than Dak and we could do worse and I do not think Staubach or Aikman were the best QB's in the league when they played but their teams were among the best and I think Dak is capable of that. When we talk about game managers and QB's that executed the offense, isn't that Aikman? Put the same talent around Prescott and let's see what he can do.
Dak’s skill set is not in the same universe as Staubach and Aikmam.


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It's almost like clockwork when an NFL QB finally gets his big payday the rest of the team begins to erode! It would be one thing if I thought Dak could make up the difference by making players around him better but he doesnt do that.

I understand the concern

That being said, I don’t think it’s an absolute that teams erode simply because a QB signs a big contract.

There are plenty of teams that have been good in recent history that had a highly paid QB too.


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Well stated, I don't know why sides have to be chosen just as it was with Romo and any post someone makes puts them in one of the camps.

We could do better than Dak and we could do worse and I do not think Staubach or Aikman were the best QB's in the league when they played but their teams were among the best and I think Dak is capable of that. When we talk about game managers and QB's that executed the offense, isn't that Aikman? Put the same talent around Prescott and let's see what he can do.
Should be a good season to watch and a lot of answers should be addressed, A lot of talent on the team now, no excuses, it will be a make or break year for Dak, great viewing and a lot of answers should be answered..


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He looked alot better once Cooper got here. I still would like him to take that next level in which he can consistently lead his receivers going downfield at whatever angle. He flashed some year. We need to see more pinpoint and accurate in traffic throws consistently before I'd be willing to put him north of 23 mill. I will say I love his competitiveness and I can see he has put in alot of work, the problem is so are the coaches and players on the other teams. I dont remember what qb said they work on a different throw or way to deliver a throw every offseason . Dak needs to work on throws he doesnt like or no one feels he will throw. That's how you become great. Dak showed alot in that win vs the giants in week17 and the playoffs. I felt if we got that ball back from the rams he would have came back and scored another TD and 2 point conversion. Hes very good but I want him to be great. I've watched Russell Wilson grow year ro year from QB qho wasnt very accurate to a qb you fear . I say that because I've heard that saying you either got it or you dont, but if you put in the work and know your limits you can be great and your stats dont have to be the best in the league. I feel dak can. Be the engine of this team if he puts in some more hard work. Zeke is the engine now but Dak I feel is on his way


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I was against paying DLAW more than 20.5 but the more you look at what he has done and he has gotten better I think I'd give him 21.5 to 22. That's more than meeting in the middle. He is an awesome player. We need to see the results of the surgery too.