That would be ideal, but doesn't this make the sample size too small?
Pick a range you feel comfortable with:
Since 2016
W-L of teams whose QB had a...
94-96 passer rating: 25-6 (13-3)
93-97 passer rating: 46-20 (11-5)
92-98 passer rating: 69-35-2 (11-5)
91-99 passer rating: 83-52-2 (10-6)
90-100 passer rating: 96-67-2 (9-7)
The numbers in parentheses are the equivalent of a full season's W-L record. The bigger the sample, the bigger the range, so the less it tells you about how a 95.4 rating usually performs.
The one in bold includes over a hundred games.