Twitter: For fans concerned about Dak passing under 200 yards

They are not true Cowboy fans . They are not concerned . They are the tribe of butt hurt Romos just trying to minimize everything Dak accomplishes.
A bitter miserable group that we will have to deal with for the foreseeable future . No matter what amount of success Dak ever helps this team achieve it will never be enough .
No point was proven at all. One who said it wasn't a team game? Two said they couldn't win at all despite having 200? The point was that isn't the norm for winning. My friend won the lottery for 5million about a decade ago but just because he did does that mean that's the best way to become a millionaire. We can all point out outliers but there is usually a certain way of doing things for a reason.
The words 200 yards will not win you play off games were written. And this is a thread about one player named in the title of it.
I have no doubt the numbers are accurate but I am interested in the criteria selection. For example, why the range of 6.2 to 6.4 ypa?

Why not just include all performances above 6.2 meeting the other criteria? Does that affect the numbers?
Massaging the numbers.
Find me a single QB who has a higher QB rating in games lost than Tony Romo.

Don't worry, I'll wait.
Romo always had superior receivers "a young Dez" "a young Witten". Explain what what Prescott has? I'm not defending Prescott, I just want to know your answer.
BTW this from our own Cowboy Zone poster to Bob Sturm?

All I ask is that people actually thonk this through.
Talk about a stretch

Two observations
1). So in nearly 6200 games since 2005, there have only been 27 games were that absolutey random and unimaginably rare situation occurred.

Less than 1/2 of 1%
Think about it...maybe once every 12-13 seasons each NFL team does this. Once in 12 years.

But hey, that .oo4 sample size means something!

2) So in week one, if we had attempted two less incomplete passes (getting us to 6.2 ypa, the chances were 27 to 1 that win! Come on
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Eh this is bogus. I don't like when people get emotional and don't tell the whole story. He hit one big play on like the 2/3rd play of the game and after that all the other deep balls weren't close iirc. That's not the same as he was killing it throwing it deep and sure as heck hasn't been the norm recently. I wish folks would realize that but I understand some feel their little man Dak is under attack and have to rush to his defense.

He is Alex Smith a decent qb but SB qb I seriously doubt it. Obviously hope I'm wrong.

Why not? Joe Flacco, Jim McMahon, Brad Johnson, Doug Williams, etc.—they did.
low passing yards dont bother me.
vs carolina it was accuracy problems,holding onto the ball too long and delay of game.

saw much improvement sunday night.
I can live with low passing yds as long as we win.
Romo always had superior receivers "a young Dez" "a young Witten". Explain what what Prescott has? I'm not defending Prescott, I just want to know your answer.

Romo always made his WRs better, Prescott has not. Prescott had the same receivers and they all suddenly became worse players? I find it hard to believe. Romo made the likes of Laurent Robinson and Patrick Crayton near pro bowl caliber players at points. Dak is out there struggling to consistently score touchdowns every game...
low passing yards dont bother me.
vs carolina it was accuracy problems,holding onto the ball too long and delay of game.

saw much improvement sunday night.
I can live with low passing yds as long as we win.

There is a causation relationship here. His poor accuracy leads to less yards, particularly when he is afraid of going downfield with less than perfect circumstances.
There are QBs who had better stats for yardage and TDs on Sunday over Dak and they still lost the game. Sure Dak has to still work on improving his game. But, I'll still take a under a 200 yard game and a win every single time. :thumbup:
I don't care what Sturm or the Calculator Kid have to say. When a QB throws for 96 yards over 58 minutes that player sucks.

They will try to decieve you with numbers that can be manipulated any way you wish. Trust what you see. He can't play. He's a QB who can't throw the football.

15/25 for 96 yards and no TDs after the bomb to Austin. In a game that desperately needed someone to make a play on offense. You only win games that way if you're facing a terrible opponent or your defense balls out or both.

It is absolute fansanity to watch that performance on Sunday night and think the QB played well or efficient or whatever other BS term you want to attach to it. He sucked. As a thrower of the football.
Romo always made his WRs better, Prescott has not. Prescott had the same receivers and they all suddenly became worse players? I find it hard to believe. Romo made the likes of Laurent Robinson and Patrick Crayton near pro bowl caliber players at points. Dak is out there struggling to consistently score touchdowns every game...
The thing I miss the most. Don't forget miles Austin. Romo knew how to read a defense. Even though at times he got suckered. Dak has a ways to go still pre snap and sometimes post snap.
I'm just concerned about consistency and being able to score. If we can't score more than two-three times in a game, we will lose. 10 points, 13 points won't win most games. Can we score 20 points a game? Can we average 22-25 points a game? If not, we won't win.

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