For my wife

Sorry I missed this early ---God Bless and be with You
I add my condolences. I am very sorry for your loss. I say this to you, all of your wifes friends and your collective Family.
Just keep hanging in there and taking it one day at a time. And thanks for sharing that story.
I also missed this thread...I wish you less hurt as soon as possible for it will never truly go away ...the hurt I mean but in time it will lessen.
Drae, glad you are doing better. We know you are going to hurt for a while. Just know many of us here care.
beautiful story...thanks for sharing.

hang in there bro..
"They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies."

Thoughts and prayers man.
Hostile;4271601 said:
Drae, glad you are doing better. We know you are going to hurt for a while. Just know many of us here care.

It warms my heart the way that posters from all spectrums, even some antagonists, have come together to try to offer Draeger support... I hope he has found some small measure of comfort from our words, inadequate though they may be in this situation...

You're part of our family, Draegerman, and we care... we also feel your anguish, though of course not on the same level you do... may God move to ease your breaking heart...
Draegerman;4270971 said:
I just wanted to thank all of you for the kind words...they comfort (believe me). I had to go away for a few days to the hospital because I had literally lost my mind. I was raging against the world and I took it out on some of you and for that...I'm truly sorry. But I'm feeling better now as I'm slowly moving forward with my life.

I wanted to share one thing with you about my wife and why I posted that particular video. When I first met her after the invasion, I noticed this statuesque, sophisticated beautiful woman who was way out of my league.

She was also 15 years my senior.

I was a lowly private in the 82nd Airborne and was ordered to chop down some of the jungle behing our bunker for better fields of vision. Her house was on the other side and when she saw me whacking away with a cutlass, she came over to show me how to do it correctly. She was a master with the blade...and I fell in love with her instantly.

So we had a bit of a fling for a while until my command found out about it and then they ordered me to stay away from her (her ex-husband was part of the ministry that ran the host nation goverment), so they didn't want an international incident.

So I would sneak out to see her.

And then I got caught.

And then I was relocated to the other side of the island to be removed as far away from her as possible.

My buddies knew how much my heart was broken to be forced away from her and they tried to console me...but I was inconsolable. I missed that woman something terrible.

Then we had to go on a mission and I got hurt. It was my eyes that got some shrapnel in them and they had to get me out of there asap. It wasn't life threatening but they did have to wrap both of my eyes in bandages so I couldn't see. My buddy was ordered to drive me to Point Saline airfield so I could be medevac'ed back to the states.

I knew that I would never see her again.

Then he made a quick stop along the route and said he wanted to get something to drink and asked me if I'd be okay. I told him it was cool and that I'd be alright.

I must have waited out there for what seemed like 30 minutes. I was blind, alone and feeling sorry for myself because I lost the woman I love.

Then, in the darkness, I felt her hand brush across mine.

And my life changed forever.

I hugged and kissed her and asked her to wait for me. I told her that I would find her again.

That was over 28 years ago and two beautiful grown sons later...

Damn it, why am I sitting here with tears in my eyes?? Oh, I know, that's a truly beautiful love story...
The30YardSlant;4271801 said:
"They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies."

I've never heard that quote before, but it's perfect for this situation... very well said...
Hostile;4271601 said:
Drae, glad you are doing better. We know you are going to hurt for a while. Just know many of us here care.


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